
Comments of chapter undefined of Chrysalis



Chapter comments121


Oh. It just occured to me that, we’re seeing Odin’s perspective on things unlike in third POV with every other character. Usually Rinoz highlights his main character, namely Anthony this way to differentiate himself and others. But now, Odin is getting this treatment which probably means he’ll be here for a long time; and may very well be Anthony’s most major antagonist (or at least be related to each other in some form; and not as in blood relation mind you, like a relationship of friend or foe).


I think that they introduced Odin because hes going to be the "villain " of the next arc. he and Anthony are polar opposites after all. One being about his entire family, strength in numbers and the other being all about relying on themselves, who knows, maybe they will end up allies in the end, after Anthony shows him how you can be individually strong and still support those important to you

Maekellen:Don't care how long he is here, we don't need this level of detail for a side character. It normally wouldn't bother me much, but the timing is the worst. Anthony beginning his mutation was not a good place to stop and introduce multiple side stories; yet here we are on side story #3.

I don't like him. He is Anthony's antithesis, he is a danger to the collony!


Is he gonna be Anothonys friend or foe? or a Loving Hate relationship


Anthony we miss you... Im sick as hell and I can't sleep well so this novel keeps me entertained. Good nigth to everyone!!


No offense for our new friends but WHERE'S MY EVOOOOO!!! AHFAKAGSJDGAKS


So this is definitely a wave but my goodness this is a boon for Odin. He is basically in an isolated environment, he could farm these demons until he feels good and ready. The question is, will he form a core?


I'm almost surprised to see so many.. against the new character. some may be getting unhealthily attached to our mc. I feel like the break from the ants is a good thing. It would really suck to grow sick of the wondrous colony if the power creep wasn't delt with. Another character on the level of anthony maybe one that goes in a different direction to show the different paths in power is just what is needed to keep the story going long term.


I miss my ants


Except the story doesn't progress in real time, so no it isn't the "perfect" time to introduce side characters. The perfect time to do so is in combat or other types of action. The story does not need another main character and we do not need to watch the full development of side characters. The Torpor Patrol and Queens discovering sugar were fine. Both were exceptionally short and, in truth, are progressions of stories already embedded in the tale of Anthony and his colony. The new villain, however, could have been introduced when Anthony started exploring the 3rd strata without interfering with the flow of the story like this. Yes, it IS personal preference but if we are honest, so is everything we post. I've barely even skimmed the past three chapters as I find the new villain shallow and disinteresting.


Thanks for the chapter


Is author dead??? He hasn't give me drugs for at least 3 days😱😱


now we know why demons arent considered adults until they are tier 6


No doubt, but building it from scratch after 2 side stories while we wait for Anthony's evolution is... Well it has irritated me enough to just skim the chapters. I would have preferred the introduction be when they actually meet. We don't have this pre-existing detail with any of the other side characters; many of whom I found more interesting. Instead, we get introduced to it slowly over time without taking away from Anthony. That would have been my preference here as well.


I get why he is doing this but I wish RinoZ would just show get to Anthony waking up and all the other characters reacting to his evolution. after all it's been a week and a half since we found out about his evolution and now we have had three mini-archs right after each other. I get that it's for world building but couldn't he have waited maybe ten chapters after anthony woke up to show the main antagonist.




Thnx 4 d chap!


Thank you for the update!


Thank you for the chapter!


The way Rinoz spend more time to describe Odin make me thinking that Odin may become the main antagonist against Anthony. It is unlikely he will befriend with Anthony. This guy fit perfectly in Demon society.


"Live Evil" I guess, just like words are mirror versions of each other, Odin is Anthony's mirror. Honestly, this section was dragged on for too long. 1 Chapter would be sufficient. The more I see of him, the worse it gets. Odin's introduction has been pretty lame. Despite his assassin background, he doesn't feel like a threat at all, and I think the author butched his characterisation. He's supposed to be this cold and calculating individual and yet his thoughts and actions are so hot headed.