
Comments of chapter undefined of Granting You a Second Life


Sacred author of my life, can you send a new chapter for the love of God, Buddha, Goku, Kamisama, Yama, or any other deity?


I admit loving this story a lot. However, I havae reached a stage where I'm thinking of removing it due to inconsistent and absence of regular updates. This story has been on site for a little over 2 years, yet there has been no progress in terms of the story itself. In fact when you consider this timeline the story should have been completed by now. At chapter 170, I at times feel that we are still in the introductory stage, we are going nowhere our FL has yet to complete roughly 4 months in the hospital etc. Though we know of the ML, there is not even an indication of romance as they have to even reach that point. Its frustrating as heck, we dont care for a rushed romance but as stated earlier in the 2 years since the story came to the site all of this would have happened. I think as readers we have been very considerate, respectful and patient with the author. But at times, I wonder if she does take that in consideration of us who have to wait over 6 months for a chapter which is disappointing. Its worse when there is no notification as to why there is no progress at all. We get that you have a life and if there is a writer's block that can happen too. But telling us nothing shows a lack of respect and consideration on your part to the reader who have waited on you because they love the sotry and see its potential. Its why everyone celebrates seeing a chapter or 2 after waiting all those 3-4 months, requesting mass release and a spike in ratings and likeness. Its like a gift that we have been given. Its not greediness in the request, its love for a story, and I don't think we are wrong to request a chapter every week or a set of chapters every month as we have no problem paying the SS. If you need to set a schedule or plan of 3/4 chapters month we are fine with that minimum at least we know that you are still around. Its with regret but I think after waiting so long for some progress with the story, this one will not be in my library anymore. I sincerely, hope author that you find time to read this comment and give us faithful readers a response - because we feel that you have abandoned us and no one likes to feel that way. Take care.


Whenever I see a new chapter of this story, I feel its like party time. I enjoy it sooo much. Laughter in putting someone under manners and getting life lessons. Those people who attacked the kids under LX's watch are in serious trouble, not only with the Qins. Looking forward to more and continue to take care of yourself.


Yayyy a new chapter. This feels like Christmas 😆😅 Now that this boy learned his lesson it’s time to see the destruction of that witch and her family hehehe I can’t wait 😈😈😈 Thank you for the update author😊💕


Thank you for the update...and the strange looks in the lunchroom as I squealed upon notification. Seems my insanity is now in question, not that ever had any when it comes to this novel.


Update pls


I sooooo love the Ying's friendship. 💙Such a goal. Ying No.1, Ying No.2 and No Ying at all🤣 their humor's really making me speechless😆 BTW, I missed you our dearest author☺ It's been a while💙


I'm disappointed😞. I really loved this story I was to the point i kept reading it to keep up with the story so I won't forget the characters but the constant expectation turned into great disappointed but I was still putting my self into illusion saying maybe tomorrow. but it's time to wake up. its time to let go.💔


It's been such a long time. I thought about revisiting this novel. I have a very special relation with this novel. No matter how much time passed by i always remembered it. I hope one day i get to see the end of this novel. Nonetheless it was quite nostalgic reading this novel once again.


I had this novel in my reading thinking that author will update and she was gone just for a while or so but even after almost a year there is not even a single chapter. I mean as readers don't we deserve atleast a simple note telling us eager readers that you are not continuing this novel even if u are not telling the reason but suddenly stopping updates with no note, notification or anything u suddenly disappeared like the novel never existed...m really disappointed coz I have really enjoyed the storyline and more so the author's vast knowledge about medics, I have actually respected that you are trying really hard to make us intrigued to the novel by delving deeper into the medical world and making the novel look more practical and like it is happening right in front of me and I know that to make the novel this interesting u must have read a lot about medical. But now even after a year not a single mssg from you makes me really sad and distressed. Now I have finally decided and bring myself to say final goodbye to the novel from my library...


I think even if the author doesn’t respond to the readers questions of the next chapters ,WEBNOVEL owes us some type of response 🤨🤨🤨


Totally saddened by the lack of respect for your readers! This book had all makings to be great but upwards of 6 months for one chapter if we lucky and without any explanation is beyond ridiculous!! No master if this book was a bestseller NOBODY is willing to wait that long for such a short single chapter! If i were author i would remove the book from app temporarily and only put it back up I’ve actually finished it!!


Ugh I’ve read through a few these chapters comments had i known waiting for the updates were such a time consuming thing i would have NEVER bothered starting book. That i loved the book so much i read it in less than 24 hours sucks because now i know i just wasted my time and coins on a book that will probably never be finished because author is too selfish! If you want to write, then don’t!!! If you don’t want to update this book then it down!!!!


still waiting........annoying


It's really annoying when a good story suddenly stop, especially when I paid to unlocked chapters - where's the justice in this. If this keep going on I rather buy a hard copy book that's completed rather paying so much but cannot even see how this story ends. Really disappointing 😔😤


it's been more than a year... i miss dark alpaca, honey bee and of course death's escape.sigh.


dear author.....please send some updates


Dear author, I love the story so far please can we keep going.


this hv not been updated for the longest time already...is it dropped?? which is a shame bcos the story line is good.


I hope the author releases another chapter soon!!


it was a good surprise ... finding updates... I hope it won't take that long for the next one... I really like this story but I have bad memory it's hard to remember who is who after so long ... keep it up author... hope your inspiration never dries so chapters can flow smoothly for us to enjoy ...