
Comments of chapter undefined of Monster Integration


Haha this autor has something with the lesbians XD, I don't mind but it feels out nowhere that his mother is like ellen, I was hope for a better story, the part of the reinforcement and the engagement, but this feel kind of anticlimactic, her family only make a engagement And because another family try to kill her she cut the ties with her family


So while others inherit a bloodline, he inherits a curse. This is just peachy.


Daaaaaaaaaaang so its no wonder he didnt inherit and ability from her and he’s had trash like natural talents. Honestly explains a lot very well done👍🏿


The curse is the big plot hole, author had already mentioned that due to all the part of monster and mana engine, his body was morphed to the micro level so, how can he have the curse if his gene are already morphed to the micro level. I wonder what author would do about it.


Am I the only one wondering how if she was tyrant level before how she had never contacted body cleansing wich presumably everyone practices?


The backstory was boring, ugh so underwhelming. This was nothing more than another plot device to nerf Micheal, the whole dishoner excuse is lame as hell and the curse is bullshit, we all know that head of riverfield will be unable to remove or seal that hax curse, he will live by it, either way the backstory has no soul. This may not just be it, like the previous saga of Micheal's nerf, that stupid curse will prevent him from achieving immaculate body, bye bye GodSlayer inheritance, so not only will he have to live with that curse but take some lesser inheritance, my money's on both coming to fruition. For that whole dishoner episode, you have to be astronomically petty to do such a thing to an heir apparent in the middle of war that spans ten thousand years, being a laughing stock for the whole world is not enough. Also when you have traitor's in the story why such a stupid reason, I mean look at it, lesbians are being publicly married, the world at large can accept that, but a woman still doesn't have say in her own arranged marriage even when she's heir apparent, this is just disingenuous. Both these things shouldn't exist, only one of them can. LGBTQ acceptance comes after sexual liberation not before, and with sexual liberation comes decline of the prestige of arranged marriage, that is to say "women having at least a greater say on their own lives is already the norm if LGBTQ relations are being widely accepted." Also how is it that women have no say in their own arranged marriage when a good chunk if not majority of the world's powerhouses are women, how is that you and your fellow subspecies of humanity are treated as some sort of commodity when you literally are part of the reason that humanity hasn't perished, yeah someone explain it to me how does this happen? This has to be bullshit alright. Next topic is the curse, if such a curse exists (assuming already that it is incurable and unsealable) why place such a curse on your enemy in their Homebase when you are attacking and your enemy's reinforcement are on their way, you should know how long it would take for your enemy's reinforcement to come (intel) but you placed the curse to torture instead of getting the job done and break the teleportation gate so that the base is yours. Maybe you could have broken the wards and broken the teleportation gate or retreated after enslaving anna an heir apparent, you would have won, for some reason reinforcement did not arrive in time, everyone except one was dead, but you had to stay in front of your enemy's base and take your sweet time with her. then reinforcement comes and you die, you can't even kill someone who's defeated and lost her power. Anna surviving this is the real mystery, maybe she had won (sole survivor), that is defeated all of them but got cursed in the process. this remains to be seen. alright now lea, Alice was named after her as lea rose quite a few years after she was born😁. This character is the true love of Anna, her tragic death courtesy petty revenge by MADden family coupled with Anna's own loss of power caused not only her retirement but her severing all ties with both mishton and her own family. This is after the fact that she married lea in the middle of a long assignment in the battlefield without inviting her family despite being heir apparent of a supreme organization (you know fanfare/huge wedding/momentous occasion), but she was considerate enough to send them and mishton mail😁😁😁😁.( Why does'nt she understand the prestige of her own office? ) But what does this have to do with lea and their lovelife? Answer: this is my theory lea is significant to the plot as she's given a tragic death caused by an astronomically petty reason (could have been avoided but they had to send mail😁😁😁) resulting in anna losing her lover, her power, her monster (yeah that grey spark sparrow was definitely not given by mishton and both she and Micheal's father were at special


I prefer Alice over Lea rose seems dumb to just change it in the middle of the story like that with NO warning.


this is why I so love this story the author knows a axactly when to introduce new elements that are thought provoking








Just Great, Another reason put in by author to justify how MC is working hard but still his friends are much stronger than him..Just make him a sidekick & Choose Ellen or Jill as MC


Curse will affect his stage, MC 's mom doesn't know his constitution changed he babtized by titan bone while crafting totem ,shitty Grimm monsters curse how can affect titan constitution ! She doesn't know that



