
Comments of chapter undefined of Bambi and the Duke


I- *sighs* do these vampire ever do "proper investigation" like my god they're really living up to they're name geesh ,Leo's been handling these situation based off his emotions ,then we have Vivian who could be been a bigger help...


That's because two humans killed a pureblood vampire, doesn't mean you have to do the same torturing humans...Leo. It's going to change humans' perspectives even more that the two kinds are going to have a dark war between humans and vampires.


I feel bad for Rory's family.. :(( Leo should have taken vivian to the crime scene so she could see all the memories.. Not immediately execute them based on circumstancial evidence.. :((


I think Vivian has a lot to learn about Leonard. He's not the same man she thinks he is, there is an evil side of him.


Again...further investigation first šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­Leo show some mercy Oh Vivi do wonders please. Graveā˜¹ā˜¹ā˜¹


Seriously Leo, do further research before demanding punishment on innocent people! Just because his clothes were there, doesn't mean he did it! Wouldn't he find it suspicious though that they were there and not somewhere else really hidden? The situation should of been brought to the council, so that they could have done better research! Vivian should really start standing up against Leo, and demanding for him to stop doing that and to do better research, no matter how long it takes! I bet you once Leo finds out the truth, that humans never in the first place killed the vampires, he will regret it and be filled with shame and guilt. Someone should put a stop on him, since they're barely searching for Rory, but all that they would find is a dead body. By the time he tries to bring peace between humans and vampires, it will be too late for that to happen and the humans will try to get revenge against them.


Sometimes Leo is so stupid for taking rash decisions without proper evidenceā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøHe is taking decisions when he is angered and emotional not thinking abt consequences..What did their families do with all these.History repeating itself,like Paul and his family.And I ve strong feeling that Paul and his family is not executed and kept somewhere by Nick and waiting for the real culpritšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


AHHH...Iā€™m so frustrated. Leo has been holding all his anger in since the night his family died and his resentment for humans have been only piling up with misunderstandings and irrational thoughts and its not his fault at all. Now heā€™s become guilty of killing innocent people while he is also innocent himself in only hoping to revenge his loved ones. Al this ******* is making me so anxious, I hope vivi will be able to put some pieces together and be leoā€™s rock and pull him up and away from evil and resentment before itā€™s too late. I just want the person who started all this to burn in the depths of hell for putting all my precious characters through so much torment and grief. Thank you for the update as always, author-san


Well since he knows Bambi's abilities he should have taken her with him to the village where they found his cousin

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Everyone's blaming Leo, you guys take it easy. Truth is, you know what happened, he doesn't, put yourself in his shoes; in a society filled with such animosity towards each other, who would think things through when your family is ripped apart, losing a loved one you'll never see again?


You gave Leo this character from the very beginning and his character should not change. He does show a little more character when it comes to vivi but show arrogance a little. Its what l'm used to anyways for him. But will he change when he finds the real truth and the truth concerning his family. That's what l look forward to and vivian's reaction to Paul's death along with his family.


Too swift of justice equals mistakes šŸ˜“šŸ˜­šŸ’” Those poor families


Oh Leo you stupid boy! You keep making rash decisions that get innocent people killed. Start using your brain and stop being led by others!


Leoā€™s hate for humans cost the lives of innocents. Paul and his family were innocent and so were Roryā€™s....


His anger and hatred for humans continues to grow, and it's clouding his judgement. šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ They should've investigated further. Hanging those people in the tree will just add fuel to fire ( I mean, humans disliking vampires)


I liked the three chapters together , sometimes when it is only one chapter that is being posted it makes it hard to follow up , sometimes I have to read the last chap again.


I dont know what will leo feel if Rory is innocent..for so many innocent life Leo had killed..


Leo? Damn son wth?? I swear Vivi is in pain for what you have done.. You gonna regret it son. You.are.making.it.hard.for.the.both.of.you.


All the comments here are exactly my sentiments i really feel bad for rorys family and rory is already dead too as he was killed i just wish that some of us are not like leo harsh and cruel to the point of not thinking and investigating properly before deciding at the heat of the moment


Leoā€™s being a little unreasonable. He didnā€™t even have enough proof.