
Comments of chapter undefined of Table for Two [Completed]


it's been a while since I read this novel, and at that time I just thought of them as fictional characters, but now that I re-read the novel I must say my thinking was really naive, and people change their views according with their insights and real life situations. I want to think that she is going to refuse and say I don't , but from what I read her character she might say I do as she has already taken a decision when she walked down the aisle and stood to take her vows. Whatever her decision may be it is a step in going forward by confronting the reality of her situation.

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Why would Xiu Ling leave the discussion about the question or her decision till the very day of the wedding? That's so out of her character. And after reaching the altar, I don't really see any possibility of her turning back as she doesn't hate LK at the moment. Still don't get it why she didn't talk to her mother, who she's very close to and of course to Lin Kang. Hasn't she become more confident and decisive over the time? Sorry, but a bit disappointed with the chapter. I was hoping to read some more gems of wisdom about relationships from the author as we have been receiving throughout. But Congratulations for completing this brilliant piece of work. Thank you so much. Loved it!

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Thank you for the ride, Lonelytree! I have thoroughly enjoyed every chapter of your novel; I loved the way reality was mirrored here, and I can say that you did a very good job. I also liked how you did not conform to the stereotypes of romance just to please your readers. You really stuck to your own feelings and beliefs, and I give you my respect for that. And I hope that you continue to be like that for your future novels. That open ending was a good idea. Though personally, I would've liked Xiu Ling's and Lin Kang's relationship to have a clearer path, it was indeed hard to choose the answer. For me, if you chose to make Xiu Ling refuse, though they'd be married still, her refusal would definitely have a big blow to their union, and everything that happened will be for naught. If you chose to let her agree and forget about the past, it will leave a bad taste in the mouth, bec. though it's in the past, a big sin like that cannot be forgotten. It will haunt Xiu Ling in the days to come, and I can only imagine the rift it would slowly cause between them. Once more, it would be for naught, inevitably. Thinking like this, I have reconciled with my feelings and have accepted the ending. Besides, reality isn't always a bed of roses, nor is it a fairytale that should always end in a clear, happy ending. And we are here for the reality tag (😊) so that open-ending is acceptable to me. (And I am a closet-fan of open-endings, actually, hehehe)


One more thing! Why did you guys focus and put so much emphasis on 'rape' when in the beginning, it was stated clearly that to Xiu Ling, of course she didn't agree to it but to Lin Kang himself, he thought about it as a role play because that's what he expected from all of his secretaries, right? To Lin Kang, it was just a role play that Xiu Ling just played in and part of their sexual fantasies. IM NOT SAYING THAT RAPE IS NOT A BIG DEAL and WHAT LIN KANG DID WAS RIGHT but for the sake of argument and in fairness to how Lin Kang's character was written, Lin Kang was unaware of Xiu Ling's real feelings and perception of what happened between them in the beginning... SO WHY DIDN'T SHE BRING IT UP TO LIN KANG? Why didn't she confront him about it? She could've told Lin Kang how she really felt so he wouldn't be left in the dark, right? She could've raised her concerns with him to avoid miscommunications in the future after all she was willing to stay with him for the sake of their son and I believe for the affection and appreciation she has for the man as well! I'm just voicing out my opinion though ^^ More power author!

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Whoa.... that’s it, but after all her pain, I expected lots of sweet fluff...her son is her lucky charm, as long as he is around, only good things keep happening to her. Please write some extras that indicate the life after official wedding, maybe a honeymoon episode with lin Xi involved?

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Sigh... Such an open ending story indeed... I wish you would find time writing another chapter of this novel... But all in all, I love it... Thank you author.


To me it's a non-question. It's not like she would have divorced Lin Kang had he not decided to hold a wedding. While ceremony is important, especially to someone who's been forced into a position of disadvantage from the very start, still, it's pretty much moot and academic. They're already married! Unless this sudden proposal was gonna make her change her mind to suddenly want to leave Lin Kang after all, the answer is pretty obvious. She really should not have deferred everything till the wedding day. She basically painted herself into a corner and forced herself into a decision. If she does not say yes then she forgoes her son, which has been a non-negotiable from the very beginning. So to me it's quite obvious she went through with it. It's just that she now has to work through all the resentment inside her. This couple is in for a bumpy ride.

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So sad it is over 😭 Thanks so much Lonelytree, this story is really a breath of fresh air. You should be proud of yourself. 😘

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