
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise of Xueyue


He's sickly pale yet still have enough strength for gossip. I hate people talking too much without direction. Why not just speak it out than going around the bush? Minghua was the woman on his side. Hopefully, she won't have a grudge towards Xueyue thinking she replaced her.

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Wenmin-ge love both his sisters. No one is a replacement, each one is to to their own.

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I think the servant with veil close to the prince is Mengya.. idk why but my guts tell me this.. she’s not dead.. But why is she in the palace too? Where her blissful life had turn in misery ? Maybe she’s disfigured? & jealous of Xueyue? Because Xueyue is close to her mom, father & brothers? & Had get the love of WJK &YZ too? Maybe it’s for this reason YZ wanted Xueyue to go with him where he lives... So many questions, what is true, what is false? Idk why but I smell a very bad plot in the air -.-“


If minghua (I dunno the spelling) is alive, then I hope the author will not add more to her and xueyue 's misery by making them each others' enemies. I wish they could be then seen as best of sisters, who have each others back always and forever, and heal each others' scars.


Damn!! Second prince is empress's son. That means both are vile scheming creatures. In the diary,it was clearly written that minghua have a lot of misunderstanding with her family.The way he was acting like a white lotus,why would he do that? Maybe because he wanted to show minghua in disguise of servant that her family had already abandoned her by replacing her with Xyeyue. And that annoying dumb woman will think that her family is her biggest enemy. Something big is brewing up and it's nothing good. They will make minghua as a bait and Xyeyue as a scapegoat in their nuisance power play drama. Please give that minghua some wisdom and Xyeyue some encouragement for self love,both are stupids in their own ways. Lol

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Maybe I am being pessimistic but I hope that Li Minghua has not misunderstand and hate Xueyue for “replacing” her in the Li family. I don’t think there really is a rumor about this so-called “replacement”. Most likely, the second prince is just bluffing to know more about the real situation. Maybe Li Minghua is feeling sad that she has been replaced already.

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Did li minghua really believe with the rumours going around about her family more than she believe with her family?

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What the heck rumor going around in the Wuyi🤔😱 Someone spread rumor li family make xueyue replce li minghua. Seem like someone want destroy li family’s reputation and their existence. Probably the last wish li taojun is li family gone.

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LM or the servant wanted to know if her mum has forgotten her and replaced her.... does she not know her own mother she wud never do that. LM prob jealous of Xy but if they talked I think they wud get along really well


Did this second prince also loved her (LM)???? I'm not sure if that servant is LM but I am pretty sure that she is alive. Ps: It is just my opinion.


Wonder if LM will become a villain? She may push herself to hate everyone & blame everyone for her mistakes.


This is proof, why chenyang always say wennim is dumb 🤦🏻🤷🏻


Hmm, if my suspicions are right, it seems like Minghua has been hiding in the palace and is beside the second prince. Duke Li Taojun's inner thoughts and attempts to drop cues also suggest that the veiled servant is Minghua. I suspect that the questions the second prince is asking are questions that Minghua has. If she was already thinking that Li family was trying to use her before her disappearance, she might think they are trying to replace her now. Besides, who will know the empress's plan to harm Minghua better than her son who seems to be innocent and will have easy access to information due to his weak body/innocence.


I don't think this prince is so naive as to think everyone as a good guy, like how is was mentioned in the chapter. He might be the most dangerous one


I really, really adore how these twin brothers love their lil adopted sister.


Ohhh wait wait wait.... what if the 2nd prince is trying to do something like this. Maybe he loves LM and to have her he’s making her think no one cares about her even her family and he’s the only one staying with her. He’s helping and caring for her. She’ll think that he’s the only one who’s sincere and loves her. 😱😱😱😱😱😱 I think I’m overthinking....


Whatever happened to LM I just hope she’s more matured now and understands what happened and why she ended up like that. And that her family loves her.

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As I thought de 2nd Prince has feelings for LM now inwat sense is a big ?? May be LMwasalso close him de way he was talking abt her, Is tat y WJ let go of his love ??? 2nd Prince qns for the person to hear tat thr family has not replaced her...

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Always read this on time hahaha


I like the sibiling love