
100th and Final Regression

Trapped in a global death tower where only those aged 20 to 50 participate, Yoshida Yuji stands at the 100th floor's entrance. Final after 99 attempts, Yoshida Yuji has reached the top of the tower. Despite reaching the top of the tower, the tower taunts him by saying there is a requirement for a 3-5 member party members to challenge the 100th Floor. On his 100th try, armed with knowledge from past failures, Yoshida Yuji endeavors to gather the companions needed. Will this final attempt lead to victory, or will Yoshida Yuji succumb to the tower's relentless challenges?

Spectat0r · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Start of A New Era

"Why did you decline?" she inquired, making an effort to restrain her inclination to harm Yuji.

Yuji nonchalantly responded, "It's simple. The conditions outweighed the rewards."

Her disbelief was palpable.

A human was essentially deeming her contract unfavorable.

Never had she imagined a human would reject such a reward. All they needed to do was worship her, a superior being.

"But I'm not opposed to signing a contract as long as the rewards are right," Yuji added.

Upon hearing Yuji's words, she began contemplating how she could make the contract's terms less unfavorable.

"Ok, until next time then." She snapped her fingers, and all the players turned into fragments of light, disappearing into thin air.

Back on Earth, the unconscious people finally regained consciousness.

They began patting their bodies, testing to see if everything that had happened was merely a bad dream.

However, as they noticed everyone else regaining consciousness and appearing perplexed, they began accepting their new reality.

"May I have your attention, please?" a young woman called out to those who had just awakened.

Everyone turned to face her. "What happened wasn't a dream; it was real! An angel brought you all into that tower about 15 minutes ago!"

"I'm a year too young to enter the tower, so I witnessed everyone pass out simultaneously! I'm a journalist and would like to talk with anyone willing to share their experience inside!" she announced, awaiting volunteers.

Someone raised their hand, and suddenly, a little girl screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Ahhhhh! Mommy!" The child cried into her mother's lifeless body.

Observing this, those who regained consciousness noticed some people still hadn't gotten up.

Then, they remembered what the system message had said at the end of the event.

| Players Started: 10,000 |

| Players Ended: 8,121 |

They now comprehended what those numbers signified.

And this realization dawned on them; they weren't playing a game where dying meant a chance to return. They were in a death game, where the dead stay dead.

The moment Yuji regained consciousness, he left the crowd and slowly made his way back home.

Wearing a content expression, he thought, 'I can finally see you two again… and this time, I won't let anything happen to both of you.'

As he walked home, he witnessed crimes unfolding everywhere – break-ins, robberies, murders, and more.

People began realizing that their stats from the tower would transfer to the outside.

This marked the beginning of a new era where players governed countries, not the government.

Of course, the government would have to adapt and rely on players to uphold the law and control rogue players.

But that would take a few months before they fully have everything under control.

Five minutes later, Yuji paused before a fairly run-down home.

He knocked on the door, and a young girl's voice from inside exclaimed, "Mom! I think Yuji is here!"

Yuji saw his little sister's face looking through the door's window.

Seeing her brother alive and well, her face lit up, and she quickly opened the door, embracing him.

Her long, beautiful black hair swayed in the wind, and her blue eyes could light up even the darkest of places.

"Oh my! I thought you were dead!" she exclaimed with tears.

Yuji hugged her back and comforted her.

"You know your big brother wouldn't die such a lame death." Although he said that, the first time he entered the dungeon, he died on the first floor the moment after obtaining the regression rune.

Hearing her brother's words, she pushed him away and crossed her arms. "Liar! You're too clumsy and timid!"

"Well then, how am I here perfectly fine? And your big brother also managed to kill more than 10 goblins," Yuji said.

"That's nothing! Some guy named r100 had over 1,000!" Although she didn't show it, she was happy that Yuji managed to kill 10 goblins.

"Misaki, is Mom doing alright?" Yuji asked as he entered the house and made his way to his mother's room.

"She's not doing well. The doctor said her cancer is worsening," Misaki said, tears dripping from her eyes.

Yuji wiped her tears and reassured her, "Now that this tower appeared and gives you powers, I have no doubt that inside there is something capable of healing Mom. I promise you this, Misaki, I will find this cure no matter what."

She smiled and nodded her head. She knocked on the door to her mother's room to alert her that they were entering.

"Mom, Yuji is here! He's safe!"

Yuji opened the door and saw his mother. Memories of when he was younger and his mom was still healthy resurfaced in his head.

She looked like a more grown and mature version of Misaki. Her entire being was so positive; she was always smiling and brightening people's days.

But when he looked at his mother in her bed, she looked half-dead. Her hair was gone, her blue eyes looked empty, and she could hardly smile anymore.

"Oh, my beautiful baby boy! I saw the news. They said anyone ages 20-50 were teleported into that tower. And since you fit the age criteria, I was so worried I couldn't even eat or sleep. Fortunately, I just reached the age of 51, and Misaki is still only 13," she said, her voice full of worry.

Yuji leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

He sat down on a chair beside the bed.

"The world is in chaos right now, so Misaki won't be going to school anymore. Also, the doctor that came here likely isn't coming over anymore since he will also have to protect his own family from the players." His words didn't surprise any of them since they saw everything that was going on in the news.

"But if the doctor doesn't come anymore, how will Mom get her medications?" Misaki asked, full of concern for her mother.

"Don't worry, I have something better than the medications," Yuji said, and he opened the system screen, which no one in the room but him could see, and pressed on the shop tab.

This was unlocked when you reached level 5, and since Yuji was level 7, he unlocked it.

| Shop |

| Gold: | | 12,500 |

| Health Potion | | 5,000 G |

| Stamina Potion | | 5,000 G |

| Mana Potion | | 25,000 G |

| Bone Dagger | | 7,500 G |

| Bone Armor | | 7,500 G |

Yuji bought two health potions, and they appeared in his inventory.

| Inventory |

| x2 Rare Packs |

| x5 Starter Packs |

| 2,500 Gold |

| x2 Health Potion |

| Normal Dagger |

Yuji clicked on the potion, and two jars, the size of a palm, with red liquid inside, appeared out of nowhere, floating in front of Yuji.

His mom and sister watched in shock. They were confused as to why Yuji was clicking the air for no reason, but when they saw the potion appear, their jaws dropped.

"W-What?! How did you do that?!" Misaki exclaimed.

"It's a system players in the tower get. I bought these two potions from the shop. It will help Mom's condition, but it won't cure her."

He handed Misaki the potions. "Give her one of these once a week. I'll have more next time."

"Since I'm speaking of the tower, I'll tell you what I know."

Yuji then explained to them what the tower and system were. Of course, he didn't say anything that isn't already common knowledge.

It wasn't the right time for them to learn about his regression.