
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Magus




Feeling so bad for the parents...At least this will save all the kids, especially Tista & Trion. Hope that crazy never comes back. Who the hell sends his friends to beat up their own little brother especially when the parents have taught & disciplined him properly & he's not starving anymore due to the same little brother. No matter how jealous u r, that's not sth the eldest sibling can do to their little siblings....Orpal is giving all of us oldest siblings a bad name ~insert angry face~


As someone who's had to deal with sociopathic bullies just like Orpal in real life I'm humbled by the Authors ability to represent one so accurately in his writing. From their "It's never my fault" mentality, to the victim blaming, to the sheer lack of empathy toward his own flesh and blood even when directly confronted with his heinous actions. These people will never get better because their brains are fundamentally broken at the core of their beings. Like it or hate it, this Novel is encapsulating perfectly what it's trying to convey and I cannot recommend it enough.

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He deserves it


welp it ended kinda bad, one of the worse situations (for a family). But at least not the worst. Hopefully this make that little **** Orpal get his head straight. If not well... he is better dead, otherwise i see him causing harm to other people. And at the very least let this be a lesson/eye opener for Trion (if he wasn't involved)


Lith is just evil in this chapter. He takes no responsibility and his first thoughts were about killing his own brother and in the end he forced his family to disown his own brother and cut him from the family. His actions are worse then a comic book villian's.


I feel bad for the two brothers, yes they act like assholes, but they are kids and kids tend to be asshole who don’t have a full grasp on reality and that they are not the center of the world. Meanwhile our MC is acting like a kid in a kids who has powers and not like an ***** in a kids body who has powers. This could all be prevented if MC just treated the brothers mainly Opal with kindness and and been the better person. Though I do have to acknowledge that the MC is supposed to be like this as a key component of his personality, but it seems unfair to treat Opal and his brother (Mainly Opal) who the MC is pulling apart from their parents as evil and not deserving of empathy and compassion.


God... I could go on forever about this ****. THERE IS JUST SO MUCH WRONG WITH HIS ACTIONS. But to sum it up. Lith is a manipulative little ***** and psychopath with no morals and undeserving power. In the real world, people like him get put in prison and hopefully never let out.


I hate to say.... what the MC is doing here is pretty amoral and weak. He is supposed to, at least mentally be a man, but instead of handling this by himself and confronting his brother, he instead burdens his whole family with this ****.


while reading comments of people bashing down on lith for being amoral in my mind if you go back and reread youll now mc got reincarnated multiple time each worst in their own way breaking him down and that the only reason he hasn't killed the and orpal of because of the love and kindness that elina and rena show him alon with his father and sister while orpal had never givin lith a chance even cursing him to death wishing he was never born even going to the length of calling him leech at the age of only a few months the mc is still a person and im sure if you were in the same position you would still despise orpal but the fact that lith works hard with what hes good at makes orpal jeleaous and angry when instead he should be proud that his little brother could do these thing without help he should be happy that to siths magic he doesn't have to work as hard but he isn't in my mind making orpal the most disqusting character that I seen in a while personality wise this is the third character In any media making me feel actual hatred toward that character orpal deserves this at some degree


Allot of split opinions this chapter. mine is that while the Mc wasnt perfect in this chapter, he isnt in the wrong here either. you have to remember that while he technically is an *****, he is also kinda broken mentally from all the abuse/loss of his first life. Also the Mc has been mistreated by Orpal since he was born so he has no obligation to fix their relationship. finally even when life got better at their house due to the Mc, Orpal never changed his opinions and only blamed the Mc and his little sister more and more showing more signs that hes a sociopath who only cares about himself. If the Mc didnt deal with him now Orpal would have only escalated the situation till the Mc had to kill him. Remember the Mc isnt a selfless good guy. even if he has the mentality of an ***** you need to remember the environment that his ***** mind was formed in. Also at the end of the day before this situation the only bad thing he really did to Orpal was shove a spoon down his throat accidentally when he was a baby.


Eh just send him to the military.


Wow... These parents, while they seem nice, are so terrible at parenting that they've had to disown one of their sons. Holy ****.


tbh im feeling bad for orpal just getting betrayed by those bad parents just giving up on him


Heh what'd you expect.. the mc was a broken person from the start.. so I'm guessing we'll see a lot of hypocritsm and flawed logic in the future


Come on!!! remember his age is around 10 years old and he isn't ***** in a kid body like leech. That mean he can be reform, beside truth be told this always happen in household family. Hope the novel start getting better but I am stating to loose hope.


Though the mc is smart & clinical his anger & ego cancel those out making him petty & unfocused, I'm betting he won't create a spell 2 void/detect danger cause he'll b 2 focused on retribution anyway r they talking out loud or is it edited wrongly??


Eliana is the textbook mom. Her lines, temperament, everything,

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Thank you for the name change, it was a little confusing at times :)


why are people blaming the parents. what else could they have done. I'm pretty sure they been good parents just look at there other kids. just because it's your kid doesn't mean you ignore there wrong doings. people can change but not everyone can change. yes the mc is not righteous but he even said he doesn't hate or love orpal. as for orpal he hates the mc with a passion. to the point where he had his friends beat his own brother. he's even shown the same hatred towards his sick sister. the mc has only did one bad thing towards orpal. and that was when he was a baby. and orpal was stealing his baby brothers food. how can people side with orpal. yes I feel bad for him but it was his own fault. or some might say it was his own down bringing. he Doug is on grave. I think people forget this story isn't modern day. You can't just send your child to a camp. can't just give them psychological help. You could be the best parents in the world. and your child can turn out horrible. and it's not your fault it's just the child's. they're literally their own person with their own mindsets. look at ted bundy for example

