

After people have been going missing at a certain spot sor some time, detective Solomon is put on the case. however what seemed to be a simple case has turned deadly... how deadly well you will have to read to find out. That atmosphere was soon disturbed when the father soon lost control of the car. From nowhere he saw a huge wall that was right in front of them and in a state of panic he tried to maneuver the car but it was futile. He was cursing at his poor judgement at the back of his mind, for he knew the biggest mistake he had made was trying to avoid the wall but what could he do that was the first reaction any normal human would do, it was almost like something that was done subconsciously. Everyone knew the tale about that place but no one really believed it, because to them it was one of those stories. This tale told of story about a young lady who was offered a lift by her workmate only for the workmate to capture and sexually abuse her. After the deed was done from fear that the lady would report to him to the police, and, he would be arrested, lose his wife and his job even his reputation at work he decided to dump the girl’s body which was already weak in a nearby swamp. And from the anger, hate, bitterness and a lot going on in her heart the girl’s soul was trapped in this realm until she finds justice. So, he haunted this place in wait for the monster who took her life. Because of this resentment and dark energy, she became a vengeful ghost a monster even that trapped her victims with her and sometimes she would leave one alive all kill them all. No one believed the story and the story since it sounded far-fetched. The police arrived in approximately 20 minutes after the incident took place, however even if that was the case, they could not locate the car or its occupants within the accident’s vicinity. This was bizarre, how could they not find the car, it was not like the swamp it fell in was deep in actuality it was very shallow. Detective Solomon was put on the case to see if he could find anything. This was a very small case and it was supposed simple but it was becoming troublesome and they were using a lot of resources that is why they decided to put the hound on the case. He was famous of sniffing out even the most subtle of clues, looked into places that most did not bother to look. The Investigation team was really hoping that this case would close soon, especially the captain, those at the top were breathing down his neck. When Dect. Solomon came on the scene of the accident, the first thing that caught his attention was the place did not look like any accident took place. No tire marks, no remnants of broken glass, there was absolutely nothing, but from what the eye witnesses account these were supposed to be there. He could feel it that this was going to be a long case and he had a bad feeling about it.

Damiano_Lucian1900 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Dead corpse

After that Solomon went to call his crew to go back to the swamp again. When they received the order, they were not happy. They had gone to that swamp a lot and still found nothing.

However, they did not have a choice but to go since it was an order. They went to the sight and every one was given orders on what to do.

After Solomon re-read the case about Chipo, he saw something interesting that they had been missing. And that is during that time there was a heavy down pour and that swamp was bloated to the point that it looked like a small river.

This heavy down pour was due to a cyclone and if his guess was correct then it was possible that whatever that was in the swamp would be washed away. Thus, plan was to expand the perimeter that they were previously searching and maybe then they could find something.

He needed something that was logical that would accompany the absurd story he heard from the little before he took it to his captain. Thus, this night they would go and search for anything.


He got to the location and they had been working for some time now. Everyone was tired and they knew that they could not half ass this investigation because the public was right up their ass because they could not find out what was going on.

After all it is in human nature to give blame to those who have certain power just to put their minds at ease. Around 9:30 pm a huge discovery was made, a body, a dead body that had decomposed. Though it was certainly in appropriate to celebrate finding a dead corpse but this situation was different.

After the initial excitement, it all dawned on them that maybe what the public were saying is the truth about this place, and they could not help but feel fear creep up their spines. They were standing on cursed land.

After that realization they wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Solomon was confused as to how they could not find the body all this while. He put those thoughts at the back of his mind and focused on what was in front of him. He called it in. and in no time the forensics team was on the scene. Taking pictures and everything.

The body was taken in for autopsy and they awaited the results. However, the news had caught wind of a body being found by the monster's swamp and it was already breaking news.


In a luxurious house a woman was sitting on the couch with her legs on the lap of the man sitting next to her. The TV had been playing but no one was really watching she had been watching some vids on social media and the men next to her was reading a novel.

It was a harmonious setting and they were comfortable with their set up. When the news reporter said there was a dead body that was found at the swamp, she off handedly said it to her husband who seemed not to be paying attention.

At the mention of it he stiffened something that he did every time there was news about the swamp that was at the side of the road along the bridge that led to Brews Bay, and she always wondered what was wrong with him.

When he heard what his wife had said Peter looked at his wife eyes with vacant eyes and for a moment, he was blank. After he came back to his senses he just said "it seems so" and continued what he was doing.

At the back of his mind, he prayed that it was not her. He had been having nightmares a lot lately and he could not begin to explain what he saw. No one knew that he was the last person to be with Chipo but a lot of people knew about their affair and he was hoping nothing like that would come light.

He really loved his wife though he had affairs on the side but he did not want anything to come to light.