
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband


why this lu's always pick on wan's n hurt them.......first lijun n now lian

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Whenever author mention about how Yuyan was when LQ died , I want to cry at that moment 😭😭

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Noooooo Lian no, plz cool down dear, i know ur hurt badly but do this u will spoil life of 4 peoples u, rusheng, mr wen n ur friend....plz i read the chapter in working hours knowing that it will hurt , but my bad 🤦‍♀️i spoil my mood


no no no no why drag Wen Zac in all of this. Ahhhh Lian, I am in pain and u r hurting me more than Rushi did. Okay fine Rushi never hurt me coz I weirdly like all his mistakes but u r hurting me girl😭😭😭😭

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I get her anger but she should have taken a Step back and talked things over with Yuyan to know Her thoughts on the whole thing

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Wow. Thats a bIt too much honesty. Way to go ming rusheng


Let me process this whole chapter. It felt like first Lian is being reasonable about betraying her brother for business thing but soon after Yuyan kidnapping thing, all her reasons vanished to be think like a sane person. Can't blame her as she is hurt because the person who betrayed her brother is the one she is in love with. But asking Wen Zac to date her is totally wrong. Anger and rage clouded her mind to think rationally. I hope Wen Zec being a nice human being get to understand the situation and act rightly. Now wants Ming Lan back to the picture for Wen Zac.

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Also wondering if MR will be able to earn her forgiveness. what wIll he do to eqrn her trust again?


Also I want to have Lijun knows the truth and slapped Lu Han


Omg i cant believe it Rushing got Han to turn against his brother I guess Yuyan knew it and told Lian Rushing was no good and told Han to leave the family and never come back i cant wait for the next chapter


Anger is justified after what she got to know. The storm which took so many years to calm down can't be alright for her in one day. Let's just wait for her anger to calm down and come back saner. I'm thinking she is behaving like this, what will happen when Lijun will get to know everything!


I'm looking forward to the day when Rusheng will counter her... why does Lu siblings do the things in this way? Will you be able to fulfill the responsibilities of new relationship other than with Rusheng, Lian,, forget about love or like; if not, why to hurt and use someone else??


wooah! !quite a heavy chapter. looks like wen siblings are for use and sacrifice only


Rusheng🤧🤧 U did a great job by spilling out everything👏!!! Let's wait for ur angry bird to calm down a bit.No worries🙃 And WZ, Kindly don't follow the same footsteps of ur Lil sister coz it will only lead you towards endless pain and hëartbreaks..!!


They were so close to being together. I completely understand her anger, but don’t use Zac to get over Rusheng, he doesnt deserve it. Your anger shouldnt be used to hurt others. Talk to Yuyan about what occurred. Learn what she has to say on the matter.


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Her reaction and anger is so reasonable, her love and respect for her brother and Yuyan is unmatched and when a person came to know that the person who she fell for had somehow hurt and done something wrong to the person she love most, her disappointment and anger has no limit. Sometimes you can redeem yourself but you have to pay price for that. ❤️❤️


No no jo, author please no, dont be so harsh i beg you author ... Lian just beat his idiot up throw everything but don't do this please .... Talk to yuyan she really didn't kill your brother we hated him too for what ever he did but he realized and living with the guilt amd cz of that he was keep denying his feelings for you now he finally said please take your time but don't make decision in anger , don't do what lijun did.. he already used his sister please dont use mr.Wen's son too or else this time sure his n ur father frndshp will be ruined don't even know what mr.Wen do this time if u will leave his son.. Please think wisely lian..


Wen Zac turn her down because you know she likes Ming Rusheng and he likes her too


Why the Lu members like to manipulate or use other people to entertain their feeling?. First Lijun used Liwei and nkw Lian uses Wen. Just cut the ties with Ming and be alone for a while


Mother***** 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I would like to see what lu lijin would do🙄🙄🤔