
Comments of chapter undefined of Star wars : Champion of the force


personally I would say keep it a star wars fan fic

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2 I think adding in starcraft will make the book even more interesting and plus there is real sentiment due to your friends char being added. I've done the same in DnD with adding friends characters who died to my stories as a way for me to remember them. I think it's fine.





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I both like the concept of a Star Wars + StarCraft crossover, And like the idea of you writing a story in such a crossover/combined universe with the goal of including your friend's original character(s) (and possibly also elements from her story). But, rather than answer whether you should continue *This* story as before the crossover or continue with the crossover I would instead respond with the question to you: is *this* story the best option for combining with your friend's story? And if so/you choose to do so, did you handle the transition to a crossover in the best way you can, or did you rush it to include your friend's content as soon as you could? Have you gone back and read over your story from the start until the most recent chapters, and if you have are you happy with how they have turned out/how they are paced? If you're happy with it, then continue, but if not then either consider changing when/how you introduce the crossover or possibly consider starting an entirely new story instead in which you can plan from the start for the two worlds to be combined. But under no circumstances should you let others dictate how or even If you should memorialize your friend. fyi, you can stop reading here, everything that follows is basically entirely my stream-of-consciousness process of reaching the point of writing the above paragraph which I just cut and pasted to the top as it is a more concise answer to the question without all the other questions and commentary included below. leaving the below in case anything in it brings up possible points of interest. Regardless of whichever option for this story is chosen, have you considered ever uploading the original fic from your friend too? I understand not wanting to post your friend's work/claim credit for her work, but have you considered posthumously publishing it in 'her name' (a nickname, screen name, or other alias) in its complete/original form? Including in the synopsis/summary that the story is posthumously uploaded as a memorial, and maybe writing a foreward/intro chapter about your friend. then you could either upload just her fic, or you could also write a conclusion if she didn't finish it. I am not that familiar with the SC games, (terrible at strategy and/or base/civilization building games in general) but I am interested in the lore/story of them so I have tried to play (the first game at least) a few times and would enjoy reading a fanfic just to get a better sense for/understanding of the world. As far as borrowing from your friend's work to form the basis of a star craft/wars crossover story goes, have you considered a third option of starting another fic where you start off from the very beginning of the story with the intention of doing so? I can't help but wonder if part of some of the flame might come from how much of a turn adding the new SC elements is from the original path this was going to take. I know that I particularly liked the concept set up in the first couple of chapters and was looking forward to reading that idea proposed there (and looking back over the chapters some it seems somewhat like that original concept was already becoming slightly tenuous even before the new SC crossover content, but there were still some hints at new characters/the avatars being introduced in the aftermath that would have possibly brought it back to that original idea). That is not to say or imply that I do not like the new chapters, and it is especially not saying anything against memorializing your friend through including their work in a story you write. In fact I highly respect that you are doing so. I only mean to ask if This story is the best story you can combine it with (this did have somewhat a feel of a harem wish fulfillment story for its initial plan, and I am not sure how well that style story matches with your friend's story/theme), or would starting over completely anew with a new Star Wars story better allow you to write a story that can in

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I honestly think you should just keep going and try to make the best of what you intended with the crossover, though at the moment it's feeling kinda muddled with all the new elements being added so suddenly


Keep it a Starwars Fanfic and not a crossover [img=recommend]

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you can do what you want it is YOUR story and your also honoring a friend that is also sharing her memories to all in the form of her charcters.. so do as you want and ignore all the nonconstructive critisms

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As a pure SW fanfic it was very good. As a crossover it has been adequate so far, and its noticeable you are having trouble writing it. However I think once you get into the new story and get in the groove, it will be fine. Personally I think you should do what you want because YOU are the author, and haters gonna hate anyway.

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Ok so i prefered it to be just a starwars fic but ill still read it if it stays being a cross over. Now my suggestions takem or leavem are that you post 2 versions of the story 1 being were its the cross over and then 2 were its just a starwars fic. now you also could post your friends story but in the beginning of like the first chapter or every chapter give her the credit and say it was hers. (** i dident think the cross over story was that bad i liked it)



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I have no real issues with adding in the StarCraft plot. What I do have issue with is the fact that we've gone from "Hey I'm reincarnated into this BAMF Je'daii who doesn't actually really have any personality or depth to my character..." now we have "Mushi-Mushi, it's the Zerg-desu." Personally, I think you should first work on fleshing out the Starwars story, and then slowly, over time add in the StarCraft stuff. I'd also love to actually see some actual character development other than this wishy washy characters that we've gotten so far...

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it'll be interesting to see where you go with this. I say continue with the current situation you have going and if at a later date you don't like it or can't continue the story you could back track to this point and move on with your original SW only fanfic.


Dude this is your fanfic why the "F" do you care what other people wants? This is your fanfic. Show me what you got.

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Don't become swayed by the comments too much. It is your story and if we were the author's it would never be your story. Just write your story and let us read it.

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its your fanfic, you decide and ignore the haters, you have the idea in your mind continue with it .


Do what you want


just continue in what you believe is best for the story


you can do a crossover just do lean more on starwars maybe do an arc for sc2


Aye fam all I'm saying is that protoss and zerg in star wars is probably one of the coolest things I've ever heard


although it is interesting to add StarCraft in the mix I prefer Star Wars only. here is an idea why not split the book one that have StarCraft and one only with Star Wars