
100 years

Zombies from the underworld sent to wipe out human race

Angel_celine · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

A fateful encounter

In the heart of Transylvania, beneath the shadow of the Carpathian Mountains, there lived a vampire named Vlad. For centuries, he had roamed the dark forests, sustaining himself on the crimson elixir of life. Vlad was a creature of the night, forever condemned to an existence of solitude and darkness.

One misty evening, as the moon cast an eerie glow over the land, Vlad sensed something extraordinary. His senses heightened, and he followed an inexplicable pull that led him deeper into the woods. There, in a clearing adorned with a carpet of blood-red roses, he saw her – Lily.

She was unlike any mortal he had ever encountered. Her auburn hair cascaded in waves, and her emerald eyes sparkled with a rare vibrancy. In her presence, Vlad felt a warmth he hadn't known for centuries, and a longing deep within his cold, undead heart.

Lily, on a midnight stroll through the forest, was captivated by the beauty of the roses and the serenity of the night. She felt a strange, irresistible connection to this place, as if it held secrets just waiting to be unveiled.

Their eyes met, and time stood still. A silent understanding passed between them, transcending the barriers that separated their worlds. Vlad knew the dangers of revealing his true nature, but he couldn't resist the magnetic pull that drew him to Lily.

Approaching her cautiously, Vlad said, "You shouldn't be here, my dear. This is a dangerous place at night."

Lily's heart raced, yet she felt an inexplicable trust in the enigmatic stranger before her. "I couldn't resist the beauty of this place," she replied, her voice trembling like the leaves in the breeze.

As they continued to talk, Vlad couldn't help but be drawn deeper into her world. The more they conversed, the more he realized that she was not like other mortals. Lily's kindness, her acceptance of the night's mysteries, and her fascination with the supernatural intrigued him.

With a heavy heart, Vlad knew he had to protect Lily from his dark nature, but he also knew that their encounter was destined to change their lives forever.

Little did they know that their fates were sealed that night, and the love that would grow between a vampire and a mortal would defy the very laws of nature.