
Comments of chapter undefined of Lord of Mysteries


Thanks for the chapter


Sonovabitch! I sincerely can’t f*cking wait until Klein manages to pull one over Amon that will actually wipe the smile of his snarky face. TBH though Amon is an amazing antagonist.


In his hands... that couldn’t be characteristics would it? It has only been seconds. The old man has already been defeated... really? If it is what it looks like, that would mean that Amon now has everything he needs to attempt an apotheosis? How powerful would a sequence 0 Amon be? No... Hopefully the apotheosis ritual is troublesome and will buy Klein some time to sequence up...


Things aren't looking good for Grandpa Pallez. And yet, things seem to be going perfectly according to Amon's plans. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Amon suddenly activates another trap card to hoodwink Klein again...


The greatest thing about amon as an antagonist is that he isn't engaging because of his motives and neither is evil with a great plan or ideals. He is just interesting. Everything he does, be it for fun or to make himself more powerful, is interesting to watch and inspire fear and ansiety on the characters and readers. His ability to hookwind even deities makes him a threat to anything bellow sequence 0 and a constant thorn on the deities path. Facing someone like that as a weaker protagonist makes the stakes high and even if Klein isn't directly defeated because of his plot armor, the collateral damage and risk to the lives of the ones associated with klein makes that every appearance of amon is menancing and equivalent to despair


I hate that my guess was correct about him going after Pallez :( stupid Amon


Amon needs a theme song at this point


These Angels who have been around for so long have some serious deviousness to them. Hard to tell if you fall for a trap or avoid it. Goes to show that those who survive for so long isn’t solely on luck.


OLD MAN!!! I already suspect that the treasure is a Trap but damn🤯. Please be okay🥺😭


Fanfac Side story 2/2 Not long after, inside the Corpse Church, the green eyed young man was facing Amon, not a minion Amon like from previous encounter, but the one true Amon, the seq 1 Angel who heavily wonded Pollez many years ago. Pollez fully understood that it was “His” marauder properties that Amon was after and was given 2 options: 1. Sacrifice the host, and escape alone; 2. Letting the host escape by putting up a good fight. Realizing the Corpse Church was a seal and it would take minutes before the Gods discovered that something was wrong, there would not be an option 3. “Amon, Amon, pesky as always… You really give me no choice here, aren’t you?”, Pollez then sent the young man out the Corpse Church through a loophole. Knowing the young man’s safety was now in “His” hand, Pollez decided to give it all to have Amon’s undivided attention for the upcoming fight, even it could only last for merely minutes or even seconds. “That’s good, too.” Pollez then let out a self deprecating laugh, and faced Amon one last time.


Fanfac Side story 1/2 At the last clash with Amon, Pollze was gravely wounded, “He” even lost his physical body. Although the situation was pretty hairy during the fight, as expected because Amon contained the uniqueness of the Marauder pathway, Pollze was still alive. “That’s good, too.” Pollze told “Himself”, “Being alive, that’s what really matter.” Days passed, years passed, Pollze eventually parasitized a young man with a pair of green eyes in Loen. As soon as Pollze completed the process, “He” immediately realized “His” condition began to stabilize. That could only mean one thing: this young man was one of “His” descendents. By chance? Or it’s destiny? Pollez never gave a serious thought, but before “He” began “His” long needed slumber, “He” let out a sigh and told “Himself”, “That’s good, too.” Eventually, things happened. As a seq 1 Angel, “His” mere existence would attract abnormally, and “He” had been long prepared for this. Without much effort, Pollez successfully kept the young man safe and allowed this incidence discovered by Nighthawks. For a second Pollez even thought of introducing the young man to the marauder pathway, just like what Pollez did to “His” son, grandson, and all other descendents many years ago. But then “He” remembered, “He“ was only a weaken, wounded Angel, and Amons and Jacobs were probably still out there searching for “Him”. “He” finally decided to let go and allowed the Nighthawks took the young man in. “Nevertheless, it is a great opportunity to introduce myself to this young man,” “He” let out a chuckle and told “Himself”, “that’s good, too.” Things were pretty peaceful for a time, the young man eventually accepted there was a “roommate” living inside him, and Pollez taught him the basics of mysticism. Days passed and their relationship drew close. When the young man addressed Pollez “old man” for the 1st time, “He” couldn’t help but recall one of his great great great grandson, Morbid, used the same address too. “Youngsters, huh…” Pollez let out a laugh and told “Himself”, “That’s good, too.” Be it too carefree or still suspicious toward his “roommate”, the green eyed young man was deliberately holding back his advancement. Pollez understood that it won’t do, a mere seq 8 Midnight Poet did not have the strength to protect himself from the mystical horrors that lurked beneath the calm, fragile surface of the world. And then an oppounity came: a descendent of an evil god’s spawn. Pollez allowed the young man’s captain and his colleague to die during the encounter while kept the young man safe. Things turned out exactly what “He” planned. “This is for your own good.”, Pallez nodded, watching the young man took all the blame to himself and finally decided to pick up the pace. “Through ordeal can only a man grow”, Pallez let out a sigh and told “Himself”, “That’s good, too.” Months later, the green eyed young man met the resurrected colleague in Bucklund. Sensing the revived colleague was closely related to Evernight and “the Fool”, Pollez decided to accept the cooperation request and took out all the Amons lurking in an area. With the help of Evernight and a Snake of Mercury, the mission was a success. Pollez took a look to “His” finally fully recovered status and power, let out a smile and told “Himself”, “That’s good, too.”


Oh no, Pallez has been eaten!


Amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amon amonv


At this point i would believe if the author himself has been amonized😂😂😂


Noooo not the old man!!!


I am not surprised even if amon becomes a god in the next chapter


Pallez was plenty strong enough to leave Leonard's body. I wonder if he stayed in order to associate with the Tarot Club.


how good is it, what the pros and cons of it ? also have you check 'sword of the dawnbreaker' ?, if you did then how good is it compare to this one I mention ?


At this point Amon is more of a force of nature approaching Deus ex machina. The guy cettainly have style and flair but his motivation just seemed so vague.


RIP 'Him' Pallez


Tsk, why can't Amon just die already. Even Adam, who's trying to revive their father, is more bearable than him