
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Magus


The guy literally received the book title supreme magus and we’re still in a “ feelings arch” coulda sworn we were moving towards the end. Seems like another 2,000 chapters before we get lith back growing again


Ohh I appreciate that, but I think after 2300 chapters as you’ve said I realize this a telenovela with all the crying and moping included. Supreme magus of failure…. He’ll win in his next reincarnation

Jyochi:If you havent picked up on the fact that this isnt a mindless power journey yet 2300 chapters in, then you might want to leave before you get too upset.

To those sanctimoniously dismissing Lith’s emotions and the impct of Phloria’s death, I’ll spell some things out for you to remind you SM isnt a generic power journey: -Phloria was the first person on Mogar, 12 years after he died as Derek, to accept who he was and accept his “monster”. -Lith did everything he thought he could, pulled out all the stops to save her, and it failed. You ever give something your 110% only for it to fail? -Lith’s character journey has literally been about becoming able to open up to people and trust them. Now one of those people is gone. -Thruds intent was literally for Phloria’s death at Lith’s hand to cripple morale and Lith’s spirit. I’d say it’s working as intended. So for those of you complaining that the following 20-30 chapters will be so BORING dealing with this fallout, yea go read a different story because you’ve completely missed the whole point of SM; its not a power journey but a character arc.


They knew her for 8 years we knew her for what? Almost 2 or 3 years since she was introduced? Rip.


To those misguided souls that are disappointed that Lith is in despair again, he just lost a loved one. It’sonly normal and heathy to grieve. The sign that he’s sad IS a sign of growth because it means that he is no longer the unfeeling psychopath from before. So stop the bellyaching and get over it. Lith will be back being the bad*ss you guys want to see soon


ugh, not looking forward to reading another 40 chapters dealing with lith's self loathing before something happens. his character development seems to have stopped 1,000 chapters ago and never resumed. i give it a 60/40 chance that even when the story picks up again we'll get another bait and switch and this arch will continue to overstay its welcome...



Wow, that got me seriously chocked up. I'll admit that slow story progression and chapter padding seems to be a thing with SM, but my god! That was some bloody good writing there! I could almost feel their emotions as my own. That's why I keep reading I'm emotional invested in these characters


The next 30 chapters or so will feel unbelievably slow Lith got kicked back down almost to square one after raising to his highest point I can't wait to see what will happen next but I believe lith will learn to forgive himself and let go of hatred at the end of this hate feels good it dulls the pain but it cannot become your drive otherwise you will lose your way and become the monster that you swore to kill


Yeah, you definitely have time for all this grieving. Its a war, you know? I cant understand why Thurd didn't kill him. Its beyond idiocy. Why she is waiting for them to complete this funeral? For some stupid reason like "I want them feel my pain!1!!11!!"? Really? She is mad or just an idiot? And Lith. Another stagnating arc. How long ago did we looked at this? Kamilla, pls fix it. Yes, I know that your "acts of sympathy" shouldn't work and they are look like panacea, but if I can skip 20 chapter of literally nothing, so be it.


The song for the funeral:


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I must say that I e shed tears while reading Jinri spoke, I have a baby girl and can imagine the pain of losing her, a glimpse of how Jinri could be feeling


Sad times


The unspoken words:


Where is Kamilla in all this?


I just dont understand phloria, is dying better than sharing your love one with one more person? is her loosing her will to live more important than compromising and be a part of Liths life? well may be that how human emotions are for some. But atleast she lost her will to live after Lith got married. She could have stayed for few more chapters told Lith all about Thrud that she knows, so Lith can defeat her. But alas no, the writer conviniently writes her off after knowing many things about Thrud/GG... Nice way to drag the story.. I mean after in order of importance Solus, Kami, ^phloria could fit here ^, His immediate Family, ^phloria could fit here^ and extended family, If he cannot finish and focus on his tribulation to atleast have a peak into his next powerup, Looks like legion is either going to drag this story too long or Goingto take some one else from Lith for his tribilation to happen. List like in protectors death when balkor attack, now Lith is conviniently off the war and his grief story can start


Her death is now just hitting me and now I'm in tears RIP Phloria, know that I was rooting for you all till the end


i might let the chapters build up for a while because this is getting tired


mate, I almost cried at work when I found out there wasn't any saving her.