
Comments of chapter undefined of End of the Magic Era


What happened to the seed he got from the Heaven Plane????


Does anyone else feel like the ending for this was never planned?


So hundreds of chapter just got summed up horribly in a few pages awesome


l took some time to digest it and this is my thought. it was a good end to the death plain crisis. my issue is the solving of everything else seems to be an afterthought. Hi mom I am home from school got an A on my math test. oh and I solved global warming and cancer. Mom responds "oh that is nice dear your father will be happy you are doing so well in school." Lead buried


Um, what?!


I call this the "my novel was axed with half a chapter warning" ending.


what about santon Merlin what about void battlefield what about the destruction of starry sky college


Really regretting spending time, energy, and money reading this novel just to be served this cluster of an ending. Such a letdown.


the end hmm not a bad ending but I for one did not expect it to end so soon


What an absolute let down of an ending. Talk about being taken advantage of. Literally hundreds of chapters summed up in a few paragraphs?


Never got to see Reina's father get resurrected.


I'm guessing that the other person with the Magic Array in the king of nightmares plane was the second Lin Yun? Also, how is there a second Lin Yun?


I was under the impression that this book was already written and we where just waiting on translation? I do believe we have been taken advantage of, and rushed it to make it last chapter



So the unanswered questions/ unfinished plots are: -What actually started the apocalypse? -Was the guy watching Agalon Lin Yun or some other creature? -Does Lin Yun become a time mage or how did he go to the age of gods? Or did he get send to the beginning of time because he survived the apocalypse? But why did the new Lin Yun end up at the start of the magic era then and not the beginning of time? -Will there be an apocalypse this time? -We only hear about heaven mages in Nosceant. Where are the godfire mages? -What is stored in Pabietes Memory and what did the creator know? -What is the black substance in the puppets? -Does the Demiplane become a normal world or actually as bis as Nosceant or bigger? - What happens to Agalon and the Starry Sky college? -Does something happen with the Monarch Flower? - I think he never explored the ruins Joji gave him for the meditation set - Does Emir succeed in conquering all worlds so he can kill all crows? - What happens to Reinas father? - What is up with the Starry Sky battlefield? - Do the big snakes move into his Demiplane? - What other gods are hidden in the shadows? -What happens to the other organizations over time, like the thorny crown, the alliance of light? Maaan i realy hoped it takes him thousands of years to accumulate power and finally build the shelter tower. This way we could have seen organisations and civilizations develope over long periods of time. Or even better how the demiplane gives birth to entire covilizations. Very unfortunate. Despite the leftover plotpoints and arrogant young masters this was just beautifull worldbuilding. An elaborate system for magic and alchemy. Many different planes and species. History that spans across multiple eras and slowly gets unveiled. Twas a nice story! See you in the next one.


So basically Merlin saw the end of the world and was sent back in time to fix it but during the process found out about some of the truths. Somehow then “mastered” the law of time and sent himself back in time to cause all of the problems which would explain the super powerful human in the dream and then through each age became an influential and shadowy figure, like the dark sage. Then came to the current time period where he hoped to delay the ending of the world but failed due to the “past” current him. Realized that his thought process was wrong and somehow merged with the other one to maybe ignite the god fire and complete the construction of the tower and lead the world to a great age. I would loved of he unsealed the robots memory seal and saw himself making it and then the past self talked to the current one in that instance. I would of also like to have found out about the other mage from the Merlin who was missing. Maybe he was the other Merlin that lived through the past ages?


Guys does this ending feel rushed??



Man so many threads left unfinished like was it the other Merlin watching and killing people like Arlong? Also the mysterious Merlin ancestor in the outer space battle field and the other gods all of that left unanswered plus what is actually causing the destruction that was not answered at all


Great story, massive letdown of an ending.


tf? I thought there was some sort of mastermind that destroys noscent🙃, didn't expect that an ending.