
Comments of chapter undefined of The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise

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congratulations author, and thank you soo much for this wonderful journey. This story would always be very special to all of us I believe. I respect the way you wanted to end the story and I do know there will always be a gap in both of their lives, can you write about that gap and how they are dealing with it as we all know it won't be easy neither for her and nor for him. And can we know more about the people in Shadowick. thank you again author, I hope I will always be able to read your amazing stories❤️❤️ P.S. I'm soo confused of my feeling right now

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It was really a great story indeed. At least, you have shown the true meaning of true love as it was never been selfish but most of all forgiving and accepting each other's fate. Hope to have another story from you, author! Kudos!

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Ok by favourite book and one of the best on webnovel finally ends.... its sad to know...I hope for some extra chapters after her return....😓😓😓think meehee maybe with the Wonder of your pen you can make the sad ending a happy one....

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even if this story is not like any other story where lovers live happily ever after this is a very realistic story which teaches us love doesnt always mean happily ever afterru will always be my fav character and author thank you for this story

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I have read a lot of novels and this is the BEST (not just bootlicking or anything, simply the truth). I say the BEST because its different, interesting, definitely not a cliche love story... every chapter was read at the edge of your seat, rollercoaster of emotions and it kept me hungry for more. I know its the end but it feels like there will be a continuation... I hope there is, i dont care how long, willing to wait for that option... but for now... THANK YOU so much dear XiaoMeeHee😘 absolutely love your works, till next time... will now start to read your Imperfect Desire...

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I don't know why but it's a bittersweet kind of feeling... It doesn't feels like a clousure but it's just too sad I really never expected that the end would be like this.... It was always worth waiting for your chapters be it a week or couple of months we just can't detach ourselves from Young Master Ru.... And my humblest requst from you and I would be really glad if you make that happen can you just post couple of chapters of Zhiren Yuan And Ru reuniting with their respective families at least a little bit of happiness for them can you please do that Author-nim 💜💜💜💜

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While I wanted a beautiful ending for Ru, I had a feeling it would end like this. Thank you for her story.

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I want a book 2 pls

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Happy endings don't always stay with us but the painful ones sure does because they are the reminder of our greif our suffering our loss which we cannot replace no matter what. So is this story, even though it is painful I still love this book with all my heart and its gonna stay there for the rest of my life. love Jo

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I'm glad that this story is what it is. Truly love is not able to mend the hurts given by life. I myself have never been in romantic love but I can say that this is one of the most realistic stories about relationships. Not everyone is meant to be. Because if you hurt each other in the name of love than the sanctity of the feelings are lost. That is why I am happy with this ending because both Ru and Zhiren would destroy themselves if they're together and ruining oneself is not worth it. Tbh though I did want to see more of Shadowwick and the side characters but that's a whole another story thsthst maybe we'll see another day. Thank you for this story XiaoMeiHee~♥~

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Thank u very much author. Ru had always been my favourite character among all the novels I had read and she will always be. This novel had given us a very different feeling. And I like the ending very much. It is much in align with Ru's character. We are going to miss this novel and Ru a lot. If it was up to me I will never want this novel to end. But just like ru had said we should not live in illusions and come back to reality. It is very sad to say goodbye but every good thing had to come to an end. Thank u author. With two novels you had given us two different kinds of ending. Now we only have our XuiRen who also have a very different kind of love story. Thank u again author for giving us Ru😊😊

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ohhkkk byye

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tqvm for the wonderful story @MeeHee it's the best ending for both of them now but it's doesn't seem like it ending for me ... I'm waiting for our Ru to pop up out of nowhere 😆😆😆 ... waiting with love 😘😘😘

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Wonderful book, though I will prefer an happy ending 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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Even though its not happy ending for us it is for Ru and Zhi.... Its the real ending... but im seriously gonna miss Ru Thank you for this beautiful story of Ru Xiaomeehee - IRIS

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I still want to know more about her papa and grandfather(s)

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I won't lie, I did wish it ended sweetly however there times when love isn't just enough. Thank you for this ending, it's a reminder for one to be true always to ones self.

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I just read the Author's note and honestly I'm happy you didn't make our Ru end with Ren I do like reading love stories with happy ending - reunions and all because they aren't real and I know those fairytales won't happen in my life. Love come with Pain...true And that pain can break people I'm someone who wouldn't allow that even love isn't allowed to hurt me or break me. So this ending is my favourite Ru has always been my favourite but now I'm sure I'll not forget Young Master Ru ever!!

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Dear Author, Thank you for another astonishing novel! Have been with you since MEY MEY and Ah Je, and following you to You Darren journey, one thing that remains constant is your phenomenal characters, love that binds the readers with you!!! Loveee youuu

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I still want to know more of Shadowwicks!