
Comments of chapter undefined of Pokemon - A Mystical Journey


<spoiler>slowking muere?<spoiler>


So the guy in the picture maybe Alex future self travelling to the past? And the shadows maybe some organization gunning for world domination or destruction? And Oak is his student? I mean if its like that WTF!!?? Need more data to compute.

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After dialing the number, Alex waited and then, a voice came, but no person was displayed on screen. "Hello, who is there?" A grumpy voice rang out. "Hello, I am Alex. I was the one you gave the egg to." "Oh, you are that kid. So, did the egg hatch?" "Yes, it was a Charmander." "Charmander. Hmm. As I expected. So, what did you call me for, kid? Probably not for just this news." "I am curious. Why did you send me this egg? Why me and not someone else?" "Well, kid, I just saw someone I knew in your spirit. Well kid, just leave this behind. So, did you battle anyone?” "Well, I just won a gym badge in Rock Town." "Oh, that fighting brat, hmm. So, did he use Mankey and Machop to fight? How did the fight go?" "What Machop? He used a Hitmonchan, Mankey and Machoke to fight." "WHAT???" Blaine, on the other side, thought, ‘What was he thinking? Using a team for Intermediate trainers to battle a rookie! Did he offend him or something? Wait, did he say he won?' "Well kid, you said you won. Could you tell me what Pokemon you used?" Alex thought for sometime then agreed to tell him, as he gave him Charmander. So, he said, “I used Pidgey against Hitmonchan, Charmander against Mankey, and Haunter against Machoke." "Pidgey lost to Hitmonchan, then Charmander defeated it and then took on Mankey and barely won, and Haunter tied with Machoke." "I see." 'Smart kid. Telling me just enough, but not enough too. Hmm, you keep getting interesting. Winning your first gym battle like this? I will await you, kid.' "So kid, what do you want to ask?" "Can you tell me about the egg you gave me? Who are his parents and all that?" 'Maybe I should send him to him. It will be interesting, to say the least. And at least the kid will get a backing and not be crushed by those pathetic families.’ "Well kid, as you won the gym battle, I will give you a reward. Head to Pallet Town. Your gift will be there, along with the answers. Also, you won't be wasting your time, as there are at least four gyms on the route. Except Viridian City, I am sure you could handle the others." After some thoughts, Alex agreed. Before switching off, he said, "Well kid, you won't regret it. I look forward to meeting you again." After leaving the booth, Alex walked towards his room in the center while playing with Charmander's pokeball and he thought, ‘Who was that man? And what is the secret you hold, buddy? Well, I will know it when I reach Pallet Town. So, I should stop thinking about it.' After reaching his room, he took a bath and then got ready to sleep. But before that, he released all his Pokémon. His Butterfree sat on his head, Pidgey on his shoulder, Charmander stood by him along with Haunter who levitated. "Well guys, we won the first gym. Come here, I will show you the gym badge." All of them craned their necks to see the gym badge. “After seven more, we will be able to participate in the league. So, let's work hard and I know everyone is tired, so let's sleep together. After all, we will be heading towards Pewter City next. And we will once again be heading for wildlife, so be ready. As you all know, we just barely won the match, so we should gear up again and up our training, so we would not suffer like this again. So, are you ready?" All of them together roared. "Freeee.... " "Pidddgggg..." "Chaarrr...." "Hauunnteeer..." “Well then, let's rest and be ready for tomorrow. Sweet dreams." MEANWHILE, with Blaine! Blaine dialed a number and said, “Hello?" "Hey, you stubborn old fool, what happened? Is the egg I gave you ok?" "Yeah, it's about that egg." "What happened? Is it ok? If anything happens to it, I won't be holding back Charizard for you!" "No, nothing bad happened. And you keep that monstrous Charizard of yours in check. I just wanna say that I gave him to a trainer." "Trainer, hmm? Tell me their name so I could find more about this trainer and their achievement to see if they are worth raising it." "Well, for y


If only the charmander was shiny, when it became charizard, itd get that black/grey skin with the silver fire tail


looks like a wuxia of pokemon, full of manipulation.


according to this kanto trainers are weaker compared to other regions? I mean its true that some pokemon dont have their final evolutions in the region example steelix. But the person in the picture mustve travelled to all the regions to get his main set. Now we have a strain of the plot linking with the past.


gAhh celebi!!!




Don't tell me you just spoiler the plot


lol now it's based off the celebi movie.


Those family lol this is Pokemon xianxia novel gg


I like how time travel is fair game. Looking forward to seeing it happen, lol.


time travel. alright .... alright .. alright 👍


Author please use Grammer tool for proper sentence formation. It's getting harder every chapter and I had to read it twice or thrice to understand the meaning behind those sentence


I'm confused about the shiny Pidgeot. Still to time travel means he at least meets a legendary. I hope he catches some of them.


Thanks for the chapter :D🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜


I can’t even keep count on how many times you used the word “well” in almost all of your sentences... “well kid” “well guys” “well then” hahahaha






Thanks for the chapter