
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?




Honestly, I’m disappointed in his behavior. He CLEARLY knows how she feels about his secretary because she TOLD him. 🙄Meanwhile, he gets upset about that Sheng guy and doesn’t even explain why to her. CEO Mo, you don’t deserve to be angry or upset with her when you haven’t even tried explaining yourself. You want to ask her all the questions without answering any yourself? That’s not how a relationship works. 😒 Of course, I’m not saying she was right to go and drink but he should al least know why she did that.


Mr. Mo... Speak with your wife, before she go overboard with her overthinking... Mrs. Mo... Please share your concern with him too...


She can’t forget nor forgive herself for leaving him in her past life so in this life now she has fallen deeply in love with him. She is deeply afraid that he will leave her or find someone new.


She clearly drew the line on how she feels about that b*tch yet he still went to that f*cking ball without telling her, of course she would misunderstand after all the things that she said to him, about her feelings. It's like he didn't even care about those while he didn't even tell her anything or on how he felt about that man. It's like she's living with a stranger rather than her own husband. I honestly hate him in this chapter. Also if he knew that she's stubborn then he shoul've known she won't saty there, duh even if were me i wouldn't also stay there. 🙄😒


All the comments are being so unreasonable and blaming Mr Mo for her outburst of insecurity and jealous like they haven’t been reading the previous pages of the novel He told her that he was going to get rid of secretary An within a week time and that he will be going to the event on the xxx day We readers need to understand that the reason why she is acting like this is not because of he did but because of what she did and then the actions that followed thereafter in her previous life that is driving her currently She doesn’t know almost nothing of her husband both in the previous life and in the current life because she was obsessed with want of divorcing him and being as far away as she could from him which she is regretting terribly She is scared that he will realise on day that he doesn’t like her and that she is beneath him and leave her for a much deserving woman And even though she wanted to fight for her position as his wife she is uncomfortable scared and jealous of any woman that gets close to him Specially her sister and secretary An because she think they were by his side during those 10 years he was abroad on her previous life None of those is a fault of his really if anyone thinks about it,she needs to find peace with herself and her previous life in order to be secure in her current life and marriage


Seems like Ji Nuan has a lot of excess baggage which came from her past.. because she kept thinking of those years after they got divorced. Whom he had been with, who were the women after her. I think some of the jealousy she's experiencing is somehow rooted from her past life.. and now, mixed with the current situation, she definitely would throw a fit. But actually, this dilemna is not something she can't share with Mo Jingshen.. i feel sad for her but i hope Jingshen will continually gain her trust after this event..


The saddest part is Ji Nuan can't even tell anyone about her past life because she'll be viewed as a lunatic and Mr. Mo isn't making things better.


All she had to do was trust her husband and ask him why he went with the other girl But no she had to be so annoying, I can’t see why she is angry. She knows he doesn’t love the other girl. In the past she has always hurt him, he never did anything to her. That was enough for her to trust him and believe in him. If he wanted the other girl obviously he would have married her. What did she think drinking would do, she just embarrassed herself and her husband. Just when u think the FL is mature she turns out to be childish.


I'm sorry but I can't take pity on Ji Nuan at the moment. I get that she mad about Mo Jingshen not telling her about his plan. But what's the point in her running away and creating more trouble? If she really is smart enough she should of confronted him and have him explain what's going...it's really pointless to just run away like that. Plus with her action she just simply giving people more of chance to create trouble especially Mo Jingshen father who already hated her for some god knows reason why.


He trusts his wife enough to believe her when she had a sudden change in her personality. just because he didn’t tell her that he was going to the event with the secretary. Does not mean he is lying to her or keeping it from her. A lot of CEO goes to event with their secretary not because they don’t want their wife there with them, it may be because they don’t think it is necessary for their wife to waste their time over boring meeting. I don’t see the reason for feeling insecure. Fine the secretary love her husband but does her husband love the secretary back? NO. Instead of asking him the reason for going with the secretary she just assumed he kept it from her or was lying to her. If people are making her feel like she does not deserve to be his wife, then it is true because that situation is her fault. That was her own doing.No one cause it she did this to herself. In her past life she didn’t appreciate him and took him for granted. Just because she had a sudden change, she shouldn’t expect other people opinion on her to change. So her husband went with his secretary, fine she is upset. She couldn’t call and ask him the reason or wait for him at home to explain himself.she decided it was best to come with some weird dude and had nothing better to do than get drunk. If she really trusts her husband she wouldn’t behave like that. As if getting drunk will do anything.


A married man should not attend a major event with another woman whom is holding onto his arm. Come on - the only woman by his side should be his fricken wife.


I get how the ML is at fault for not communicating well with the FL. But if you look at all his actions, he's doing it for her. He is fulfilling his promise for sending the secretary back to America. He's the one initiating affection all the time now. He's the one dropping everything on a dime to pamper her. Like sometimes I find the FL being unreasonable. She was so forward after regaining past memories. It was so cute but that stopped soon after the ML started pampering her. And yes, she is falling more in love with him and is afraid of losing him. But all those times he's shown his care towards her is not even taken to consideration.


I hope that Mr. Mo will make our Nuan happy. I don't know, what's the reason you marry Nuan, but, please don't hurt her...


Boss Mo, you should always communicate with your wife to avoid misunderstanding!


After couple of chaps, I'm still disappointed in you Mr. Mo!! Tss. What right do you have to be mad at Mrs. Mo, where you left her out for that An girl in the first place.. How could you be so sensitive in the fact that Mrs. Mo was with that Sheng guy but be insensitive of what she feels? 🙄🙄🙄


This is their biggest misunderstanding so far....hope you talk it out, both of you but especially Mr Mo,. ..I understand Nuan's behavior on this...we girls do...


It is her right to be overboard with her thoughts, just because she saw her husband with another girl


Sober up girl and punish his ass😁 who cares what his excuse is for his actions he still should have informed you on what the hell was going on. He stated he did not want you to get the wrong ideađŸ€”. Well shit - with all the paparazzi around you still would of got the wrong idea eventually even if you didn’t show upđŸ˜€ go all Lana Croft on his ass girl he deserves it😁take a trip abroad without him😁😁😁😁


So sad. I hope they will talk this out. Nuan should tell him why she went and how she feels. Jingshen is probably too dense and too egoistic to care. All he knows is his jealousy


AUTHOUR........it has been forever since u last gave us a mass releaseđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș