
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise of Xueyue


1st prince is so lovely ❤️


Well your point of view is not wrong. But, we cannot ignore the fact that he knew that his parents aren't the best parents ever. They both as sons were expected to be strong and deserving. While Yu Zhen was treated as a royal dog by his family he got all the pampering and consoling from his mom. We often tend to underestimate human emotions. Yu Zhen was constantly remainded of this fact that no matter what happens to him or no matter how badly he gets hurt his mother will never console him. His brother being older than him should've been more understanding of him. Like he could have been that person who is there for his hurt younger brother, to take care for him. To make him feel wanted by at least one family member and not his servants. And he being chill about how he is not selected as a crown prince, I don't think he has done something great by accepting that fact. He knew that he is weak and not as good as his brother. He just acknowledged that fact. While some people can't handle it. If I were to praise him it would be on this thing. Other than that is isn't good or bad person for me.

OpheliaX:The 1st prince is very Pampered and loved when he was young and Yu Zhen wasn't. By the time when he wasn't chosen as the crown prince, i just like him accepting his fate. Unlike any other stories, brothers fight for the thrones until they die, others were plotting something. Meanwhile, the 1st prince is just Chilling on his manor/palace, he is free, and he even convinced/lectured his own mother. He is lovely because he knows how to accept defeat/failure bcos he knew YZ deserves it

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Their interaction compared with how Yu Zhen and the empress interact is like night and day. Shisheng is the son that inherited all the ‘good qualities’ while Yu Zhen recieved all the ‘bad ones’. She also keeps saying how much shisheng looks like her and how yu zhen looks like the emperor. i wonder if her first son had the emperors face, would she still treat him the same? Or if he became more evil in nature, would her feelings change? The differential treatment is so apparent and the way she couldn’t flat out answer his simple question, the empress knew it as well. Yes, she did what a mother deemed ‘enough’, but all of her actions were superficial, if she would’ve nutured their relationship more, Yu Zhen wouldn’t have become how he is. Thinking about their argument from the previous chapters is getting me angry again lol

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Thanks for the updates author❤ Smart LXY to approach YS. Just remember even if the empress doesnt support u it doesnt matter. Ur kids dont need a grandmother like her. i would never trust her. YS so u know ur brother was treated badly. we dont need u to apologize since it wont make a difference now but defend him this time. I cried when i read the conversation of YS and the empress. Empress YS doesnt mind not being the crown prince unlike u... U gave YZ the basic needs every parent has to give but not affection or care or love that u should have. I pity YZ so much. He had no one to run to. He is not like his grandfather or father n he didnt ask to be like them either. U only say that because he can just kill without being bothered. Do u really think he is like that? He is diff cause he loves his wife n stands up for her unlike ur husband who didnt stand up for u. He got the worst treatment but yet u said u didnt have time for him because u were busy with ur first child? You shattered the poor young boy's heart that day n that is why he never came back to u. YS perha** u were too young but even u are filled with guilt. U knew he was lonely but didnt say anything or accompany him... how sad and cruel childhood YZ had. U could have been closer to ur brother... but forget it..i wont comment on ur relationship with YZ cause i dont know the details of it.. but i liked ur questions to the empress... At least this time u didnt back down n can see through. Empress u r trying to choose the wrong side again.. Even u cant say u loved YZ as much as ur other children. U had time for meals with ur other kids but never bothered to call him to join u. If u had given him enough care n love n attention like u did to the first prince, he would have been different too..BUT NO.. u blamed him for how he is now when it is also ur fault. He is not as cruel as u think. He has a heart too. forget it u will never underatand i feel. I hope u die with guilt just like the emperor who.is dying now. YS is asking u to promise not to get angry because what he is about to say may be the truth n u will get hurt n u will be unable to accept it n get angry. I dont und... u can love all ur other children and even other people's child but not YZ, ur own which u left behind to suffer.

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oh yz my poor boy. Just why empress? did she really treat yz like that just because he resembles the emperor and his grandfather the most? how unfair it is to project ur hatred and anger to a child who is innocent. honestly i dont freakin care if the empress is out of the picture. their kids will have the best grandparents in wuyi. but considering just how far they are, i guess it is wise for xy to somehow correct he relationship of both yz and his mother for the sake of their future children. i just hope tht this time, the empress will open her eyes so damn big and acknowledge her mistakes


I can understand why Xueyue desires for their children to have the love of a grandparent, but given the circumstances ZhenZhen was raised in I believe its just wishful thinking and a waste of time. Yeah there can be changes that can bring out the better in a person if theyre willing to surrender to it, but the Empress is someone toxic and that bitterness is somthing that has taken root inside her heart. I dont believe she has a soft spot for Yu Zhen; only regret. Throughout the last few chapters you can see the contradictions she says in regards to her feelings about Yu Zhen but at the end of them all it comes to the same conclusion, there is no love. If there was she wouldve sided with Li Xueyue not Lady Ge. And she would’ve defended her son given the many opportunities to do so!!! Regarding her relationship with Shisheng blah blah blah I really don’t care. At the end of the day its unfair treatment...#cancelfavoritism 💯💯🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️✌🏾✌🏾


empress is just so mean. she herself changed so much on becoming an empress..she always finds someone to blame onto for her misdeeds


I'm sorry and please excuse by language..... the empress is a bitch.....


Its your fault hes the way he is with you!! You didn’t show him any kind of love or kindness! Like a stray dog given scraps to survive. Horrible woman


oh my goodness! I hope the parents understand their mistakes 😤


nice to see sheng finally confront the Favoratism head on. Favoratism this extreme hurts both children; no matter who gets the fuzzy end of the 🍭.


Getting this glimpse of the empress’s unfair treatment towards YZ is making me 😥😥😥!


with the way the prince converse with his mother - no wonder he wasn't chosen as crown prince i think something happened before that made the queen treat her sons differently


unfair for Yu Zhen. i feel no sympathy for the empress, a crazy woman and a super useless mother. At least, the brother is honest...


Hmm, I think 1st priNce Can’t handle his momma When she spoilT him to much.


I am interested on their relationship. I would be open to more of their relationship and first prince in general.




I thought he would be mother's boy, but I am happy that he is able to stand up to her and say what he wants without fear. I do not think that he has any fault in the way empress treated zhen zhen. Like all of us in this world, he loves his mother and tries to survive😊😊😊😊


hmm I smell something...I think the end is near 😔😭💜💜💜❣️❣️❣️


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


Dear author, mass release, please... 🥺🥺🥺