
Comments of chapter undefined of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

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1. Harem members reincarnated and strike out on their own, maybe with a template untill we get to T7 2. Harem members keep living the chill life in little garden and face basically no strife other than what they self inflict 3. Danmatchi v2 electric boogaloo, we speed runnin bois Although 3 would be pretty satisfying (does kind of put us closer to cultivation novel speeds though maybe?) I like 1 the best I think. Lots of opportunities for side stories of each member with their templates etc (although this could get disjointed, could be good for the pa.t.reon)

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Thanks for the chapter I think he should go with 2 is there really a need for his girls to grow stronger With him at the same time, when he reaches Tier 7, they will all eventually do the same, i think they should just stay in Little garden, while he goes ahead The first one is the worse because it will be very good for the girls but he himself won't like it, he will probably be too stressed and find comfort in other girls, and repeat the cycle, As for 3 well that is a big no, he will Not only be stressed but will think that he made a second mistake Ultimately it's up to you, and as usual whatever my favorite other goes with, it will be Amazing to read Keep up the Good work King Einlion

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no matter what you decide on I will always show up every day for my daily chapter :) thank you for all the effort and sacrifice that makes this storysp wonderful.

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Thanks for the chapter sensei! I think option 3 would be slightly redundant as like Vahn implied himself he would just slowly collect a new harem anyway. I see a mix of 1 and 2 as the best option (only my opinion) as I think people like Artoria, Nobunaga, Mordred etc would have the will to go a few millennia on their own to catch up with Vahn while some of the others could explore actualized worlds etc leaving Vahn with a smaller but still slowly expanding harem xD Thanks for always thinking about your readers too Sensei! Stay healthy and happy xD

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Ok, I'm not a writer but I do have a few ideas regarding the next steps in this novel. Obviously, choose whichever idea you want and run with it in any way you want to if you even pick any idea at all. 1. Setting up and resolving character flaws with Vahn. There are a few ways to set this up canonically but I'll just dive into the basic idea quickly; Vahn (and his close partners) come to the understanding that the flaws in his character are never fully exposed nor pressured in their entirety. The reason for this is because his powers are too great to choose the hard way over the easy way. So, with help from Sis, they erase and/or disable his OP'ness and send him into a new world blind and will work in the background to pressure him into impossible situations to force him to make the tough decisions. [This idea has the benefit of not only growing Vahn's character but also pitting him against the people he loves, and also it will allow his family to experience the conflict of doing harm onto those you love for the sake of love] 2. Fun but not really that character focus'y idea. Vahn always enters another world and breaks and molds that world to fit with his own ideals, what if we switch that on its head. Vahn has to create a balanced world of both good and evil without direct influence while (isekai'd) characters are sent into his creation with their own ideals and try to mold it to their morals. This idea has a few flaws and bonuses, first flaw; real difficult to create a brand new world that doesn't break its own rules. Second flaw: Vahn doesn't really become the protagonist in this world after he has 'set up all the pieces' because the characters that come into the world are the main focus of conflict. First bonus: The side characters can have fleshed out character arcs (which you can sell as side stories on P*tr3on). Second Bonus: The story ends with unique symmetry (idk if that's the correct word), you've been placing Vahn in different worlds for conflict but now he is the one in charge of his own situation. 3. Tier 7-9 being realise the trajectory Vahn is on and decide to interfere, (I don't know how those tiers work so it might not even make sense canonically so throw away this idea if that's true). Beings realize what's happening and decide to impede Vahn, but not directing but instead by going to his past and trying to change the events that happened there so that his personality itself changes, and he no longer wants to climb the tiers and threaten their place. This idea has the bonus of Vahn has been taking care of his family the entire time, but what happens when Vahn no longer has the drive nor personality to try to continue with his plans. So his family now has to take up the slack where Vahn has left it, and also fight with him if the changes to his personality are drastic enough. 4. Random fight idea: A god of "no possibilities" (Vahn's direct opposite) intercepts Vahn's path and tries to shut his whole operation down. 5. Vahn travels to a higher-tiered soul's world, and it's empty and desolate. And he has to investigate the ruins of its universe to try to uncover what could have happened to eradicate such a strong being. This is a great set up for a "final boss" or whatever, it allows Vahn to fight strong enemies that have survived the "Cataclysm" and he can't use OP investigative abilities inside the world of a former higher-tiered being. 6. Personally, I would enjoy Vahn going to an eastern world, like what Fenrir went to in the side story. I dislike the often-repeated stereotypes in those stories so seeing Vahn destroy one of those worlds would be a nice catharsis, at least for me. I can probably think up a few more if you'd like, I world build in my off time so I've come up with a lot of ideas. I don't really feel like having to type all of them down though. But if you want you can message me and we can talk more. I've been reading this story for a long time. It's my favorite Web Novel and I'm a P*

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Ein Sama is Best!

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Thx very much Ein ;) I think I’ll take out number 3 bc some people already gave some good arguments to choose 1 or 2 and I’m with them :) But the final choice is still up to you... so do your best and surprise us!

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I feel like letting the girls go explore outside his sphere of influence would probably add stress to Vahn even more than whatever self made drama the girls could come up with. So I'm torn between these choices because Vahn doesn't want them too gain his approval just for them to be happy and I'm not sure if being separated from Vahn would make them happy or not.

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Arigato Ein-sama

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter....Great work like always 👍👏

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Thx for the chapter Ein ❤

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thx for the chapter

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I thought about it again and my choice would be reduce the harem by 90% with option 2 and 3. Let only the main main woman stay. In the end it shouldnt be around 10 girls. The main three: Fenrir, Atoria, Eva Fenrir: I'm still waiting on the promise they made that she and vahn will travel together just the two of them. Eva: There can be ways to remove eva but vahn chased after her for 200 Years and she is one of the main girls for sure. Atoria: Since Natusvers she is basicly vahns main wife and emperess. I cant see a way why she would move without vahn. My Options from Natusvers: Nobu-chan, Scratch, Morderet I think every other woman is jsut to much of a side character. Nobu: She always wanted to be usefull to vahn fight with him but since she got summoned she could do that, she was to weak. On Top of this she got summoned from Vahns blood, this alone should let to a deaper conection and maybe could be used when vahn finaly discovers his sealed race. Not to forget she has a fun character. Scratch: I think she is the woman with the most word count in Natusvers and i realy loved the training times with her. She had one of the most impactfull parts (her death) and i missed alot about the story of here when she fused with the memorie. That why i liked to see more of the new scratch. Morderet: I personaly enjoy her character alot like nobunagas. I can see her going both ways either go alone and prove it to herself that she can become a god without her father or stay at his side to fight with him. Both options are good for me. Akavers: / (Eva is already part of the main harem) Theo: I think she is a fun girl and could creat fun storys with nobu and Morderet but we could easy remove them for some time and send here to here record to try to fix it without vahn. So she can prove herself that she is able to do it. Even so i would like her to stay. Older Ostia princess (forgot the name): Neve liked her much and i think its just like Theo she could move to Akavers to fix the problems that they left behind. Asuna: For me she should got back with her sister and help to fix her record. i cant see any fun or good storyplot from her. She fall for vahn at the age of 2 and all her world is around vahn. So maybe vahn and Eva could argue her into try to see the world with her own eyes without someone like vahn to get some expirence. Karin: I think she should go back with to Aka and does what eva wanted to do protect the young imortals. She would do this because it was something Eva liked to do and she doesnt want eva to regret it. Templates: Mardara, Phae, yoruichi Phae: is the most developed template but she still has alot of story potantial. A love story between her and vahn could be kind of interessting from both sides. She could even give us some lesbian and take vahns fear from woman orgasmus. Her character stays more in the back but i think she would be a good part of the group. Mardara: She is on of the templates who is still relevant and i like her character and how she gets slowly closer to vahn. yoruichi: We cant remove the black cat. She one of the most aktive templates so she should stay. All the pokemon should return to the pokemon realm . They help there to make the realm work. The only one that could maybe stay would be latias but the only character she has is playing pranks. TOG characters: the only possible two are Yuri and Ureko and i just add them because it would be strnage if noone from TOG would stay. But i feel like all the main girls from the tower are the same battlejunkies. So my group (12 woman) would be: Fenrir, Artoria, Eva, Phae, Yoruichi, Madara, Yuri, Ureko, Nobunaga, Scratch, Morderet, Theo I hope i havent forgoten a woman

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like i said before. sis and ureko are more or less right. vahn needs to grow he still acting like a kid most of the time. he needs a challenge to struggle a bit without the help of the path like finding a new master or something and the harém really needs a bit of a cleaning. i love this book and im looking forward to were u take us every chapter. the path is to evolve so everyone need to chance at some point good or bad

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i stand the side that vahn should live work in the 14 hells , netherworld, void,angel, demon , beast realm there are a hole lot that vahn can learn there there are animes about hell and the mc is the secretary of king yama and anime like evangelion , angel beats etc horror story like inland and vahn should change his race or form in these realm or dimesion like working as a cat , something not human he will not need to f much exepet special people , he can play the role of a nekomata etc to make contract with those in need or underrated characters, go in a chaotic world and dont try to save the world just live in it , help a antihero , demon lord , or have his wives in maternal hierarche or regim and work as a secretary wiseman , be a joker chrater like in rimuru slime history , randomise his reincarnetion or train just some aspect in his reincarnetion or use only one elemet of his arsenal his skills are diversse or just omega energy , be a incubus or a contractual demon himself or create an agency with big sis to get faith energy or let his harem or disceples go there like a mashup of dxd contracts quests and companion and diferent lifeforms he created , be an animal like sacred divene beast or extint beast and reincarnate and live with that


I would say send him to a normal world. Slice of life? Gaming? Anything to give him a reset if the option they choose is stasis. Also what ever happened to the innate awakening pill he got back in damachi?