
Comments of chapter undefined of Forced Marriage VIP Front-Seat: My Superstar Ex-wife is very Popular


Is it just me or is XN's reasonings seem a little selfish at points? Sometimes I really wish for QY to really lash on her but that will never happen because: A. He is too mature for his age. Sometimes I even forget his only 27 or 28 at this point of the story. Well, XN is two years younger than him but still I'm pretty sure one of the underlying themes of this story is that maturity does not come with age. For example both male and female leads are more mature than other people in their age group, or mare like they were forced to grow up prematurely because of their circumstances. Then there are characters like Gao Lihua and Shen Weiran who acts more like rebelling spoiled teenagers despite them being middle aged. B. By the time he did lash out, it was still him who lowered himself and chased after her. I swear the author seems determined to make him the culprit even when she had a lot more fault in the argument., And C. Most often than not, XN has the tendency to subconsciouly back off or withdraw the moment she thinks she is losing even when she hasn't even tried reversing or giving her all in the situation she is in. It's a defence mechanism she had built due to years of emotional and mental torture. She's hurt way too many times that she rather choose to be the one to walk away or be the one who inflicts pain instead of being the one getting left behind or getting hurt.


No. QY just had his birthday a little while back, so he's 28 now and XN's birthday was never really mentioned (if memory serves right). The only clue about her age is that she's 2 years younger than him, so she is between 25-26 years old. Also they married at ages 22 and 20, had Enoch at ages 23 and 21 and Enoch is turning 5 in the storyline now. But well don't take my words as facts because my Chinese is not so good and google tranlate is not that accurate. So I might have a slightly different interpretation than the official translate.😊

dreamcatcher_147_:Isn't Xia Ning 24 ?🤔 And Qiao Yu 27 ??

Oh come on. Stop it already. It’s enough now with stupid Xia Ning always feel wronged 🙄. Who does she think she is? The only pitiful person in this novel universe? Give me new female lead for Qiao Yu and Enoch. Won’t happen anyway 😑


that's right guys.... that's how couple have a conversation and talk with eachother.💯💯💯




Thanks for the chapter

