
100 girlfriends AU: Fifty shades of Inda

Isaac Hayes is a kid who is somewhat down on his luck Having to move to a new country, leaving his friends and memories behind, having to adjust to his new environment within Japan, as well as completing his final year of high school without anyone he knew. But... as the saying goes "There's no bad without the good, No good without the bad" and hopefully with a bit of courage, luck, (and a bit of divine intervention) he might just find his way through his final year of high school... and maybe he also might learn a few things about himself that he never knew before.. and possibly he might find his Soulmate along the way too~ [This is a (MOSTLY loose) retelling of the fifty shades trilogy within the 100 girlfriends universe, (and I say mostly because... well you'll see)] [BTW Rentarou may or may not make an appearance] 17+ * (Light) BDSM* *depiction of sex* *violence* You get the idea **I don't own 50 shades, nor do I own 100 girlfriends**

Star_light_365 · Anime & Comics
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[Love is a strange, yet interesting concept for all living beings to grasp. The want or need to be by another being, and be cared about or recognized by them. After all, there are many different ways for anyone to express their love, whether it's good or bad, but it's up to you on how you approach love]

Currently, we see a boy of (partial) mexican- native- american descent whose just turned 18 years old with somewhat brown skin, natural, curly short black hair, and a small bit of acne on his face. Although today, he's getting ready to move from his hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico to the town of SukiSugi in Japan

*For the sake of this story, everyone will be talking using english*

Right now he's trying to enjoy his last day in his hometown with his old friend group composed of Mark, Basil, Connor, and Hayden.

"Listen dude, you're probably going to have a great time in japan" Hayden says with a reassuring tone

"Yeah, imagine everyone you'll meet there" says Connor with a somewhat reassuring/excited tone

"Don't forget to message us about your progress in Japan... Especially with the ladies.." Basil says with a happy tone, plus he whispered that last part which they heard but didn't react

"Yeah man, go there and grab Japan by it's horns, and don't forget about us as well" Mark says in a confidant and reassuring tone while giving a thumbs up

"Thanks guys, I won't forget any of you.. and yes, one day I will probably come back to visit New Mexico and all of you guys" The boy says in a happy yet a bit somber tone as he hopes one day he will come back and meet his old friend group once again

The main reason he's moving to Japan is because his father found a job on the outskirts of SukiSugi town in japan, but they have to move into a house which was once owned by his aunt, which she gave to their family as a present due to hearing about his father's new job opportunity.

He starts to head back home to finish his preparation for his trip to Japan, but then he hears Mark call out to him

"Hey Isaac!!!" The boy now known as Isaac turned around to see Mark and the rest of his friends waving to him "Good luck!!"

Isaac cracks a small smile as he continues walking away towards his home, memories of his past with them playing in his mind


After about a 20 minute walk, Isaac finally makes it back to his home, soon to become his former home

As he unlocks the door and enters the house his mom noticed him automatically and greeted him with a warm smile, asking him how his day was

"It was all good mom.. Said goodbye to my old friends before we move tomorrow.." Isaac says a bit downtrodden, as his mom picks up on this

"Oh sweetheart" Mom says as she walks over "It'll be alright, you'll probably make a lot of new friends, as well as you can talk with your old friends through your computer" She says with a sweet and warm smile

"Y-yeah.. I guess you're right" Isaac says with a small smile "but still... I.." Isaac hesitates to say that he is uncomfortable with moving to a new country due to him having to "restart" his identity in a new place

"You what, dear?" Mom says a bit concerned while looking at him

Isaac contemplates whether or not to tell his mom about the fact that he is worried and uncomfortable with this current situation, mainly due to him not wanting others to worry about him, but in the end he decides not to

"I.. I remember that we also have to pack the items in the freezer as well, w-we can't leave those behind" Isaac says, trying to play off what he was gonna say

"Hmm" mom says observing his body language to see if he's lying or not, but it works once again, since Isaac has gotten used to doing that a lot "Alright then... but don't worry too much about it" She says patting my head "We'll worry about that tomorrow morning since our flight isn't due until 9:00 tomorrow evening" And with that, mom goes back to finish packing our stuff with his dad

After that conversation with his mother, Isaac made lunch for himself and sat down at the computer and decided to watch a movie there, all while feeling a bit of guilt in his chest for not being honest with his mother about how he feels


Later that day, at around 7:30pm, a small "going away" party is held in the house, with friends of the family and (some) neighbors showing up to wish our family farewell

As we walk around and greet them (or in my case: forced to shake the hands of the ones who I don't know) I notice two people in the crowd who I haven't seen since about a year ago, my mom's old friend: Elena Lincoln, and her daughter: Renée Lincoln (Who just so happens to be the same age as me), both of whom I hoped I wouldn't see again (For different reasons of course)

"Oh mary, I think you and your family will be just fine in japan" Elena says to mom in a sweet and hopeful tone "Maybe during summer, we'll come over to see you since we have a vacation home in japan"

Meanwhile, Renée comes up to talk to me "So Isaac, I hear you're moving away~" She says in a somewhat sweet yet "interesting" tone

"Y-yeah... we're moving to Japan tomorrow evening.." I say nervously as she gives me her signature sweet, yet pouty look

"Would it have killed you to even reach out and talk to me a little bit these last couple of years?.. I mean, we've known each others ever since we were kids" Renée says in a somewhat disappointed yet sweet tone

"I... I just got busy... yeah, I got busy with my school and I couldn't reach out to many friends during that time, sorry about that" I say, telling her a half-truth, while rubbing the back of my head softly

"Friends?... you see me as a friend.." Renée says in a sad, yet scary tone, that I've grown recognize

"Y-yeah... friends... I mean.. we never really talked to each others until that one day a few years ago... and even then we only talked for about a couple months" I say calmly and slowly, trying to diffuse the situation, which I know probably made it worse

Renée then walks up to me, leans close, and then whispers in my ear "I thought you would always be mine" She says in her sweet tone, but with a hint of malice mixed in

And suddenly, the reason why I didn't want to see her anymore was once again reminded to me by her "R-renée... I.. I-"

"Save it!" She says to me angrily and a bit loudly as she walks away infuriated, leaving me confused and a bit nervous since some guests are looking my way

Then, I'm thankfully saved by mom who calls me over to introduce me to some other relatives and family friends but unfortunately, I'm met face to face with Elena Lincoln

"Mr. Hayes, I must say... good luck in your new home" She says politely and softly "Oh and Don't forget to take care of your mom as well"

"I won't.. thanks Mrs. Lincoln..." After I respond, she walks away, while at the same time giving me a small nod, which brings back uncomfortable memories

From there, the party continues without a hitch and I don't see anymore of Elena or Renée, which I'm secretly relieved about. And with that the party comes to a close, everyone leaves, I quickly get ready for bed, and then I lie down and fall asleep quickly, hoping to have one more good dream before I'm off to a new home


When I awake the next mor-


"What?" I say in confusion as I thought I woke up

Suddenly I notice a man standing in front of me with a halo and angel wings, as well as the fact that he's wearing what looks to be some kind of ceremonial or traditional robe, as well as the fact the he's bald and has a long beard

"Wait... are you an angel or something... oh shoot... am I dead?" I say with a confused and somewhat somber tone

No no, you aren't dead... I just came here to tell you something

"...So you are an angel?" I say a bit confused

Nope, I'm Japan's God of love

"....Huh... so why are you coming to see me?.. We're not in japan, nor am I Japanese... right?"

Don't worry, you aren't in japan yet.. and let's just say it's like changing your internet service provider... except with gods... plus you aren't Japanese..

"Oh... so you're my "The God of love" now since im moving to japan?" I say trying to grasp this

Yes, pretty much

"Alright then.. so... what did you need?"

Well... how do I say this nicely















You are what we call... an "anomaly"

"What do you mean by that?" I say curiously

Well an anomaly, by our standards, means that you weren't supposed to be here... but now that you are here... you have a soulmate from the main cast...

"Anomaly... main cast?!.. you're speaking as if we're in a tv sho-"

Anyways just a heads up that you will meet your soulmate in japan, and that she's from the "Main cast", good luck

He then promptly snapped his fingers

<Crash >


I woke up from that surprising dream, but the only problem was I was lying face down on the floor after clearly rolling off the bed

"Damn... what a weird dream" I though as I rubbed my head slightly

I then looked at the time and my eyes widened as I realized that I overslept by about an hour, it was 9:00

I quickly got up and got everything together with my suitcase, and packing the freezer things within the span of two hours

Finally mom and dad returned and they were happy

"You didn't oversleep, did you?" My mom say as she walks through the door

"N-nope i'm on time" I say cautiously

After that whole mess was cleared up, we pack everything in the car and then say our final goodbyes to the house we spent many years in

"Thanks for the memories, it's been fun" I say as I touch the wall one last time before heading out to the car, memories of me and my friends also playing in my head as well


After a while of driving, rushing, and checking we finally made it completely onto the plane and we finally took off, ready for our next adventure in Japan

Although, that dream I had last night is still fresh in my head like a memory, but for now I just dooze off, since it's about a 10 hour flight there