
Comments of chapter undefined of SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World


What happens if she gets 096 in the spin.....

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I can see her having cornering a market for cheap amazing weapons with bizarre side effects. Things like the brace or a dick shaped sword that is amazing, no real side effect on that one I just think it’d be hilarious to see a cultivator with a dildo sword.

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Thanks for the chapter~~😄👍


Eh nothing really happens this chapter. I'll release an additional chapter tomorrow along with a chapter from my Kirby System story tomorrow because i feel that this chapter is pretty lacking in content. I decided to give Jing a satchel as her main weapon in public. I've had many great weapon suggestions such as a fan or a pair of fans, a scythe and chain, a regular scythe,a blow gun, zither, umbrella, bow, dagger, throwing knives, tonfas, spear, and even a hairpin and brick! I appreciate all the suggestions given and decided to go with a satchel because i wanted Jing's spells and cowardly nature to show off more than her weapon. The fact that she doesn't even choose a weapon to fight with highlights just how non-combative and peaceful of a cultivator she is. Slight spoiler: One of the future members of Jing's team will use a refined pair of fans that's why i didn't use a fan. The others were a bit too much for the kind of image i wanted to give Jing for other characters to see when they first look at her.

