
Comments of chapter undefined of Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife


Okay. Now i'm starting to get annoyed with her behavior. There's a limit being stubborn. She's not some 5 year old kid to be stubborn about everything. She's old enough to think instead of assuming this, assuming that. And why is it YF had to deal with her stubbornness? She can say whatever she wants.but doesn't even bother about YF. Ugh...I hate her. That's just some stupid pride and ego. Tch...


i totally agree with you

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Look, it’s very understandable. Trauma, childhood trauma especially, is a thing, and can be very serious. It’s very realistic and natural for her to be this way, and it’ll be unnatural if she isn’t! Realistically, the controlling of her parents would severely scar her, and this could have went a lot worse. Like she still managed to try to make up with him, so that’s already good, considering her trauma. Stubbornness is something they both have and it’s hypocritical to think that she needs to be less stubborn when he is the same. That is something both of them need to work on. Finally, about her “ego”. Think about it. She’s been humiliated before, by her fiancé. And also she was able to beg that fiancé, and not care about any ego. So I think that won’t necessarily work either and like she also may be scarred by giving up her ego in a relationship, etc. Plus, I’m pretty sure Yang Feng has the same ego issue so, I’m satisfied this way. I’m tired of novels that have MLs that can be stubborn, dominating and egoistic with no FL to control them. The FLs are instead submissive and that just isn’t good. I like this much better and I’m sure both of them can go through growth, and grow to have a healthier relationship. :D


I'm getting bored of her behavior.

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Both of them are strong willed so it's pretty understandable that no one would back down. It's nice that they are "slowly" opening up and verbalizing their feelings and intentions. But we can't expect it to happen overnight. I feel this chapter demonstrated realistic complex feelings of both Feifei and Fengfeng. But I hope the next episode will be a "kiss and make up" one! 😁


im getting tired of this push and pull. the problem in this story is not a third party intervening but the couple itself 🤦🏻‍♀️ and it’s happening for 100 chapters now.

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I like this chapter very much. She is expressing herself. Why she is holding back and indeed her sturbnoess will help ger to move on. She have face the pain. She already went through a hell and it is common for her to vary in this relationship. ML is very dominating and FL just showed that. She is striving for her independence. Author I liked your explanation very well...

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We cannot really blame our Feifei.. She was hurt too much and is just recovering. It would be good for YF to be easy on her and let her get accustomed to him then slowly introduce his possessiveness until she gets accustomed to it. He can't expect her to accept him right away will all the physical and mental abuse she has gone through.. Hoping that he would come to his senses soon.. We are really enjoying the novel dear Author.. It's fine. We thank you for posting daily updates. It's something we look forward to daily...

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I like how they both stay true to their characters and how this story shows the struggles of being in a relationship. It's not always lovey-dovey but includes arguments but it doesn't mean there is no love


This is lifei "trying" Poor yang feng...at least we can see his efforts

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If she wouldn't have been stubborn then her granpa nad yang feng himself would not have loved her...it's because she's stubborn we have been witnessing childhood crush of yangfeng 😊😊 but still you should have caught up to him when he was angered to the extent he left the room😔😔😔 you lass lifie😒😒


Can they not fight with each other anymore? I'm so exhausted seeing them fighting. Please?


Feifei between your stubbornness and your pain you should also consider others feelings especially Feng's.


Who are you contacting Lifei???? Author, please don't let us hang in a cliffhanger!!!!


I’m wasting my SS.. sighhhhhhh


I don't think this relationship will work with their stubbornness


Liefi is too stubborn,


I really wished she apologized when YF already apologized to her :(


It's understandable that both of them is selfish of their own opinions based on their background. But please if the characters continue like this I think a lot of readers will be bored. Both of them is just too stubborn for each other. No one wants to lose to another. And ZL damn girl I know she just wants to create an understanding relationship to YF but she really can't choose and persuade YF with better words when she supposed to be a good business woman😶


I understand that it is part of her character but we didn't have much evidence why she reacted that way thus we kind of get angry(?) and didn't support her stubborness. I hope this don't need to drag down until 200+ chapters


Dear author, this novel already deserves a crown just for this chapter alone, if only i wasnt a broke ass college student, I'd gift you several :'( . Don't listen to others. A lot of people here appreciate the story itself, along with the style and pace of your writing. Give life to the ZLF and YF in your heart and I'll just be here, (im)patiently waiting for updates.