
Comments of chapter undefined of Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker


I will wait all the time you need to be back to this story, this fic is one of the best I have in my library, I hope to one day read it with a great finale. You do you man, good to see you again man



Welcome back brother. I've waited sooo long for your return. Believe it or not this is THE first fanfic that I read on this platform for the first time while browsing for spiderman fanfics on the net. This story was what made me fall in love with Peter Parker all over again. It's good to have you back and looking forward to future chapters.One again Welcome Back 🙏


Its nice to see you being back because there haven't been many Spiderman ff i just loved to read and this one is one of them


The OG is back! Can’t wait to read your stories again. Take all the time you need!


and the reason you can't get rid of mayday parker in 616 is becuase in marvel 616 it is said in the comics that madam web bound MJ and Spider-man together thru the web of life that led to mayday parker being born as a spider totem with a direct connection to the web of life on par with her since mayday parker of 616 is in fact madam webs successor as told to madam web by Life who was instructed to do so by you guessed it OAA hence why she is stronger and more capable with her spider powers this is also due to the fact that she is instrumental to the defeat of the inheritors who where descendants of the weaver of the web gone bad and that the one good descendant who is to become the new weaver of the web could only become the new weaver of the web thru the sacrifice of madam web hence why she needed a successor and the reason the weavers descendants went bad was because of a mistake madam web made when she fist became the webs caretaker and thought she new better due to the mechanization of the OBA and instead of watching and caring for the web she tried to dictate to the weaver how it should be woven and in doing so cause the inheritors to come to be and as such as long as madam web continued to live so would they and the inheritor in turn killed the original weaver leading to the need for there to be a new weaver that then would have led to the death of madam web and if there was no successor to look after the web then it would fall to the OBA and there would be only dark universe so to resore the balance and not let the OBA to succeed and win against the OAA the OAA told life what needed to be done as well as told madam web of the consequences of her act hence why madam web only acts when the web of life is threatened and dose not interfere with its weaving only in its pruning when the web can't be saved by the spider totems with her guidance now that dose not mean anomalies that go against canon are a threat to the web of life even if the anomaly affects the spider totem but if it affects a spider totem when there is no one to take the spider totems place then i could because the spider totems are madam webs agents for taking care of the web of life so if there is no spider totem then that part of the web starts to wither and needs to be pruned


I aint readin allat!!!🗣️💯💯💯


Good to have u back


Why did I NoT see this update 4months ago?!?! And Chapter Updates 6 Days Ago?!?