
Comments of chapter undefined of His Genius Wife is a Superstar


im team nikolai foreverrrrrrr

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Big brother is so fierce but I like it! Liwei need to grow up too ! If he wants to really protect Xiulan, he have to grow-up. Big brother will be the turning point. 😁😁😁

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Go big bro 👍 This needed to be said and Liwei needs to tell the truth. And FanLuo needs to be destroyed before she does any MORE damage. Thanks for the chapter

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UwU Big bro is being the best b*tch we need.


Woah. Big bro is pretty fierce. Talk about over protective 😅

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Let's give an applause to our beloved Big Brother 🤗

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Some will disagree, but i like Nikolai/Zihao period


Why i am thinking that iris hear all of this 😂😂

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What the heck. I am utterly speechless. Fifth Bro I don't know if it's good to have you now or not. Huhu. You're making an enemy out of those reckless behavior. Scratch that you're already reckless but still hope you're not gonna get overboard with You're meddling. *Sigh* Liwei poor you to have Zihao as you're future brother-in-law. Still this is good. Their relationship have been too steady and it's fine to have this setback. Hope they'll overcome this. Thanks for the chapter.


At first I didn’t know what to expect from the title but now I know what it means and big brother is right. Liwei needs to tell her the truth in fact if it wouldn’t be for him our Evelina wouldn’t be Xiulan now. Maybe he did target the other one but that wasn’t really her so how can she be angry or hurt by him knowing the truth? Another fact is I would want Liwei to know that the Xiulan that he knows now is in fact Evelina. It would be nice if he could accept it. The Fan Luo girl needs to get lost and Liwei needs to be the one to make sure she’s not going to pester his younger brother anymore.


For this part i agree with LZ.. He truly her brother.. So he treat LX with fairness.. He doesn't want her upset when she know the truth.. I also feel JLW is a coward to hide everything he did from LX.. He almost killed her.. Love doesn't mean that you aren't wrong.. Treating her nicely also doesn't approve that you aren't wrong.. Only tell her the truth and accepted her anger (if she angry toward JLW) will shown your love..

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People, let put aside those "Evelina should be thankful because she had a 2nd chance in life".. What Big Brother point here is the Liwie is not man enough to do some action inside his family. So, since Liwie is a coward, then he is not enough to be with Iris. But for me, Big Brother is right but let consider that Liwie became a father figure in his family when his dad is dead. So, its a torn between family and lover, thats why he asked his lil brother if he love that b.iatch Fan Lou. 😉😉

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Lu zihao!! Good job.. i like your word.. 😘😘😘

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But Fift Bro is kinda right.... When will be the time when he tells Xiulan on what he has done..... It will be too late.. and Xiulan will be hurt about keeping the secret for this long... But i guess Liwei is too scared that he will lose Xiulan... But Xiulan will understand.. She IS different from the past..

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I'm very, very, very glad he is on Iris's team. Fierce!

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Woahhh,, I love him so much!. He's superb to be iris big bro. Keep it up big bro and you too hubby please be mature for our xuilan..


I knew from the beginning that the older brother is someone to love.

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I wonder if he really loves her or is it more of an obsession. He appears to be paranoid at times.To add, he's hiding the truth. I get his reason or some would argue as an excuse and Iris isn't any different by not telling him her secret as well. However some secrets are best kept to yourself like the later. If Iris were to find out Liwei's secret, she'd be devastated as she trusts him too much. Even if the body isn't hers to begin with. Some would say she should be happy to get a new lease of life but relationships are build on trusts. Can they survive this seemingly fragile relationship? Could it be that he felt guilty instead and wants to compensate her in the form of 'love'? Sigh...one is too 'weak' and the other is too 'white'. Both flawed. However...humans are created flawed.


Just what I thought, he really did cover up for that Fan Luo. But Liwei also need to come clean with Xiulan coz this may cause her life as well in the future not knowing her accident was cause by a psycho...

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Alright...big bro is throwing fire on liwei which he deserves....but we love liwei too so brother give him a chance

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Thats how it should be..hurray big fifth bro...the topic of iris death has been ignore and been avoided since the beggining. This is what ive been waiting..confrontation time😆...i cantnwait for lots of face slapping😆chapters