
Comments of chapter undefined of Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband


Lijun should really keep calm and think about his actions and it's effect around him. I'm really worried about Liwei. She will be the only one who would face lijun's consequences.

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This time you really hurt her lijun. 😔 Don't say anything without thinking. Your words remind her to LQ and his words. 😞 Poor yuyan

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I won't say hez totally wrong it takes courage to go after wat you want he doesn't see right or wrong he just want to shake emotions vch he want to see in her... but this sentence was an emotional trigger he unintentionally touched , but sending away is also a trigger for LL . Once these two understood each other's unspoken words but now there mind is blocked by Love ,hate,n protection.One has locked away the emotions other has an outburst of emotions. Dey vl soon reach a bridge to mend thr hearts but its not gonna be easy journey for both of dem.

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Baby brother,

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Hes so blinded by his own emotions that he doesnt see anyone elses and is being really selfish with everyone


You are the only one in which she wants to fulfill LQ's dream❣️, you are the most precious one which LQ has left for her😣😣,,How you can say this to her😭😭😭😭😭.wake up LL you will regret on it.


ahh what say about yuyan, when it comes to LQ it's always remind me how great author had plot his character and how author will slow try to make both of brother character same in the end where lu lijun fall for her more and more


Oh no he really scared her with these words, triggering her. Now it all makes sense why in spite of opposing to his decisions Yuyan too ended up letting him go with this engagement, she is now scared of him. He finally shook the cold, indifferent woman. Only he could do this.


I just wish soon that day would come when both of these would open their heart before each other


you are so precious for her lijun if only you will understand that, how easily you say her those cruel words l know you hurt a lot but your pain is nothing against her pain She except all your tantrums but untill how long cant you see her suffering.She was tired phycially or mentelly dont hurt her dear afterall you are lu quing dear brother he cant see you like that.


I hope soon she will realize that everything that matters is Lujin not Lujin on top of Lu empire.


Oh my...Jiang Yuyan had this weakness of being left alone by someone important to her. Why didn't Lu Lijun sense something wrong? He's so immersed with his anger. 😕


Its good to see yuyan's emotion ..At least she has react how she feels...she has only hide her pain for many years and she reacts as if nothing matter to her.... As for lu lijun, Yuyan is doing this for the well being of him but at some point she is not understand how lu lijun feels suffocate and insecure by her decision because after LQ has left , the great support for lu lijun was yuyan but she has only push him away from her..Hope soon their misunderstanding will cleared..Awesome work author ...really really apreciate your work and effort that you put in all characters in this novel🥰🥰


My poor jang yuyan... its going to Flood because the dam will break and all those emotions she kept will be opened and flow unEndlessly... He is the only one that LQ had left for her. that will always remind her, if Her uborn child had just survive. Keep fighting yuyan!


very emotional chapter

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I believe Yuyan needs to speak to someone before she has a complete breakdown. She still holds so much pain and grief and cant move past it. She is shut off because she doesn’t want to experience such a loss again, so she distances herself from others while she suffers alone. Lijun is also still holding his pain from being forced to leave his home without any explanation. He feels abandoned. He needs to work through his loss as well because not only did he lose Lu Qiang, Yuyan and his entire family really. He had no family to care for him and raise him, only servants. 💔😢


Lijun you just touched the sore spot of yours beloved!😣😣 All kind of emotions that's beautifully described by author here adds like a brownie points to my visualisation while reading!!🤩♥️


I am feeling pity for my lovely yuyan. Tell him what he need to know.


It is fine in lijun being harsh to yuyan and yuyan being harsh to lijun....... but it's too annoying that he is literally playing with Liwei's feelings...


The author has shown that it takes a lot a whole huge lot to shake up yuyan only a bit and now that she's scared/worried of/about lulijun, it means only he has the power to rack her up N Lulijun is blindly doing things just so that he can rile her up It hurts to see them like this To be honest I still hate lulijun..... Maybe when everything comes to light, I may forgive him, but for now I think he should try to understand why Yuyan does the things she does...... And I hope things start getting better for Yuyan, but deep down I know this thing is only going downhill till Lulijun flees from his wedding......