
100th and Final Regression

Trapped in a global death tower where only those aged 20 to 50 participate, Yoshida Yuji stands at the 100th floor's entrance. Final after 99 attempts, Yoshida Yuji has reached the top of the tower. Despite reaching the top of the tower, the tower taunts him by saying there is a requirement for a 3-5 member party members to challenge the 100th Floor. On his 100th try, armed with knowledge from past failures, Yoshida Yuji endeavors to gather the companions needed. Will this final attempt lead to victory, or will Yoshida Yuji succumb to the tower's relentless challenges?

Spectat0r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The New Year Disaster

Everyone aims to evade death, even Yuji, who possesses the ability to regress 100 times.

Despite having died 98 times and currently being on his 99th regression, Yuji still perceives death as a daunting prospect.

But finally, he wouldn't have to worry about succumbing to monsters only found in fantasy novels, as he has reached the 100th floor of the tower—the last floor where the boss resides.

Yuji has never reached the 100th floor, even though he has relived the same 8 years for most of his 99 regressions.

This time, the route he took was the correct one, doubling his strength compared to his last regression.

Standing before colossal doors with skull bones as knockers, Yuji reached out to knock and prepare for a battle that would determine whether everything would return to normal or not.

As his hands approached the skull, a blue system notice appeared before his face.

[Party Members Insufficient | 1/5]

Yuji nervously chuckled, believing this was a joke the game masters were playing on him.

But deep down he knew it was reality, but he still held on to the last string of hope.

He tried reaching for the skulls again, but the message popped up once more.

[Party Members Insufficient | 1/5]

"Fuckkkkk!" Yuji shouted as he attacked the boss room doors with his strongest attacks.

Although these attacks could level multiple cities at once, they didn't leave a scratch on the doors.

Yuji rested his back against the doors and slowly descended to the floor while he cried.

Everything he did and sacrificed just to make it here was in vain.

On the 99th floor, he was the only survivor. He could've saved some lives on the 99th floor, but it was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Especially since he had one more regression left.

Since Yuji had never passed the 95th floor until this regression, he didn't know the boss room required 5 people.

If he knew, he would've saved powerful and useful individuals on the 99th floor to challenge the boss room with him.

And being the last survivor on the any floor 50 and up, Yuji would have to wait years for anyone else to reach the 100th floor.

Unable to return to Earth until he defeats the current floor, he must wait for the next group of players.

And that could take decades. After all, what if someone, like Yuji, becomes the sole survivor of the 99th floor? All the waiting he had to do, would be for nothing.

And he would have to wait another decade just for another player.

Yuji, however, was willing to wait, especially since he finally reached the 100th floor and has one more regression, that isn't guaranteed he'll make it to the 100th floor.

Rather than killing himself to restart, Yuji decided to bide his time until four worthy individuals joined him.

But he instantly stabbed himself in the heart when he saw the system message.

[Due to the insufficient amount of party members, remaining players on this floor will be killed in 10 seconds.]

Yuji chuckled, "You've already made a fool of me once with this stupid boss room. Yet instead of letting me suffer for decades in this room, you're gonna try to kill me?"

Yuji killed himself as he didn't want to be killed by the game master who already made a fool of him countless amount of times.

Yuji wondered what the system or the game master controlling it wanted.

He thought it was to make him suffer throughout his regressions, but instead of letting him suffer the worst punishment, they were going to kill him?

While some would be happy to die in a situation with nothing to do but stare at a blank wall for decades, Yuji had one more chance to beat this tower.

And there was no guarantee he would make it back to this floor in his last regression.

As life slowly escaped Yuji's eyes, he raised his arm and gave the game masters watching the middle finger, "Fuck you!"

And he died the next moment.


Opening his eyes to a starry night illuminated by the bright lights of billboards, screens, and flashlights of thousands of people crowding the streets, shouting the countdown.




As they counted down, Yuji watched, remembering everything that happened a moment ago.

He vowed to himself, no matter what he had to do to reach the 100th floor again, he was willing to do it.

And he wasn't just going to beat the 100th floor; he was going to kill the same game masters who used him as amusement.

As the countdown reached 0, and every person present shouted happy new years.

A violent tremor followed, leaving the crowd bewildered.

Some believed due to the massive number of people in this one area and them shouting at the same time, it caused an unexpected tremor.

A few minutes passed, and everyone had forgotten about the tremor. Instead, they were hugging and crying, wishing everyone the best for their new year.

But that tremor happened again, and this time, it wasn't quickly brushed off.

It was so strong that people fell to their knees, and buildings shook violently.

Chaos erupted, causing a lot of people to run over others.

But everyone quickly stopped to look at the scene in the distance.

Coming out of the floor was a giant tower that would make any of the largest man-made buildings in the world look like a toy.

And then, when they thought that nothing could be more shocking than a tower appearing from the floor.

Red and blue portals appeared all over the sky, and figures that looked like angels descended out of them.

Religious people in the crowd shouted that this was the end times and God had come to punish the sinners.

As the angels parted ways, each going in their own particular direction.

An angel floated above Yuji's crowd and spoke in a tone that made everyone feel at ease, "Hello humans! Welcome to the new world!"