
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Okayy so firstly Liwei herself have fallen into the unromantic proposal by Lu Lijun & fallen for the “look romantic but not romantic” Lu Lijun... Next our baby will be watching at the side with us on how things are gonna unfold for Lijun,,,, i think Lijun is starting to get confused as things r getting real and serious this time. He is just waiting for Yuyan to return.. So whats up with that RS suddenly? President Lu didnt no give the green light or he purposely wanna tease Lu Lian by giving her the cold shoulder? I think RS is pretending 🤣🤣🤣

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Aw Lu Lian even expected him to show some emotion for her😭doesnt seem like the talk with Yuyan went well or hes just preparing to tell Lu Lian about the past😬

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Am 100% MR was given go ahead but he's waiting for perfect time with his temper he wouldn't have taken things easly if yuna would have rejected the relashionship sorry weiwei u are falling for wrong person for li lujin is demand and he's using her to make yuan mad

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I think MR is just being professional towards her in front of business people He knows Lian wont want to be treated differently. Specially in front if everyone. MR also probably wants to come clean and get her approval before making any public acknowledgments. He wouldnt want her reputation to be questioned.

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From when Yuyan asked Lian about MR, i thought maybe she would be okay with them but She may have also told him he has to come clean about the past to her and mqybe he’s nervous about that! Or maybe he is just trying to stay professional due to the meeting.


Grrr. Rusheng is just great at bursting the bubbles😒 Is he trying to spice up things before confession, then it's fine.! but if he goes back to the way he behaved the previous time I'll enter the novel to smáck him hard

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r we back to square 1 again....MR what r u really doing...u clearly pushing away lian...ahh I hope lian is not too heartbroken...

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Oh how I hope all went well in Paris and that Rusheng is only acting this way because he wants to talk with Lian before showing his feelings publically. He wants to make things official and possibly talk to her about the past to ensure there is a future. 🤞🤞🤞


Lu feng and An Tian holding fire extinguisher and saying let him burn and learn we will handle after it.


liwei,you are really need to talk to him


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


if anyone could help me. . I had read more than this chapter but suddenly today when I logged in all the chapters went missing later on on logging again the site shows this chapter as last read


nice chapter


Liwei I don't know how bad I'll keep feeling for you. I guess you have to go through this before finding real happiness. Now coming to you Rushi, why are you back to your cold attitude?😭😭😭 Did Yuyan reject you? But when she asked Lian abt you she was not against it. I am sure she moved on coz u r not that important (sorry but that's the truth). Okay I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and I am hoping you are like this coz in front of your employees you obviously should not flirt with Lian. I am hoping when u r alone u won't be rude to her like u were few chaps ago and rather you will be nice and romantic like you were before you left for France. Rush if u r back to your old self I'll send my Lu Feng darling to beat you😡😡


can someone help me out, author keep saying lu Feng story everytime. please I want to know what is the title of lu Feng story , let someone help me out please


Only her brother is sensible u did grt boy but ur sister didn't get a hint at all I won't feel bad when she will get ditched by him cz she didn't listen to u guys,, and our poor feng why his brother is so stubborn atleast grandpa is not like them and never failed to make us smile .. Go ahead grandpa u can flirt with her as much as u want she is all urs.


Liwei is just an immature!!! All these indecisiveness gonna have a great impact on the big day -"ENGAGEMENT DAY"😈😈 Can we see a grand and romantic proposal from Rusheng in the near future!?!🤩🤩


thanks for update


oh how I pray everything alright


i guess yuyan didn't approve of Ming and Lu Lian relationship because there is no other way why he is behaving so cold