
Comments of chapter undefined of Monster Integration


sebenernya ceritanya seru, gak ngikutin frame work orang lain dan terus berkembang. punya dunianya sendiri yang pasti mantap


So, there could be many reasons, I'll just outline my feelings on the story. First, it's a cool premise, integrating with a monster for strength, but the MC literally, and admittedly, made one of the worst choices possible, because his pet was cute. He was supposedly scouted by the big organizations, but refused because he wanted to use this bird, even though in the story he said you can use other creatures, but your first determines your potential. Since he's kept this bird as a pet for years, why wouldn't he just continue to do so? Speaking of said bird, it's supposed to be getting strangely more intelligent, but all it does is throw tantrums if he doesn't buy it food and ignore him, literally blocking off their connection. What part of this bird is meant to be redeeming? If it doesn't show growth, and besides that is a selfish brat with zero potential, why in the world should I care about it? Also, I'm willing to allow time for the plot to develop. I had no problem with the secret realm arc, but some threads have been left dangling. Why is he in such a hurry to rank up, when he should be working on runes, totems, and seals? He's determined to enter this competition in a few years time, but again, you chose this bird with no idea how to break the genetic limit, yet assumed you'd make it. As far as he knew, he would never find a way to do so. But rather than focus on his hidden advantage of the runes, which may contain some help, or seek advice from his father, who is literally researching and quickly advancing through the seals, he would rather do everything on his own. He's either kinda stupid, or extremely forgetful, and if it's the latter, that's kind of on the author. Finally, significantly, is the editing. The beginning of the story is truly painful, and new readers could be forgiven thinking it's that way all the way through. Missing words, repeated words, bad grammar, and jokes I'm guessing don't translate well, plus an mc that seems a bit dim doesn't translate to new readers. If possible, you really need to clean up the beginning of your story. And the problems still continue. I've really only kept reading for the hope of him creating totem armor and weapons, but the pacing makes that a dim prospect. Again, your premise is interesting, and for those clamoring for more releases, you can ignore them; two per day is plenty of writing. But you do need to seriously improve your editing if at all possible. Aside from that, as others have said, tournament arcs usually see a decline, as many people let it build up to finish in one go. I've often done this. All the best, I hope some of this helps. It's given constructively, I hope.


The summary is this: You are overdoing the ordinariness of the mc Every step takes way too long You minimize the mcs effort by making others immediately catch up or surpass him The secret realm was a waste. He only powered up a little. Looking at everything he's been through till now if he makes it to a powerful level it would be because of plot armor. He's supposedly not extra smart his bird is ****ty and it's repeated over and over. He's basically hopeless, even his father is outstripping him. Everyone that used his magic medicine got way out of it than him. You went through the trouble of describing the complexity of his engine and it has done nothing for him. Like nothing at all. You keep teasing with various love interests and it just vanishes into nothing. Stop teasing if there's going to be nothing to come of it.


I like the story. Don't get me wrong. But the grammer is bad, the MC keeps having to repeat things (he has completed his 6th seal atleast twice, but a few chapters ago it said he had 5 seals again). Really the seal thing is just a personal complaint. But seriously, you need a proof reader. The story has missing and repeating words, misspelled words that a spell check tool won't catch (like fat/fast, from a few chapters ago), repeating paragraphs etc. It also has a few more awkward grammer issues, but fixing the basic editting would be a good start. Anyway, I really enjoy the story. It has a fresh plot and concept, and I'm starting to like the MC. It's disappointing having a mediocre talented mc, but it's nice having someone making an honest struggle for a change. A lot of other stories have the mc getting a goldfinger or some special ability, but it's nice to see an mc pulling hinself up just through hard work. But yeah. Finding an edittor/proofreader would help you a lot. I would be willing to help with that actually, but I believe there are probably others that would be better for the job.


Author, I know I am way behind rn, but your readers have been telling you what is wrong EVERY CHAPTER in the comments. At this point, I must ask, are you a blind, ranking-obsessed idiot?


Many people are waiting for mc to get some cheat type skill It's my thinking. What's your..


i don't get you guys at all, it's clearly obvious that the mc and his monster will sooner or later get some kind of awakening. Aren't you all bored about broken mc who get talent, goldenfinger, teachers, items and so on every time they breath??? This novel is about hardwork and about the relation between the mc and his monster, the kind of relationship that will bllom the further they venture together, so far he tend to go and reach the higher stage of specialist stage and by then he will learn how to make Ashley surpass herself and talking about her, didn't anyone see her a bit like a spoiled little princess that would make her a perfect little sister or why not a love interest further down the line. If you just want overrated mc then i can give you one il 2 lines, he is the strongest , he killed them all, end of the story....So interesting indeed....

Author liked the comment.


I simply feel that there is nothing that sets the mc apart from other characters. He is literally to ordinary. Also I feel like you made the combat exercise ordinary as well. Also the editing is a continued problem that should be fixable.Other than that I'm somewhat fine with progression of story. Also stop teasing all these relationships, would love to see some development between MC and other characters introduced


how about take some breath or rest for read and research more about same type novel how about take some breath or rest for read and research more about same type novel (like god pet evolution and monster paradise both have good results for long time ) you write to improve your writing skill, i didn't say your way writing is wrong but still even as author you need more to improve your quality rather than quantity chapter :)


I'm very late.. but webnovel charges more money then buying a novel at the bookstore and if i bought this novel at a bookstore with this level of editing and what seems like a complete lack of proof reading you can be guaranteed I'd be back the next day asking for a refund.


First, the grammar is giving us cancer sometimes (and English is not even my native language, even some mtl are way lighter to read than this) Apart from that, as other comments say, your are making the MC way over-ordinary and it's start to pissing us off, his improvements are too slow, etc.


For me i prefer the world building very much. And the major loss for your view or rate i believe is not the novel itself, but the paywall Every other avid free readers out there (including me, sorry) prefer to use pirate site to view your novel. It happened with other paywalled original series.


I don't have a nice english, but... Why the MC is in a pursuit to super likes? OF HIM WANT BECOME STRONGER, WHY COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS? He would be a normal person if make this! He saw the guys of the other continent, so why he need to become a super elite? The MC needs higher dreams! In the question of a supreme exercise, why u make him so futile in a battle? U can make the MC an differencial in this aspect, HOW MUCH MORE HE FIGHTS WITH THE EXERCISE, MORE HE GROWTHS!


The rate at which u r releasing the chapters are not enough and u need to give the Mc a clear goal it feels as though v r going in blind which is one of the reasons I like this novel but not many people like it that way.


Also, I can't believe im supposed to pay for the next chapter. Screw that.


I like the novel and keep reading it but it seems a bit directionless the contest in a bit and becoming a super elite levle are the only goals he has but the ways to get to the goals are completely unknown if the tounerment arc is a set up fore one of these things then that's fine but tournaments in general tend to suffer a bit also the editing is quite bad in the eirlier chapters which can turn some people of the other problem is the main charicters power in that although I personally like that he works really hard and doesn't have many special trump cards no one else has any Idea about alot of people like that as a thing but personally I think it's nice that he is esentialy a normal person that works twice as hard to get ahead the problem is mainly that we know to little about alot of things like super elite straws totems and ashlin if you want to get more readers I would say edit the earlier chapters and at the end of the tournament give us and the mc more information to talk about as right now we don't know much and it has lost its mystique but do keep going it will probably get better after the tournament arc as most get annoyed at that also don't listen to the people who are saying to imitate other books or make the mc overpowered it will do better now but lose a lot of newcomers as they will Wright it of as another overpowers mc in a world full of them.


I agree with most people, besides I hate you right about now because you keep putting bull**** in the story section, which in turn increases the word count causing people to pay more. It's a dirty move and you should be ashamed


Thanks for the chapter 😁😁😁


Its decent. Could be edited better . Grammer n spelling n what not...would be nice to see him not always struggling so hard like some awesome power upgrades ...the birds personality could soften up a bit instead of being such a ******** foodie lol


The tittle said “monster integration” but MC’s integration‘s suck Comparing ur novel with other novel clearly shows that ur novel moves in a slow pace to build the foundation. While other novel’s MC has an OP golden finger, ur novel doesn’t. Usually the first 100 chapter would be enough to build the MC’s power and tell the readers about ur main goal, but ur’s 200+ chapters clearly didn’t. Personally tho, ur MC’s not OP enough in my opinion, and the progress is super slow, but i read it anyway lol And please i’m begging u to fix the bird’s attitude. Just give the bird an evolution and make her thingking process like a 7-9 years child. Had enough with the attitude lol I’m glad u did not mention the bird deeply in this arc, cause she’s a pain tbh


At first and by title you think that novel will develop more about ashlyn growth and more about the mosnters but the story it is nore focus in mc slow development with a few world development and ashlyn mutation going slow