
Comments of chapter undefined of The Rise of Xueyue


This breaks my heart for Yu Zhen. What's wrong with her? She's suggestive in their intimacy and then piak! She's throwing him to leave. She's selfish! I know she has things to finish in Wuyi but she should talk things out. Explain her side to him and he will understand. Letting him go would be her biggest mistake. After your revenge and rising to the top, is it worth it? What's all the point with your success if your heart is empty? Longing for the man who truly devoted to you but you chased him off your life. My heart goes to Yu Zhen this time. He's hurt...so damn hurt! He will go and never look back. Don't blame him if he doesn't want to recognize you in the future.

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I seriously don't get her She was taking steps towards him And now she just told him to leave because their future isn't possible This is😑I really wanna say Yu Zhen should be patient But honestly even I wouldn't have been able to keep my calm in such situations!! Xueyue maybe.... maybe your decision is correct But your way is wrong You broke his heart!!

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I really don't understand what strength about Xyeyue you all are talking about. All I saw was a weak woman playing and then shattering the heart of a man who is deeply love with her. Just because he is a man, everyone just ignored this fact that what she did to him would make her a scum if their genders swapped? Do you know how devastating it would be for ml? He might lose his hope from any kind of relationships and may turn into other wen jinkai...well not exactly... maybe lose his hopes from mc and get himself into a loveless marriage by his father? Ruining another woman's life because a woman was too indecisive in their relationship? Then whatever wrong will happen to that woman,yu zhen and mc will be because of mc!! I get it! They are going very fast blah blah blah she needs to be independent....that is all nuisance!! Who says she can't rise after getting into relationship with yu zhen? Her plan won't give her any merit, it's disastrous, thanks to her biological parents, her identity is already a big disaster! Not only for her, but alsofor the family that she claims to love, her future is uncertain, and her stunt will make a huge chaos.. she knows that, and others will remember it too ,they will take advantage of that. Even though revenge is necessary,it will never gives anyone good results. I believe in taking off the problems from its roots, her way of slowly torturing them before destroying them is too foolish and very risky...and that will take away all her possible happiness...very reckless move!! I don't believe in spoiling my precious things for cheap revenge. Forgot about the time, they are very in deep love, one cannot just initiate like their lives are dependent on it , give them false hopes, and then step backwards for their own convenience. If you are really in love then be brave to tell what is in your heart and brave enough to listen their other half's problems too! Tell him that you were molested, beaten, tortured, make him realise your pain... that problem isn't in their relationship, but it is in her past..make him realise that its not that you don't value him enough to discard all those painful memories, but that she is too broken, if you don't include him in your life by sharing your pain, why would he understand and trust you? She will regret this for long time.. And its not like yu zhen is blameless, he have a big ego and he can't control his aggressiveness and imposing, very similar to that fake ml wen commander...he needs to fix his attitude when he is gone.. both of them are ruining everything because no one wants to sit and talk like mature people....wtf they were doing all day? Playing push and pull?? Lol this was disappointing

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haiisst... this is the first time Yueyue's character pissed me off. If you don't intend to be in a relationship don't give false hope. You are just as cruel as Jinkai here.

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If I was Yu Zhen I would feel so hurt by Xueyue's words. Yu Zhen has been nothing but clear with his intentions towards Xueyue. It's not fair that Xueyue treated his feelings so lightly when she has been reciprocating and leading him on. I personally don't buy the "we need to separate so that we both can grow" argument. The heart is a fragile thing. If that was what Xueyue believed, she should have been more firm and kept things platonic between them—remain good friends. But since both of them couldn't resist each other, they should've instead been honest with each other and work together to help each other achieve their dreams and goals. Perhaps they have indeed moved too fast and have not built enough trust, that when logic caught up, one of them had cold feet and regretted their actions. 😒 I just wished that Xueyue could take the risk and put her trust in Yu Zhen. They don't have to separate for her to get her revenge in my opinion. In fact, being honest with each other is itself a test of how strong their love is: if Yu Zhen can accept her—her past, her background and her quest for revenge, then it shows he is serious about their future together.

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It did hurt alot ,but it was necessary she really needs tym to eradicate her past so she can paint her new life with love n passion.I feel she should apprise YZ abt her plan instead of pushing him away. Act on what you love,not for what u fear,& watch how fear fades as love grows Yu Zhen will understand he reacted a bit I say bit impulsively but he vl get to depth of dis matter even though LX did not verbalize it.


They can kiss and make out for 3-4 chapters but can't have a normal conversation?? Also for someone who wants revenge especially after what happened Xueyue seems weak to me.. 🤷‍♀️ Thank you for the update❤ I hope to see her stronger and not some crybaby..


Okay. So I'm taking back my comment on the previous chapter... My ship ain't sailing smoothly as expected 😭😭 I should've known it. Romantic chapters are honey traps 😭


That was terrifying but understand able at the same time. One shouldn't marry someone whom the had only met a few weeks ago, no matter how infatuated they were with each other. Yu Zens reaction was also proof that he wasn't ready to be marryed to her yet, he doesn't know her Well enough as does she not know him well enough.


not saying i wanted this to happen, i def hate it too, but you have to understand that from her pov and having experienced so much stuff that can cause her insecurities to be so serious is not easy for her as well. she has gone through a lot and evidently is in a lot of dilemma so we have to accept xueyue, and her flaws, and hope she can figure out a better direction soon. it’s really not her fault that she had to suffer so much now and be so afraid, like truly, reading this i feel a lot of sympathy for both characters. i still really like xueyue, and i know she’ll be able to overcome this and emerge stronger than before❤️


I dont blame the guy for his blatant reaction towards her...xueyue is also in the wrong here...they had so much time together but she never and i mean not even once thought of telling yuzhen about her real identity and the reason why she cant come with him to hanjian...chenyang and duchess wang qixing had been telling her that revenge is not always sweet and it need a big sacrifice, didnt she even thought that the sacrifice would be yuzhen?...i thought she's witty?...im so diaappointer😔


I mean I can understand why Xueyue is saying it is not the right time but rather than being too scared to look at him, properly explaining why she can't accept him now would have been better. She wants to be equal with him, which is great but can also be a mistake if there is no clear communication and acceptance from the other party because by the time she considers herself as on equal stance with him, he might have already moved on if he found someone who makes him her love and ambition like she said. My hope is that things work out for both of them and YZ is able to wait for her.


I really don't understand Xueyue. Staying put in Wuyi may brings her danger. I think is better she married YZ and rise to be a phoenix with him.


It hurts when the reason for someone's indifference left hanging in abyss.... How come Xueyue played well and forget her plan to revenge and in the verge of happiness she kick the break as if her sensitivity is just an icing that is silently put aside... waiting for her when she remember it and take a lick?


What should I do with them.. My heart broken with them 😭😭😭


I’m happy she chose herself over him but I think she could’ve conveyed her feelings for a bit better instead of leading him to believe that she was just toying with him. But on the flip side she did so because she’s insecure in allot of ways, she doesn’t know who she is yet and she hasn’t learned to love herself yet.




It breaks my heart coz they did not communicate well


I'm on the fence about what just went down. I feel like there was a better way. I mean they could met in the middle and had a long as engagement like that other girl 🤔 this makes my heart 💔


It’s tough choice for her. She want having same status to him so she can stand equally. That will a time somebody will come to try destroy their relationship, if she is a weak person their relationship will destroy easily. Right now she can’t because her past still tied her. Right now she don’t have strength and skill to stand up for their relationship if something happen in the future. I hope Yu Zhen can understand about the meaning behind xueyue words. This thing not only for xueyue but for himself. He need to strengthen his power to be able make sure he can give xueyue the best protection.


Damn this chapter make me feel sad and pround (for Xueyue) at the same time 😐😐😢😩😫😭😭 Thanks for the updates, Xin-san 😊😊