
Comments of chapter undefined of Eldritch Shop System (DROPPED)


could you make an eldritch shop in Naruto? I would love it if I could '' or someone in the comments could do that '' I would love to see the reaction of the third generation seeing a car


Well, miskin is actually an Arabic term.. its just that lot of countries and civilizations are influenced by their past invasions...


Chemistry Time: considering the components used in the regeneration potion being netherwart + water + ghast tear... water is non reactive almost all the time so we can basicly cross is out of the formula since it is probably just an medium for the chemical reaction to take place in case of 2 solids components... soo it dissolves the component and allow the reaction to not take years to occur... and considering the netherwart alone makes a potion with no effects we can have certainty that it haves none of such effects... and since every potion uses it and have diferent effects we can consider it as being used as basicly as something very reactive but no effects of its own probably as something like a catalyst maybe... in doing that we discover that the healing effect mainly comes from the ghast tear wich is a liquid like the water... and by the amount of ghast tear used in the potion of regeneration (1 drop), the water being there can have the oposite effect to the actual potion.... it will dilude the ghast tear.. making the potion effect actually weaker per volume.... soo if you want to make the potion of regeneration stronger... you can just remove the water from the potion and instead replace it with just a lot of ghast tears... enough to fill the bottle that should be full of water... that way you will have an way more concetrated potion... probably enough to make one drop of such potion heal someone near death to full health in seconds if my theory is correct.... and thats the end of my overcomplicated theory on how you could make that potion stronger(and other potions that may involve water and another liquid component)... please if possible tell me if it makes some sense or if im just way too sleepy due to lack of coffee.


Actually, the time flow in our beloved Overworld is the one that is faster if I remember correctly. Got this from a theorist from the YT channel of Game Theorists (Title: Minecraft is DOOMED). However, I guess there are not much problem even if you did it like this. (You should be glad that Minecraft Nazis didn't exist, or at least hasn't invaded Webnovel yet... Tell me if I'm wrong, by the way. Nothing is impossible, after all.)


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Thanks for the chapter