
Comments of chapter undefined of Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

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been reading so much novels, i like the attitude of the mc on this one. this is quite a good read. wish you good health always. thank you for the novel and keep up the good work.[img=recommend]

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Ty for the chap Already love the story And the current MC is already perfect don't change him And can i point or not don't want to be a douchebag like 2 xD

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Hey don't focus on those person that criticize your work for so little. Just so you know, I found this novel yesterday, I read it all and gave you all my power stone. Also try not to get influenced with what people want or the quality of the novel might drop , just do what you think is cool. I persnnally liked a lot Mo Xie that seem to not care the slightest about what he's doing, like "if I want I can just kill you all and do the exact same in the next town , so I don't care about you".

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I like your novel doesn't matter if there are mistakes or not;-! All stones on your novel!love it and ya ignore guy's who only know to how find mistakes because we don't care what they think!

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hmm, personally I'm like the current protagonist!!~ don't mind them bro, this protagonist has been more than perfect!!~ the novel is perfect too since there's no irritating cliche happened unlike others!!~

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No, this MC is refreshing, don't change him.

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I rather enjoy his character right now. He can have a ruthless side but not overwhelmingly bloodthirsty. Caring and compassionate but cold and unforgiving given the right circumstances.

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Don't change the mc character i really like this one

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Author just a tip don’t burn yourself out I’ve seen it happen a lot We are just random ppl on the net you shouldn’t risk your health like this Yes writing is amazing and I love your novel but man please do sleep properly and don’t risk your health for this

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hei pops dont be down you dont need a ruthelesss killer imo but some one that is ruthless to the people that are against him but i can't agree with just killing for that fun

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I like your story! She is very interesting. It is not easy to write a new story, but they are possible mistakes, not everyone has English native, it can be a second or even a third language. The main thing is clear, what is written is fascinating! Those who scold, try to write a novel yourself, it is not easy, it requires talent, skill, dedication, knowledge. Good luck to the author and look forward to new chapters!

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Author is good. Thanks for novel. Its a great novel. From my experience as reader, your writing and idea is great. Hope author not sad. I give author stones and 5 star and hope author will no sad. I love this novel. Keep it up. Dont give up. Great love from reader. Also hope author can get a lot of dough in the future as a writer.

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Dont change mc personality, i like this more than ruthless mc >_<

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You see an ant near yours eye so it's look big. You see an elephant from far away so it's look small. 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜

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Don't worry about those people that make a fuss over a little spelling mistakes. You are doing great keep it up ^^

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this novel is great so far, it must frustrate that people do not appreciate what you do, but if we like it, we like it too, it also has people who follow you every day to read what you write, and we will always be there.

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thanks for the chapter. dont make him ruthless but also dont make him a whimp. you know he can kill some of his enemies, but he doesnt need to eat children etc.

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Current MC is doing great..

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No ruthless douche please. He's a billion+ year old guy. He should be MUCH better than some cry baby lone wolf, especially since he wanted a home& family in this life

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Never liked the ruthless type of MCs, also happy to see a more 'kingdom building' sect in this matter type of novel, there are too many focusing on the combat, not enough focusing on the sect life just one guy getting stronger and beating up Baddy McBadguy each arc over and over again.

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Keep it up sir