
Comments of chapter undefined of Chrysalis



Chapter comments134


thanks for the chapter :D I hope he didn't forget to take his core collection with him...


Remember it said tiny had it

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For I have sinned hitting the herald of the dungeon I lost an arm but the herald show mercy for me and my congregation he show is mighty power and stop the congregation in place tenderly without hurting us Almost telling us I will not hurt you but you need to stop then I see the greatness of the dungeon when half of the herald entered the portal then earth shaken and cracked and from the darkness it appears the mightiest being I have ever seen the apostle guided by the herald come to me with the gentlest touch and the warmest light almost like a mother healing his child I see as the apostle take away my pain and stopped my bleeding then the most wondrous of things happened I behold as the herald looked at the portal and the earth rumbled as hundreds of beings similar to the herald come out of it like the most perfect army marching I can see rows upon rows of them they move as one like the perfect being then they marched outside ignoring us we were stupefact but this was not the end of it when all the army were outside i see the herald dives in the portal again and from the portal emerged again the herald carry with the utmost’s care the white messiah in all is splendor and behind them comes the guardian he was majestic he moved like a human but looked fiercer that any man that has lived and was bathed in chains of lighting at the end they too walked out of my humble church crossed the field and were embraced by the forest I watched fervently all of this without blinking carving this moment in my head for I wanted to tell the future generations about this sacred encounter. Memoirs of the first pope Primus Maximus Alexander founder of the true religion Antteismo


Yay, the Grubb survived the migration I hope she grows up to be a nice sidekick or gets adopted by antony. Glad the colony as a whole managed to escape the dungeon wave at least, for now. Can't wait to see how things unfold going forward Thanx for the chapter 😘


Warning! Aggressive Homo Commentus. Proceed cautiously.


That priest will have a death feud with him now. Finnish him off!!! After the dungeon wave he should lead them back down into the dungeon. If they want to expand the colony they will need the bio and exp. Thanks for the chapter!!!


MC should have just gone up to Gandolf's statue and bowed to it. That would have helped the humans understand that they mean no harm.


That was really stupid. If he really cares for his 'family' he should have killed them all to leave no witnesses. He's a monster, act like a monster.


I hate this MC. I get it he was a kid beforehand but he is too naive to believe that the humans in the church won't just have people hunt them down. Shit logic that should never work and I bet this stupid author is going to plot armor the MC so this incident has zero consequences


Can somehow see one of the younger kids going " he wasn't a bad monster. " Adult "he bit off the hand of ..." Child "but he attacked first, and when the rest of us just sat there all the others just walked past us ignoring us".


Anthony *****ty towards humans is going to get his family killed one of these days.... He should think more like a "Monster" like his instincts did.


Will this be the same old shit with MCs reincarnated into monsters, where they never touch a human because he was one?.


Okay could turn out good but first he is too soft if he is going to let these humans walk away knowing where he is going as even in a forest he won’t be safe if they know he is inside. Luckily the wave will probably help as most fighters will be too busy. Anyway either they will thank god for a miracle becoming more devote believers or Anthony will have started his own religion. At first I thought he could draw pictures to communicate saying he will protect them from the wave in exchange to stay there but I will see how he handles this. He really needs to learn more magic like healing so he can show goodwill to humans and then mental magic so he can communicate. Guessing mental magic doesn’t need him to understand the language unless the guy he talked to spoke the same language. Anyway he needs to learn the human language so he can gain intel when scouting so language skill to learn languages he hears the higher the level the faster it decides it or simply lets him understand other species like humans. A lot to do so he can use that brain to the fullest.


Thank you author san for the hard work!!


I think I know where the story is heading now. Since, he came to this area on the surface, he will probably make a home on the mountains or the area sourrounding it. As a wave is going on, lots of monsters will probably arrive on this area. And he and his ant colony will help defend the humans. He will then become a sort of leader of this place. (Honestky tho, If I am wrong, I am willing to give this story a 5 star). Hopefully, I am proven wrong. I really don't like my predictions being correct when reading a story.


Thanks I wonder exactly what he thinks the humans would do when they hear that a whole army of huge ants came from the underground and headed to the forest


If the queen's healing can regenerate limbs, why couldn't it regenerate the priest's arm?


Look forward to this stories updates most of all.... and then i bit off his arm.


I can't help imagine when he said that pheromone gland from behind the ants. My imagination was like... Anthony: Hear my Fart your Highness! And the rest, leave it to your imagination.


Thanks for the chapter


Hi!! Ahm shud it be 'past the disbelieving and hopeful eyes of the crowd' change colony to crowd perhaps?😄