
100 Ways to Solve a Murder

Levi Jackson is a brilliant criminal psychologist with a knack for reading people. He uses his twisted genius in making a name for his private detective agency ‘Jackson Detectives’ with the business motto of "No case is too insignificant, as long as you're willing to pay." Presented with the case of a missing accountant, he is forced to seek the help of Guy’s Hospital resident genius, and Director of Forensics, Dr. Sam Gray. Join them in their adventure in solving different crimes and pissing people off along the way. ........ Disclaimer: (Please note that I do not own the cover art; it was created using canva app. Should this be yours, I'll gladly remove it upon request.) IG:https://www.instagram.com/vanlauredel/ discord: https://discord.gg/ppNn947

Vanlauredel · Realistic
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210 Chs

The Artist III

12 hours later, Jacksons Detective's Agency

Levi Jackson stood before the whiteboard in his office, wearing a black 3-piece suit, but minus the jacket. He stared at the case board, looking at the facts and evidence written on it. It wasn't much if he was honest and he has yet to determine a lot of things. 

When Davies called him to the case he thought the older gentleman was just being stupid, nothing unusual.

But looking at it closely, it piqued his interest. Was it accidental, suicide or was it homicide? They need to figure it out.

Levi gazed at the center of the board, where a photo of Michael Scott was taped. The man was 38 years old, he had blue eyes and long dark blond hair that reached his shoulders.