
Comments of chapter undefined of Wild Crimson Rose: Beloved Handyman Prince’s Courtesan Wife

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Omg I like this novel so much. The main character especially, is a fresh read from other CN MC. There's still romance but this is probably as little romance as I'll be able to get so I'll take it! Cheers to less romance! Banzai! Cheers for the novel! Banzai! Cheers for an actually decent backstory that is being elaborated upon as well as for the MC's personality! BANZAIIIII


Thank you, I’m glad you told me what you enjoyed about it too. I was wondering if I was going too slow or was adding too many unnecessary elements. I know some people read stories to escale from reality and a lot of power fantasies are self-insert to a certain degree so I was kind if worried about unfolding a backstory for the MC.