
Comments of chapter undefined of Muchuan and Xiang Wan


is been eleven months ,nearly one year


Hi, guys! So someone from the team commented on someone's forum asking about why novels are getting dropped out of nowhere. Basically, the main explanation they said is that the amount of collection (bought coins spent to unlock chapters {not the bonus ones we occasionally received} and coin gifts we give) isn't enough for the upkeep of a novel translation. Example: The salary of a translator per chapter is $30 (just a sample {it can vary from the teams}). The amount they spent to pay for an editor is $30. But the collection amount is somewhere $300 per month. Sample tally: Per chapter, there's a 29 coins. Everyday, their post goal update is 2 chapters. So there's a 54 coins per reader. And that's like around a dollar a day based on the coins payment system. Now, multiply it by (let's say) 30, then it's (2*30)*29 = 1,740 coins. Now, think how many people nowadays are gifting some coins on novels. With 1,740 coins alone if we convert it into cash using the lowest amount of coin package (50 coins per $0.99) in their system, (1,740/50)*$.099 = 34.452 Now that money will still need to be broken up, ⅓ for the original Chinese/Korean author, ⅓ for Webnovel, and the other ⅓ is for the team. In that $30 something, only around $10 will be sent to the team to be divided for the editor, translator, and team management. I know we both love this novel but let's be real that a lot of people would rather consume something free rather than to pay for it. This is why novels with low ranking and have less loyal readers gets killed when these ends doesn't meet! Remember the amount of each editors and translators makes per novel doesn't get affected in these paywalls. For every chapter they finished, they will get amount of what is stated on their contracts. If we are basing that sample tally I made, this novel needs at least 100 regular paying readers for this to be continued! 😭😭😭😭 This would be all my last message here until this (maybe) might continued (hopefully) soon. Please, please, please remember to promote this novel to everyone you know or stranger you meet so that this novel won't be buried in WN's dump yard! 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 Please also bump this post to let the other readers read this! 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 Bye bye lovelies! 😭 I'll miss you! I still hate you Cheng bitch! And I'm still annoyed with you, Xiang Wan! Please grow up! Bai Muchuan, you're so cool! I wish I could meet someone as cool as you! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 • 👍🏻 Also if anyone of you managed to join Webnovel Facebook group, please say hi to me there! 😭 Just look for Elle the mod! 😭 😭😭😭😭


Dear translator..i hope you in good health.. we are waiting for the next chapter patiently..


It has been five months and I am still here. I can't get over from this novel. I am using webnovel since 2018 and came across so many novels. But nothing has excited me the way "murder the dream guy" (yes, I remember the name) excited me, inspired me . Whenever I read about Xiang Wan's struggles of being a novelist, I was able to relate with her. I wanted to be a writer, but I was afraid of others judging me. But when read this story I amazed by XW's character- she wasn't a perfect, god-like FL (Unlike FL stereotypes) she was depicted as a normal human being, just like you and me. She had her own imperfections and shortcomings. We witnessed her journey from a failed novelist to the top most novelist, a criminal profiler. I laughed and cried with Xiang Wan and Mu Chuan. I know they are just a bunch of fictional characters, but the inspiration and encouragement that I've received from this story is immeasurable. I started reading this story while I was doing my post grad- during that period due to the workload and stress, I was barely alive and felt like I don't belong there. Reading this story was the only happiness I had. When I read that XW quit law school and followed her passion, I asked myself, I am able to take a such a decision? I was not sure at that time, but XW helped me to overcome my fear. I've left the field my major and joined for a literature course. I've stopped being a coward and started to publish my story online. Today I've signed my contract with Webnovel as an author and I wanted to share my happiness with you guys. Xiang Wan, Thanks for being the greatest inspiration. I am not a good writer, put I would like to dedicate my novel - Empress of the lost Kingdom by monsoon mangoes ( my pseudonym) to the entire family of Xiang Wan and Muchuan (Author,translators, readers) I hope one day everything will return back to normal and webnovel restarts publishing "Xiang Wan and Mu Chuan". We will patiently wait for you.


Okay.... So this is getting out of hand already 🙄 we don’t know what’s going on with our best book anymore. There should at least be a kinda notice on what’s happening rather than getting everyone worried 😟... Pls mint, what’s going on? Hope you’re fine and alright? Who would we call on for help now? 😩🤷🏼‍♀️


Dear fellow readers who miss this book like i do if you read this comment please keep voting for this book keep sending gifts and recommend it for others i think if we show WN we are not willing to give up they will continue the book


Yesterday I was anxious about chapter but today I'm worried about the translator 🥺 I hope you're in good health


No update today?..hope translator compesate us with mass release.. Please


Atleast they should tell us where else can we read this book🥺 Just bcoz thy dropped this novel doesn't mean that we can move on so freely. The reason we're reading this novel means we're connected deeply to it. I just hope they can assign another translator or the same translator and continue this novel


My day starts with reading the story and now I feel like I am missing something from my life


I just came here to take a look at, how many of us are still interested in this story. Xiang Wan and Mu Chuan has become a part of our daily lives. As a writer myself, it makes me really happy to see new comments everyday. And little bit jealous, bcoz I've never got these many comments from my readers. I think posting comments and sharing opinions are the biggest support we can give to our Author and translators. I hope one day everything will return back to normal. We will patiently wait for you.


I still haven’t given up! Please someone take pity on us and finish this translation. 🙏


I've dropped by here after a very long time to see how's it going and there's no update :( I hope all the readers are well in this pandemic! Stay safe and healthy and maybe someday this novel will be updated :)


Miss Bai Muchuan so much😭😭 Update please


Xiang Wan life like a sad drama..and the director is Cui Ming..that man is the real lunatic..he deserve to dead and rot in hell.


hello guys and gals, just checking in for my daily power vote and having a miniscule hope that it gets picked up again, that aside I hope you're all doing well and happy (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)


Sorry, Webnovel, but I'm not reading another novel. Not when the actual great ones are dropped with no ceremony...


The 1st thing I do when I wake up daily is to read this novel. For the last one week I was waiting for the update. When ever I open the webnovel I check for the new chapter still knowing that there is no notification only to make sure that I don't miss it. Hope you are in good health dear author.


Hope the translator is well? I really miss XW and BMC update... Any morning without them is incomplete 🙄


Cui ming definitely deserved what happened to him. If he was not obsessed with making xiang wan's life hell, he and his daughter may have reconciled long ago. Karma got back him right in the face. Poor xiang wan 😢 She also had a tough life because of the adults crime.


Thanks for the update.. What a fantastic drama that Cui Ming create where the idea come from the scenario from the Special School..haiz he is crazy and he deserve to die in that way..