
Comments of chapter undefined of Monster Integration


Why he did all that healing smh n he supposed to keep a low profile and even got beat by some ppl ong I hate this part of his character


First, speed up his progress. Second, make him create real relationships. Third, bring back his rules/laws. Fourth, make him lead battles. Fifth, he used to have epiphanies, he needs them to progress fast in runes. Sixth, GET AN EDITOR.


Can we get updates on how much Michael integrated the Dance of Ukansanavor into his fighting style over time? So far, we only know that he can use it to the strength of below the Primary stage. Also, Michael needs a new art. It doesn't have to be a Grand art or even greater method. It could be a regular art. The mountain cleaving art was supposed to last until the end of primary 3. It would be great if Michael could utilize his internal energy as he gets stronger. Also, I would like to see Michael use the rule of mortality more. And my greatest criticism is about the resources that Michael gets through out his adventures. I have no problem with the resources he gets, but I feel like you can explain more on what they do, how Michael is going to use it, and how this material effects the project or method as a whole. For example, back when he advanced into the tyrant level, we could wrap our heads around the resources and how it affected his breakthrough (nine-colored matter to create the world, spatial resource to create space for that world, time seed for time dilation in core). It made these resources matter more than just being somewhat random. Lastly, I hope Michael can make at least one solid and reliable friend in this world that he can eat with.


Regular updates would be nice too