
Comments of chapter undefined of The Last X

The Last X


Chapter comments339


Thank you for the chapter! I saw it's been almost 2 years since an update was made. Are you alright Author? These are dangerous times now so I hope that you are at least healthy. 👍👌


*Possible spoiler if correct* I’m guessing that CY is a clone of his “good brother” rather than a twin. After the “car crash” exposed his brother to radiation he became an unwitting organ donor. Therefore even if he has the genetic power to clean radiation from his body the constant influx of new radiation from his brothers contaminated organs has kept him sick.

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Author-san please let us know what is going on! 👀👂🗣 If health is at risk, at least allow us to be able to worry about you.😷🤧 If you’re simply out of inspiration, provide a chance for us to motivate you.🧐🤩If you are going through hard times, we can manage to try to cheer you up.🥺😓 If... ummm you plan to drop this book, at least let us know so we can be prepared.😟😱 Whatever it is we are ready to listen.🤨🙂 You can trust us on respecting your decisions! 😤☺️ We can patiently wait, but our concerns get increasingly worse as time goes by.😢😭 If you feel that it isn’t intruding your privacy, please update us on your situation.🙋‍♀️🙏Thank you, and I really love your work!🍀💝


I missed the good ol' days when author-sama updates every day.


I'm betting more on that CY was supposed to be the real son and the other one was just a child used by the family to seize the main branch family's stuff.


I feel like I have neglected this novel and have been feeling guilty about not being able to keep reading your amazing stories and only just finally reaching this point now. I sincerely hope you can continue this novel, it has such amazing plots and characters that are very lovable (despite having some 'holes' in their brains), which are very hard to find (for me, that is). This is one of the greatest finds that I've had and I think it's the same for most of the readers here. I hope you are doing well, dear author, and I sincerely wish you well in the things that you're currently going through. 😊- your very supportive fan


Come back soon author!! We'll wait 😁ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)


Hahaha... Chun'yu Dao is creeped out by Chen Yu's innocent smile. He knows the MC's true personality! XD


knock! knock! mc my cutie.Are you still alive? haaa...yeah yeah i get it i will wait.wait.wait and still wait! What can i do except waiting anyway...the normal tragedy of a reader...(gloomy face).


CY is 004, that means he is the fourth clon, the other 3 are probably dead as failed experiments. But, just a teory, what if his brother is a clon too? Like 002 or something and it just happens the real one died in the car crash, this would really give a hit at his arrogant self (😈) who thinks CY is a fake. But i doubt so. Seeing how CY is OP, he can make himself into an "evolution" of the original instead of his clon (another face slap to the "brother"). And, and... How the heck can a car crash give radiation?! Dafuck? The author is not telling us everything 7.7


Oh, infirmary play? I'm in~ eh, wait, no, i don't want to be flayed. I'll just leave my camera devices.


Author-san come back (TT∆ TT ) I really can't wait for the next chapter!


Hmmm... The ML's debt keeps increasing. And increasing. And increasing. It would seem MC requires ******** sadism to reduce the debt....


Author-sama it’s been a year since you were last active/online I hope nothing happened but you being gone this long that’s the most likely option... 😔 Lots of love though we miss you


Thanks for the chapter! Here is my guess: The real young master is CY. His parents were involved in some kind of experiment unknowngly and killed for that later on when the subjects needed closer attention. His brother is only a failed experiment or the patient, possibly a secret cousin. I wouldn't bet on a clone. Because of his gained ability CY is experimented on among other subjects while his "brother" fills the role of the heir, hiding CY existence. The red flag in this chapter could be A. romantic interest for the shou B. better qualities than the planted heir (intelligent, social, knows how to "hide" and "cover" his intentions)


The flag CY set up was probably about the ML attacking him in the school infirmary(?)


From what I can see, people are mostly assuming one of the two brothers, or even both, are a clone. Here’s a counterpoint though. We haven’t seen much of this world, but from what I gather, it’s about as technologically advanced as our’s. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that cloning isn’t possible, or at least not probable. In all likelihood, CY’s brother is a complete stranger, not at all related to Lei Jia. At the very least, he’s not part of the main family. It’s more believable that CY is the true heir, and LX, his brother, is a either a branch family member, or someone sent by the military, or some other secret organization. I’m inclined to believe the later, as it’s stated very early on that CY has a very strange memory from the original owner’s childhood. I’m guessing their family was involved in a secret project, and something went wrong. The organization behind the project freaked out and killed CY’s parents, and maybe even the real twin brother if there was one. After that, they sent in a body double to replace the twin. They set up the murder to seem like the parents had died in a car crash. Something went wrong during the setup, and the ‘twins,’ were exposed to radiation. The spy the organization sent in was on the verge of death, but CY was able to neutralize the radiation. To cover up their tracks, the group behind the scenes didn’t want anyone to know what they had done, because it was no doubt illegal, so they put this whole scheme into play. CY’s organs were regularly replaced with damaged tissue so that no one would suspect that the twins weren’t actually related. Sorry this is so long winded, and possibly incorrect. I just felt that it was a more plausible explanation than cloning, since, as I said before, this word doesn’t seem advanced enough. Thank you for reading through my long-winded guess. Hope it’s right.


The day you come back will be the best day ever :)))


Wuu author San pls come back!!


Dear author where art thou? Please update soon. We will continue to wait. Just don't drop this novel. Is the flag calling him father? Is that how he'll have to call the ML this time? He's done gege, uncle, master etc.


Still waiting ☺️☺️