
Comments of chapter undefined of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos


I appreciate everyone concerned about my health, but I know my own body better than anyone~! I come a military background, and am used to working 75+ hour weeks working with teens~! The effort I put into the novel has no influence on my state of mind. The only thing that ever gets me down is people asking for spoilers or trolling in the comments section xD~!


This man, this man is insane. I can barely think after band practice, and he writes a massive and in depth fanfic. What the heck.

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Einlion I'm starting to think that you're a robot or sentient AI whose energy reserves are refilled by satisfying your readers.

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Einlion, I appreciate that you're trying to make this a harem. But I feel okay with Vahn and Hephaestus' romance alone. Because I'm worried that Vahn getting killed by the women instead of monsters is a not-so cool ending. (I don't mean to be rude, but although he is innocent as a child, he needs to consider his words when talking to women.) I would definitely appreciate it if you can add a little bro moment for a change. Anyway, you don't have to this if you don't want to. Plus, please don't push yourself this time.

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Author-sama please put Aiz in harem for the sake of my soul <3

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Alternate title: is it wrong to try to pick up girls outside of dungeon?

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Please let him and Hephaestus be happy together 😊

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Ains for the harem

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Einlion, just a quick question, Can I ask which Relationships will be successful, and which aren't? Because if you get us too invested on a female character and then you don't have it stick, it might irk some people, and btw, Chloe should be one of the ones that sticks, she deserves it, I wouldn't mind Ryuu too... XD

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Loving the story as much as I was earlier. The rapid fire release rate also makes it hard to complain. Honestly my favorite part is vahn's sincerity. I feel it's his best quality. Hope he manages to grow but not lose it. Can't wait to see what he does next, how he lives with these girls or just continues through the multiverse and leaves his children behind. Honestly that's something I'm really curious about. Especially when there's so many different ways to treat it. (Some authors force the character to only have one lover per universe. There is also the option of him making a trans dimensional safe area where all the women can live. Then there's the idea that he can return at any time. Then there's the use of relativity. Where lifetimes pass within an instant of vahn living in a new dimension.) Anyways can't wait to get more to read. I'm loving the quality and the story!

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Will his relationships with the girls from this world success tho? as readers we get emotional for female leads and so you know but as the story goes even goddesses in this world have a maximum of lvl4 soul (sage) while mc can lvl up his soul with the path up to 9th lvl maybe more so how will his relationships carryon when he reaches lvl5? i think he will be forced to leave the world at that time no?

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Thinking about it, our Author is helping Hestia in catching Bell by eliminating all her enemies 😂😂

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Thx for another monstrous release author! Though i must say this chapter made Vahn looked like a guy who wants (or don't mind) multiple women but doesn't want the women to be with other men. I get that he's not quiet developed yet because of his age and just wants to follow through with what makes him feel good, but I hope there'll be character developments that will make him more mature or at least becoming beyond the typical harem mc. (Personally I think MC doesn't need to return every single girls' feelings or approaches for them to keep being in love with MC. Harem doesn't mean MC have to be a playa) Still, all the best!


Ahh I don't want to be like an asshole or anything but I'm just curious, why even have most of the girls show romantic actions and have the MC reciprocate them if they're not going to be a part of the harem. I mean obviously I'm in no place to criticize because by now the book is insanely long and #1 for a while, but idk it kinda irks me. Uh yeah that's it really obviously you don't need me to tell you good job but good job nonetheless.

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author are u on drugs!!!!!!! cuz u are posting so many chapters... (acting concerned to the author but thinks otherwise....please use drugs more)

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author sama. you said that some relationship will fail, you do not break the relationship with ais and Hephaestus I hope? thank you for your reply .


Please don't make him fail relationship. At least lili hephaetus ains tiona and chloé are a must

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Where is Chloe?

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...Your a A.I created by aliens right!Dont lie to mee!!HAHAHA

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Death by snu snu

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Thanks for the chapter