
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?


im not impressed with this chapter! it seems that Mo Jingshen is not taking Ji Nuan's feeling for consideration. where does his brain goes? letting An shuyan hold his shoulder knowing that Ji Nuan is not comfortable with the woman being close to him. pweee! Lu Tingxioa and Mo Ting are the standard Male Lead.


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I was disappointed in this chapter. 😑🙁 Maybe Mo Jingshen has a reason for doing it but the fact that he did not inform Nuannuan was a big mistake. First, he never said that he will be attending the party with An Shuyan. Second, even though they are together for this event, why would he let his secretary hold his elbow? She could just stand or walk side by side with him, there was no need for being touchy. Third, if Mo Jingshen's father was coming, didn't he think that this was the time to bring Nuannuan and show to everyone that she was worthy to be Mrs. Mo? Mo Jingshen, I hope you have a plan for this event on how to totally get rid of that annoying fly.


Author ahh we need mass release!! 😭 I hope there wont be minsunderstandings. My heart feels troubled for Nuan Nuan and I hope his dad wont give her much trouble 😫


Mo Jingshen why didn't you invite your wife instead. What is your motive? I thought you only have your wife in your heart why not show her to the whole world that you dote on her.... its just so irritating 😖😖😖


No matter what JingShen reason is, i dont think NuanNuan should forgive him for this. He know that NuanNuan care about this, yet he keep it from her. Is there necessary for your companion to held your elbow whenever you in this kind of occasion? Plus, you already know that thats woman have feeling for you, you let her held you in front of the public, let pple comment that you two look compatible... Haha.. Jingshen, this attitude of yours is SUCK! Even though i think NuanNuan shoulnt carelessly follow Dr. Sheng to this party, afraid that he have other motive, like to use her to distracted Jingshen... But seeing what happen in Jingshen side, well, nuannuan, dont feel bad. U do nothing wrong.


I just hope Hoe An and Doctor Sheng go bye bye after this. This chapter actually irritated me


I should have just waited to read this book tomorrow. 🙄 This chapter leaves me seething


Seriously. What's with Jingshen. How can the woman can hold his elbow that easily? And he never said anything abt her being his companion. Though Nuan may trust him, but I wont accept this without a little bit of anger from Nuan towards Jingshen


Mass release author plzzz🤗


Mr Mo made a promise nit to let this woman touched him and vise versa. Good the mrs mo is there at the party. hope dr shen will help mrs mo instead of giving her a head ache. mrs mo assert your position don't let these scheming people affect your intelligence and your emotions. stick to your goal in the present life to be the wining mrs mo no matter what.


Why do I suddenly feel that Mr. Mo is going to sleep outside the bedroom for one whole month. Both are wrong somewhere one allows other women to touch him even when he knows that Nuan Nuan will get angry. And the other is suspecting the love of him for her. It might be reasonable because she has spent ten years of her past life before death in prison that she felt insecure about everything. Let's wait how will he react when he knows that Nuan Nuan was there and what he will do to clam down her.. Hehehe waiting for good show here.


Am i the only one who feel excited with this arc???? 😅😅


Mr. Mo Jingshen right? Take your lessons from Lu Tingxiao and Mo Ting. Ancient Lessons? Take a look at Jun Wu Yao... lessons on how to be the best husband!😈🥰


Mo Jingshen your not even worried at your wife? You haven’t called her nor sent a message. How despicable. Totally unacceptable behavior. Hmp.


Massssss release plz............ i can't wait. ....... i really wanna know what happens next 😥😥😥😥dis mo guy is really bad fr health


I don’t like MJS anymore. He’s already committed, no matter what, he should not let other girls, whom he knows already like him, touch him or what-not.


Why~~?!?!? 😱😱😱 Rumor would fly off the wall during this event!! But on the second thought, he did promise that he'll drive her away after this event.... Oh who am I kidding, gossip would always prevail




Well ... if these 2 chapters dont tick you off idk what will


I really hope she doesn’t misunderstand him.