

Celic, a country in planet Betroot, was not really recognised as a country, because the Cebron government had controlled most of their activities. The goods in Celic were so expensive and their currency had been devalued, due to the fact their last government had loaned a huge amount of money from them (Cebron). It was as terrible as saying a poor Cebronian would be described as a wealthy person if he relocated to Celic.

Yeah that bad!

But, even though both countries had problems with another, there was a crisis their Continent Frinla faced. Every year, every country in Frinla had to select ten abled citizens to represent their countries for training and fight against the mighty dragon Antani, which is after Prinla the LIFE ROCK which they worshipped. They'd gather in Shumdi, a country located in the western part of Frinla, even sometimes, some foreigners from other continents do join this training as it was the best in the whole of planet Betroot.


A beautiful country with lovely buildings. Their amorkas (more like transportation animals) were the most healthy of all in the countries of Frinla. They were even the most designed. In the western part of Cebron lived a nuclear member of the Abby family.

Ceb Abby and San Abby (Mr&Mrs) had a son Lav. Lav was involved in politics, and was part of those that threw hates at Celic. He was in his room, reading the news of the latest war between Cebron and Celic when he heard his mother screamed.

He ran to the kitchen where she was and asked what was wrong with her.

"Jay, your son had applied in the annual Anti-Antani training" She faced Ceb Abby who just entered the kitchen.

"And what's wrong about that?" He replied as he collected the approval letter.

Ceb Jay Abby, had always supported Lav in everything he had done, most especially his love for politics. He knew Lav did not apply to save Frinla, but to sneak on Celic. Lav had informed him on his devious idea three sunsets earlier and he agreed. "I'd always known Cebron was fortunate to have you son." He'd always say, but San Abby never liked that idea, all she wants is peace. She thought her love could change her husband, but in order to avoid arguments she'd just smile hoping the Life Rock will enlighten them some day, or send an angel to enlighten them.

"Mother, I'm doing this for Frinla, and for once I'm thinking about something other than fighting against those intelligent fools. Won't you support me?" He said to his mother who could do nothing but smile, all she had in mind was where she went all wrong in training her son. He grew up having the same mindset as all other Cebronians.

"And stop crying." He said as he cleaned the tears that dropped on her bubble skin.

"All you need to do is pray to Prinla for our Lav's safety." Ceb Abby added then he asked Lav to come along with him while San Abby continued what she was doing after she watched them leave.

In Celic

Celic was a beautiful country also, even more beautiful than Cebron. They might not have used expensive items as Cebron had, but they had idea on the best beautifying items and had robots. Instead of amorkas, they had machines that moved around, and called them Port wheel.

"I completed it." Kartra screamed as she jumped into her room, just to see her bestie Tilt in the room with her legs crossed and her hand folded. She was surprised with the way her bestie acted, at first her parents did not answer her greetings and now her bestie seemed angry.

"Did I offend Prinla?" She thought out loud. And her bestie answered "of course you did" and dragged her to the bed.

"We received the letter." She half yelled and handed the letter over to her as Kartra gave the oh-oh face. "Don't you want ceb and San Onjlio happy. I warned you not to sign up." She added.

Tilt had actually warned Kartra not to sign up for the anti Antani training, but due to her stubbornness she did sign in.

"I shall try to create peace between our people." She said confidently.

"Why do you hold on to such useless dreams, the Cebron are difficult, greedy and rigid people who hates us and besides our people don't like them either stop this madness before it's too late." Tilt opposed.

"It's late already." She answered.

It was obvious Kartra was not ready to listen to anything Tilt had to offer. She believed she was the only female with the same colour of her fore father Celic, and had the strongest potential of the tree power to create peace. And even if her adopted parents did not believe that fact, she was ready to go against them.

"Kartra, Ceb Onjlio and San Onjlio need to see you." A servant said.

Kartra lost her birth parents at a very young age, and was adopted by Ceb and San Onjlio who were wealthy Celicians. She grew up to be a beautiful leaf coloured lady, although she was sometimes mocked by her fellow mates due to that, as only the male gender were the leaf and storm colour, while the female gender were the bubble and grey colour.

"Alright I'll be there." She answered as she looked at Tilt, who looked very angry. She sighed, and stood up "Where are they?" She asked the servant.

"They left for their room. They should be there." She answered with a bow.

"Thank you." She said as she left

"I hope they're able to convince her. It would have been better if she's going there with the motive to train against Atani, not create peace with few Cebrons, why can't she see that they're poisons with no antidote." Tilt thought.

In her parents room

"What?" Kartra screamed.

"Yes you heard me right young lady." Ceb Onjilo said.

Even if Kartra was not their daughter, they loved her as much as her birth parents would love her. Her disability was what made her special, and she was more important than their lives. They got her everything she wanted, even at age 16, she already had her port wheels.

"Okay, what if I quit trying to prove Celic and Cebron can ever be friendly countries?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes.

"Still no. We can't lose our only daughter." He answered.

"Mom!" She said as she moved closer to her mother who was sitting on the bed and backing them.

"No Kartra, your father is right." San Onjilo answered, as the tear finally dropped from her eyes down to her leaf skin, and ran out of the room.

"She's gone dear." Ceb Onjilo comforted his wife as he hugged her, and she bursted into tears.

"She'd get over it." He added with doubt. Kartra had always had that dream since she was young.

The next sunrise came and San Onjlio's voice was the first sound heard even before the sound of the lazy bird in the neighborhood.

"She ran away." She screamed.

Next chapter