
Comments of chapter undefined of Divine Emperor of Death

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thanks for the chaps

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Thanks for the chaps!

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thx for the chaps

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Thanks for the three chapters! Keep up the good work!!

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Thanks for the chapter! In all truth Davis has become the ultimate Inheritor by gaining FH in the Third Layer world.



I love Evelynn here. She's already peaked her cultivation until her tribulation but does she relax? No. She’s working with her elemental (now spirit) and growing her capability in other ways. She's come a long way from where she was before her trip to the mountains in the Ethran territory. She keeps moving forward and I love it!


All the same, I do not like that the author pays so much attention to Evelyn. Where are all the other Davis girls? Why does he, having sensed their sadness, continue to communicate mostly only with Evelyn? Why couldn't this conversation be turned into such a family conversation? For me, Evelyn is no different from the rest, especially when you think about everything that Davis gave her. And if the rest of the girls are so indifferent to him, then why does he need a harem? Why is he torturing them, why? Come to think of it, it was a week for Davis and a few months for them. Not to mention that they had been sitting in the palace for over a week now. And so he returned, exchanged a couple of general phrases and continued to communicate with Evelyn. It's just insulting. And I, for example, Natalia do not understand. She is the SECOND wife, but they don’t pay attention to her at all, even against the background of Minjin, not to mention Isabella and Shirley. And this is against the background of the fact that Davis himself doomed her to eternal suffering with that technique of improvement. We have enough new women on the horizon, and the current ones have yet to be revealed. Generally. Sophia and Niera, Bilay and Zestria, Natalia and Yesha, Delilah, Tanya, Tina Roxley, WHERE ARE THEY? Why are they not there, and absolutely hackneyed characters come to the fore. Why can't they be TEMPORARILY sent on parental leave, and ALL the time devoted to unrevealed characters. And the most annoying thing is that I wrote something similar about 400 chapters ago, but nothing has changed. And I understand that it’s more convenient for the author when you don’t have to write so many characters, but it is this moment that largely determines whether a story is good or bad. Hm. I finished.


ok bro i forgot who is esvele