
Comments of chapter undefined of Omniscient Reader


This... Thank you authors for this wonderful story.... Just like Dokja, I wanted this story to never end... and somehow the last chapter was able to be both the end of the story and not the end of story...haha just like ways of survival before epilogue come to think of it, this whole story is the epilogue of 'ways of survival'... It was a long journey and I am happy to read this gem... TBF happy is a very broad and bland word. The emotional upheaval this novel has given me is... Again Thank You Authors Shing and Sing and Dear Translators Rainbow turtle and the wanderers ....




TL: Here it is, the conclusion to the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. I'd like to thank you for sticking till the end of this epic journey through the proverbial thick and thin. Shingshong had written a separate author's afterwords, but it's unlikely that I'll get to translate it, unfortunately. The first half of it is in the form of a mock Q&A session, while the latter half is a thank-you list of people who had donated and supported the author throughout the serialisation of the novel in South Korea. I should say "authors", because in the Q&A session, Shingshong reveals that it is neither he nor she, but a married couple, Shing and Shong. They both wrote the novel together, which apparently had been in development for many years, even before the couple's previous work, The World After the Fall. Incidentally, one of the couple's failed previous work is named "How to Become a Famous Author" (from Ch 549). They recommend in a half joking tone that you shouldn't seek that novel out. Once again, thank you for reading the Omni Reader. Your continued support means a lot to me. Till next time, thank you and goodbye!

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I never felt so emotional in my entire life. This is a moment I will cherish forever!!! ✨🤧😭😭 Thank you, Wanderer, for translating this novel till the end. Thank you, Sing Shong, for creating a novel that managed to move so many people. And also, thank you, Rainbow Turtle! Thank you, for making me discover an important piece of my life. I, Arrange, as a reader has grown a step further today. And as a person I will remember this moment forever.


Fascinating how the novel reflects us as a reader, for a happy ever after ending we could have stopped before the epilogue. For context, the epilogue is used for the author to bring closure to the characters in his novel, it doesn't necessarily constitute the ending of the book. See the contoversy of Doestoyevky and Crime and Punishment. We too could have left the story as happy ever after, had we stopped reading when Kim Dokja left himself a 49% avatar. Yet us as the READERS similar to Kim Dokja kept reading to the end, watching, waiting for the final conclusion. Kim Dokja is truly a reader that reflects everyone reading. We are reading the chapters in the same way Kim Dokja is. We are Kim Dokja, Kim Dokja is us.


In my opinion, the epilogue can be considered a "pandora box", abox containing misfortunes that cannot be closed once it's opened. This theory is quite long so sit tight. Because we weren't happy with the ending, we continue to read, wanting more: perhaps to see a happy ending for Kim Dokja, perhaps to read some more story about the Kim Dokja Complex, perhaps to fill up the plot holes... Eitherway, because of that, according to the 4th wall, ⸢You shouldn’t have been greedy. No, y o u sh oul d’ve be en con te nt wi th 49% Kim Dok Ja. Y o u lot ha ve me ss ed up y o ur con clu sion, and y o u wi ll no w be com e mi se ra ble⸥ As a result of this action, we get a broken reader, a regressor on a eternal journey, and an author with several characters trying to atone for their mistakes. Discovering Kim Dokja? Finding their friend back? Are you kidding me? How are you so sure that those fragments hasn't changed? How are you so sure that you truly understand Kim Dokja? Kim Dokja is already dead! YOU’VE OPENED A DOOR THAT SHOULD’VE NEVER BEEN OPENED. AND SO, THIS WORLD WILL FOREVER BE MIRED IN MISFORTUNE. If only you had just been content with the ending, there would've been two living Kim Dokja. If only... Sorry for being a bit too emotional. Anyways, Shing Shong has showed us that in reality, the final result can be a bit imperfect. Sometimes, desiring something that's too perfect can have a disastrous result. Thanks for reading my comment. TL;DR The ending is fine. If we were satisfied with it, we wouldn't have to see this end, not knowing whether Kim Dokja is alive or not. P/s: Please don't react to this theory by liking or commenting. I just want this comment to be on this site, to be overshadowed by other (more popular comment) as this isn't really a happy ending. This is why I posted this so late. Please just appreciate this theory. Thank you.


Rather then an open ending I fell like the author tried to give the illusion of an open ending but the context in the final paragraphs kind of heavily imply that Kim Dokja is now awake. We don't know if he remembers them but he's definitely awake now. From the fact that HSY conclusion is in the room, and the fact that HSY is smiling like an idiot upon opening the door, it would imply KDJ is actually awake. "The story she didn't get to complete, it was right there." You'd think she'd be talking about the conclusion but this entire time she was trying to create a happy ending for Kim Dokja. A story to save him. If you take it literally, that means the story she tried to complete is now awake in front of them. So while it seems open ended, there's just heavy implication that the very least, he did wake up based on the stories roaring out their storytelling for the first time in a while and HSY final thoughts at the end.


I wanted a lot of things from this story, and honestly, I got most of them. I had glimpses of my favourite ship, a sassy MC, lively cast of supporting and side characters with fully fleshed out backstories and moving moments. I had almost everything I could wish for in a story that was much smarter than me and yet never made me feel too dumb. The ending was open like I eventually grew to expect. I realised earlier on that the story couldn't have the so-called ideal happy ending of happily ever after because it would insult its depth. The only thing was that I kept holding on to hope like it encouraged me to, like how the rest of KDJ Company couldn't help but hold onto. It's amazing how much I related to people experiencing such a fantastical story, but somehow they were all so real, funny, and raw. TL;DR this story made me grow as a reader. It's not the story I wished for but it was what I needed. And thanks to the readers who also read this book with me! Like I said way earlier, it feels like I came here to read 2 stories, one in the document and one in the comments section! Haha. Cheers, I hope we find another great read like this again, though I know better than to expect the same quality from every light novel. Though just like the three ways to survive a ruined world, it doesn't have to be a well-written story to save a person. 🥰


*speechless.. It end? It over? Really really over? Like no more update tomorrow? Tell me it's unreal.. Arrrrggghhhttt!!! My imagination need to overtake the author taught and finish this properly!!! The frustration the anger the happiness the sadness!!! I must channel it properly to that suicidal squid rat!!! I need to hug him and said welcome back... I need that.. We need that😭😭😭


Thank you for translating to the end wanderer. As for the ending, I can't say I'm surprised it ended the way it did. An open ending was probably for the best, as we readers would have been torn with an actual ending. This is still a happy ever after, sorta, in which the group decide to live together again and where YJK comes back to their worldline alive. I'm happy shingshong had the success they did with ORV and I look forward to their future works.


Thank you very much for the time you spent translating!! Thank you very much for delivering the ending!!! It was hard and rough journey !! This novel will miss me so much!!! I kept reading it for more than one year and a half, reading it nearly every day. I love pretty much every thing of ORV. KDJ's sorrow and love , YJH's loneliness and determination, HSY's sarcasm and kindness.... The characters will miss me so much. The ending was more an open ending in my opinion. I am not too sad but I still wish for more. It's like the authors wanted us to imagine the end like how KDJ'S reincarnations will imagine the end of this story. (But I still want to read it!) It's like the title : imagine it for eternity the epilogue so that this story will still continue to exist. P.S : did SS just self insert themself in the novel? as one of the authors YJH met during his journey. Lol. So did they meet him?


ORV is the best webnovel I have ever read 💕 From the characters to the plot to the setting...everything was beautiful. Yes, even the cliffhangers. It's been a long, long journey (tho not as long as for our regressor), and I'm so glad to have been a part of it, watching and reading (like a constellation 🌌, or a fragment of...squid 🦑) the development of this amazing story. This story is a masterpiece, from beginning to end. Many thanks to the authors and the translators for all their hard work to enable us to read this. And, to my fellow readers for making reading this even more enjoyable. Finally we get to read the epilogue (luckily, without the paywall and the world's free subscription ending) and we got a happy (not really?) ending for our Reader, Protagonist, and Author. Hope everyone finds their own happy ⬛⬛. But for us readers...well, let's just say I'll be reading this again someday.


My two cents: I actually liked the ending. After all, hasn’t the epilogue been leading to this? ORV is KDJ’s story and us readers who have read it to the end, with our fragment of The Most Ancient Dream, are nourishing his world with our imaginations. There could have been a concrete ending. An ending like the one before the epilogue. Like what HSY said, YJH could have even written one. But, in the end, there were no more words written by the author. Even so, it doesn’t mean that there is no continuation. The story continues to live within us all. We can choose to imagine what happens behind that door. And what we imagine would be one reality of the story. So I choose to believe that KDJ is able to find his happy ending. Because that’s the kind of ending I desperately want to see.


Everyone, this is been a long journey for us, readers of ORV! I cant believe there wont be another midnight updates that i need to read everyday. I kinda want a side story, but i also want to let it be just like this (T_T). Guess i'll check the fanfic in a few days... Thank you all and see you in another novels!


Ok final thoughts (this is just my extremely biased opinion) I hate the ending. Good story. Good begining and middle but the moment they started playing with “the story” and the whole “novel” concept it went to ****. Its a miracle ive persevered so far till the end, and i regret reading it. Especially since the plotter and the first ancient dream got a happy ending yet our protagonists did not. But by now it shouldn’t be a surprise since most transmigrated into a story who are not romance have horrible endings. Hell i even want spear guy to come back and destroy all the universes! Anyway this all just my opinion which i know is not very fair but i just hate anything that dosent have a happy ending.


Until the very end... Its a cliffhanger... ORV really like to push us Readers to the edge of the Cliff to us who stayed 'til the end kudos for not jumping off 👍 I don't really know what I feel about this ending... Just that it leaves me lacking. It was there, he was awake... and the ending was an unknown reunion. I'm so sad, I read the spoilers someone posted and was expecting something that didn't happen. Anyways, thank you Shing Shong for sharing this wonderful story... Thank you for the translators: 1. Rainbow Turtle as I read this 1st from this translator and 2. Wandering for taking me to the end of this story Oh BTW if this ever became a manga or anime series. I'll be sure to read/watch it. Now gonna head over and read Solo Leveling as I'm currently waiting for manga updates. Reader Himmel singing out ✌


And end. This journey end with open ending, but the sign of happy end ia there so as the most ancient dream fragment, i just need to imagine it. Hahaha, i'm glad, glad, they able to meet again. May they life happy ever after from now on! To be honest, Kim Dokja is character that i can deeply related to of all characters in the novel in my 25 years of life. I feel like i grew along side Dokja and understand him and his companion. This story' tell me about life that i never think before. I glad i read this, really, this novel just beautiful! I meet many friends when reading this that understand and feel the same with me, i'm so happy and touched reading the comments! Saya, there is so many of us journeyed together! That what I thought. Thank you for writing this novel Shing and Song! May your marriage last forever! And to Rainbow turtle, which i first learned this novel from. Wanderer that continue translation when we need it up till the epilogue! I really appreciate you all! Thank you! Thank you so much! This has been a long journey, but its worth it! **: sorry for my messy grammar.


I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOWWW (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) (But I don't wanna die yet) And thank you authors and translators for this beautiful and amazing novel!!!!!!!!! Though, I want the ending with a frikin Lil Dokja smiling.


Thank you for A_Passing_Wanderer for taking up this webnovel and translating it until the end for us readers Thank you too for ShingShong that write us this good novels with all of its ups and downs. At first I was very shocked when seeing today is going to be the day where I read the final chapter of the epilogue. My tears just suddenly start flowing when I read the sentence [Fable, 'King of a Kingless World', has begun its storytelling once more.] I sincerely wanted happiness to each of the character and it seems they can't have it without that lying suicidal squid presence, so I'm very happy when the ending at least imply that KDJ is okay, he is safe, and he can have his own happiness again (which might happen after he finish being tortured by his company, haha) Really, thank you very much to all people here, for making this wonderful novel and delivering them to us readers. Hope all of you to have happiness too in your life


I am happy so happy right noe. For a minute there I thought it was going to end in tragedy. It was definitly woth it to follow this novel close to 2 years. When I first started reading it I thought wow such long chapters I guess I wobt read it for long. Then I kept reading it together with the great storyteller. Before long I was sucked by this novel. I was especially upset when the novel took a long hiatus due to translator change and afterwards i was even more salty because of the name and terminology change (to this day I still read the names as their old ones like Yoo Jonghyuk) anyway at this moment who the hell gives a ****. I am just happy that I get to read this amazing novel :D


Thanks for this novel. This novel is my favourite and will be forever. I love this novel and it's story more than anything I ever read. And I will be forever be the reader of this novel and story. This story is my salvation.


One day a passing wanderer started to tell us a story of god and demons, of hope and despair, of death and life.. Today the story is finished and the wanderer started to wander again.... thanks for translating his beautiful story, probably one of the beast existing in internet ^^