
Comments of chapter undefined of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

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price of hulu or netflix (which i don't watch daily) vs price to help ein out and feed my adic.... *cough* my routine... >.> of reading his chapters each day/night $5 isn't much

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thx for the chapter, hope lily stays with vahn

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Joined your patreon mate, you honestly deserve some fruits for your labor...anyone who reached this point come on guys he deserves $$$

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Jin what did I just say about messing up. Sigh, you need some serious counseling and life advice yet anyone qualified to give it to you you wouldn't want to listen to. Mada Kirai.

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(A/N: This is the last chapter for this month. The $820 I'm making on Patreon isn't enough to even keep me out of the red. Since the effective value of a chapter is around $28.50, I've already written as many chapters as I've been paid to write. For the past three years, I haven't even been making a living wage. Instead, I've worked for as little as a quarter of minimum wage and kept myself afloat using my personal savings. Since writing novels and providing content for my readers is supposed to be my job, I need to start treating it as such. My current goal is simply to earn as much money as a sixteen-year-old high school student might working at McDonald's. I am literally only asking for a minimum wage, so, if you would like to support me and have access to upwards of 100 chapters a month, please consider donating $5 through my Patreon. Though writing has gradually become my passion, I can't keep doing it if it's literally killing me. To put things in perspective, it would basically cost me $1750 to keep releasing chapters. In total, I've earned around $14,000 writing EPIC over the last three years. In that same amount of time, I have had to spend $35,000 just to keep myself alive. In other words, I have spent $21,000 of my own money in order to keep my promise. Now that I'm trying to make writing my career, I need to start getting paid for it. No one in their right mind works for free...) Authors thoughts on there website

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anyone who has made it this far, please do consider committing to the patreon, even if it’s only a couple dollars a month. i know i, personally, have gotten as much if not more enjoyment and time out of this story than many other subscriptions that i pay for. you can read ein’s own words about this on libraryofakasha.com (shameless plug 😉), but essentially he has been earning less than minimum wage while writing this, and it really isn’t feasible anymore. considering how much work he has put into this, and the fact that all 2000+ chapters are free to read, he deserves to make at least a livable wage :)

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join patreon if you still want chapters this man isn't even working for minimum wage help him out

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Hola Ein, en primer lugar pido disculpas por escribir en otro idioma pero mi ingles es bastante malo. Quiero agradecerte profundamente por escribir esta historia, recuerdo como hace 2 años me topé una interesante portada en Webnovels, y aunque utilicé el traductor de Google para poder leerla, la historia instantáneamente me enganchó, leer sobre Vanh y Fenrir me curaba de lo malo que pasaba en mi día a día, debo confesar que no me gusta esperar para poder leer un nuevo capitulo, debido a ello guarde la historia en mi librería y me obligue a olvidar esta bella historia para amontonar mas capítulos. Sin embargo hace poco tuve uno de los peores momentos de mi vida y como forma de escapar de la realidad me sumergí en leer todas las historias que había abandonado, y, en la parte superior de mi lista estaba tu libro. Hoy estoy de nuevo en el último capítulo y quiero agradecer profundamente por haber escrito las paginas que me están haciendo volver a entrar en razón de nuevo, quiero que sepas que muchas de las frases escritas en esta historia me han marcado profundamente, y, que ahora gracias a que me ayudaste a través de tus letras pude evitar tomar la peor opción posible. Espero que logres tus metas como escritor, y logres la estabilidad económica, porque sinceramente, desde mi punto de vista ya eres un gran escritor. Muchas gracias.

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Obrigado pelo capítulo!

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If you have 16 oranges and you subtract "Thanks for the chapter" from the oranges, how many oranges will you have left? ****(HINT)**** It should be more than 16 oranges.

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Thanks for the Chapter... Great chapter like always 👍👏

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Thanks for the chapter!

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thank ye fer the chapy!

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Obrigado pelo capítulo.

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Thanks for the hard work

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Gracias por el capítulo 😃