
Comments of chapter undefined of The Phoenix Aspect


Dear author, when are you going to continue writing? Your readers are waiting. May e you can hire a sub writer . someone you can dictate to chapter by chapter. if the assistant is good, you can give an outline and they will flesh it out like in korean dramas were they have a team. surely you can have a contract made with regards to saLary, rights and royalties. i think you will be able to finish more books faster too.


Hello author! I’ve followed your story for quite a while and really like it. I have been worried though about your situation; you’ve mentioned somewhere before that you live in South-Africa and that the electicity in you area was cut. I’m worried something may have happened to you. At this point I genuinely don’t care about the story; I just hope you’re okay! I hope that even if you drop the novel you’re doing fine. I’ve gone on a break from webnovel a while ago and since I started reading on here again you’re the only original story that I’m reading together with some translations. Because you are the only original story I have in my library and because I wish you the best I’ll continue voting for your story. If you’re fine, I wish you the best. If you’re not fine, I wish you the best and I wish for you to know you’re not forgotten. This may all sound very melodramatic, especially if you were to be reading this while doing okay, but still.. Sincerely, Your loyal reader

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Missing my daily dose of Jayde!


I don't think the Author's going to drop the story....the author probably has got some kind of crisis.... Hopefully nothing bad happened to our beloved author! 😬🙏


I started and caught up just recently, only to see that there hasn't been any updates in a bit...I hope everything is ok with DJRogue...


Really missing this. Dear author, can you just post a status update to let us know if everything is alright and if you plan on continuing this wonderful book?


Pls come back author


If your reading this comment, I would like to say something. DJRogue hasn’t updated in three months. We all know this. The longest she has taken to update a chapter is one month. She hasn’t been active on her account and she hasn’t worked on her other story, so I have come to a conclusion. DJRogue is either in a really tight situation or... She forgot about updating the book and it is now starting to collect dust. As a fan of this book and author, I’m worried. As the addicted reader and story lover I am, I’m depressed. Please, some one give us a proper explanation😫


Author, I hope that everything is okey at your side. Can you release an explanation for situation of releasement for everyone waiting chapters, please?


I truely admire people who are able to come up with such a good story and actually write it in such a perfect way. And i think those things were really brought out in this novel so PLEASE give me more chapters. This is such a great novel and there is so much more that needs to happen in the future that i need to read about. ~Begging for more Chapters~ ༼☯﹏☯༽


After a year plus... Am back to check in again. Ahhhhhhhhh the pain of thinking it will not be picked up again... Ah!!! Dj rogue where are you???? I hope you are well!!! I hope you will be back and pick this magical piece back up. Even if someone wants to copy this story n replicate it, your creativity and imagination is unparalleled.. no one will be able to fit into this shoes... It will never be the same. Please please please I need your brains to complete this story and no one else. Ha!!!!! I want to cry and shout!!!!!


Has anyone heard from the Author recently?


I need a dose of chapters。。。😫。。😖。。😱。。⚰


Please update your next chapter,I'm eagerly waiting

Author liked the comment.


Paragraph 6 from the bottom: “While Jade was slightly disappointed that she *would* be able to join the three,...”. (*゚▽゚)ノ Shouldn’t it be ‘wouldn’t’?


Pls come and continue this amazing book Pls😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Love love love the story. I don't typically pray but for this I will. I pray that you are well, I pray that you return when you can, and I pray for a mass release when you do. No explanation necessary! 👍🏽🙇🏾‍♂️🙏🙇🏾‍♂️👍🏽


I miss jade!


Author where are you ... I've been waiting for 3 year already pls be okay 🥺🙏


Stuff like this is just sad.. Both the Novel and the Author, I honestly hope someone would try to actually complete this


How can one post a review on a story that has stopped updating! I think webnovel should have incentives for writers to finish up their novels, not just spirit stones. I would also suggests to go easy on the required number of characters per chapter. There is too much redundancy, in the descriptions of a certain plot, action, thoughts, costume and so forth. That the authors are just beating around the bush. It's better to get to the point than boring the readers that one just scrolls down quickly and hopes to get to the soul of the story.