
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Mysteries


Thank you for the chapter


Whoa He released all the cocoons, these modern humans would be a setup for the sequel? hehe

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The year was 1368. It was the year when the barrier shattered that the world was plunged into turmoil. While places under the protection of multiple deities and beyonders remained mostly safe, those without such luxury came under attack by the Outer Deities, becoming places of corruption! The religion that worshipped Mr. Fool had spread all over the world, becoming a major powerhouse with multiple demigods under the pathways that it had control over. So, when the Outer Gods entered the world, churches of other Gods came under attack with churches far away and without support were destroyed easily. Alger let out a sigh as he thought to himself with only the waves to accompany him. After Mr. Fool had fallen into a deep slumber, the Tarot acted on the missions given to them by Mr. Fool with the odd prayer to Mr. Fool for assistance in small matters. Over the years, three members of the club had reached Sequence 2, those being Hermit, and Magician with the others all reaching Sequence 3. He himself had managed to reach Sequence 2 , Calamity as well 3 years after Mr. Fool fell into a deep sleep and with a prayer, obtained information related to the Cosmos. It was safe to say that Alger was shocked, but was thrilled that his bargain had rung true. Mr. Fool was one of the Pillers and he Alger was a worshiper of him! Much grander than being a simple archbishop for the Lord of Storms. Alger was standing in front of, smoking a cigarette as he reminisced about the past. He had found it on a relatively small island. Alger assumed a zealous believer wanted to spread the faith of Mr. Fool so much that he went to every island and tried building a church on them. Alger wasn't against it as doing exactly that might bring in more believers and thus help awaken Mr. Fool. After Alger finished his smoke, he threw it away and turned to walk away. That was until he heard the voice of someone familiar coming from inside the church. "No way...", Alger said, not believing what he heard. He quickly turned around and walked into the Church where he saw mostly destroyed pews with few remaining complete. Looking up, he saw stained glass windows which each had the depiction of an Angel. However, what really had his attention inside the Church was a man in black robes, hands together as he prayed. " The Angel of Death, the one to follow Mr. Fool the longest who acts as the ambassador of the Underworld The Angel of Redemption, saving those from sin and the messager of revelations told by Mr. Fool The Angel of Life, the embodiment of spirituality inside of everyone and the wisdom that everyone can gain The Angel of Mercury, the embodiment of fate and the one most cherished by Mr. Fool The Angel of Time, a King of ancient times before he eventually bowed before Mr. Fool. Striking the bell of heaven for Mr. Fool Finally, The Angel of Retribution, standing beside the throne of Mr. Fool acting as his rage, lightning, and palm, judging all those who fell. He is also the one who will spell the sign of Mr. Fool's return from slumber." He fell silent, then raised his hands to his hood and lowered it as he turned towards Alger. 'Those eyes, that black hair, those gold glasses...it was...', Alger thought. "Hello, Alger. It's been a long time, hasn't it?", the man said, but Alger was too shocked at who this was. It was Gerhman Sparrow, The World and that meant..! "I-if you're here, that means...that means..." Letting out a chuckle, Mr. World smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Fool has awoken from slumber and he is here to stay." The World raised his right hand and with a snap of his fingers, the Church was destroyed returned to pristine condition in the blink of an eye. "Let's get started, shall we? We got bugs to kill." The World grinned.


Good night, Klein. See you soon.


Man the author really is doing a lot of plot hints and huge changes for the world to set up the next LotM novel. Wonder if it will follow a new time traveler, or several, or the tarot club members, or all of the above? Or I wonder if it will start off with Klein waking up and focus from him again or maybe almost be ending with his reawakening? So much that I can’t wait for that will probably be so far away...


god, this is such a satisfying ending, but I don't want it to end! I've been reading since it started being translated and it has been my favorite novel to date here


So Klein started a Reincarnator Apocalypse. I wonder how Amanises will react to that.


Wait, so he just dropped all those civilians into a semi developed world on the verge of the apocalypse? I hope he game them some cheats or protection, even an explanation of the current events would be better then nothing!


So, I read somewhere that the Author made Klein bring Arrodes with him for a reason. Maybe Arrodes will take a physical form and act as an anchor or something wherever they end up.


Thus the curtain closes while another stage is opened.



The fool better return soon


The worst part about the ending is having nothing to read when it's done, like I can't go back to reading scrubs everyday.


Risin' up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a man and his will to survive So many times, it happens too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the 🐅


Thank you for the chapter, even if I don't like the idea of LOTM2 in 2022 or further.....


Bravo! I wish there was more and it won't end so soon.


4 more chapters


For some reason, this chapter reminds me of Su Ming from Pursuit of the Truth...


a goood chapter in did jaja xp pufff


Rebember the good time klein..


Sad Klein...