
The World Of Uta No Prince Sama VI

Algaia no longer have any assignment from Shining Saotome,

and the STARISH members seems to be busy for now.

So Algaia just decided to write songs for the senpais. 

Algaia: Ah~ It's done~ this one is for Ranmaru-senpai :D

I'm sure he'll like it. (Since all he ever thinks about is rock though.. xD)

And this one is.. for Camus-senpai! :D (This suits him really well!)

And this two is for Reiji-senpai (I hope he'll like it!) and Ai-senpai!~

(Hold on. .Ai-senpai didn't request for this.. but oh well.)

France: Why are you writing for them?

Algaia: Eh? o.o ah they asked for it too anyway XD

France: Ohh okay *eats icecream*

Algaia: (And this guy's always eating icecream.. xD..) See ya! *leaves*

France: Just a few more days. *grins*




Algaia: *knocks on Ranmaru's room* Senpai?

Ranmaru: *answers door* what is it trash?

Algaia:  here! *gives paper* I wrote a rock song for you as promised! :D

Ranmaru: (R-ROCK!!! ⊙△⊙!!!) ohh..  t-thanks.. >/////> *takes*

Algaia: So do you like it? :D

Ranmaru: I-It's good

Algaia: Yay! So you do like it! :D

Ranmaru: -3- come in.

Algaia: Where's Jinguji-san and Hijirikawa-san?

Ranmaru: They're busy promoting stuffs.

Algaia: I see~ what are you doing by yourself?

Ranmaru: Just writing and practicing..


Suddenly there's a neko in his bed lol

he looooooooooooves nekos.


Algaia: Kyaaa~ what a cute cat! Is he your pet?

Ranmaru: Ah no.. he's just a stray cat who I randomly found outside,

he looks hungry so I brought him in and fed him.

Algaia: (he really really really adores cats lol) aw that's kind of you!

Ranmaru: *blushes and looks away*

Algaia: (He's being a tsun-tsun again.. XD)


Ranmaru-senpai tried singing it though, he repeated it quite some times.

He then finally admitted that he likes it LOL but anyway after singing,

He let go of his bass for a while and asked me if I was hungry.


Ranmaru: Hey, are you hungry?

Algaia: Eh? Not really though.. (Oh yes, Ran-senpai used to work as a chef before [in the game] :D)

Ranmaru: Well I'm hungry. Wait for me while I cook something for us to eat.

Algaia: May I watch?




Ranmaru: Do as you wish -__-"



So we went to the kitchen and then I watched Ran-senpai cook.

Oh he's so good at this! :D



Ranmaru: And it's done!


Algaia: (It looks and smells delicious! Now I AM hungry! XD) You're so good, senpai!


Ranmaru: of course I am. Let's have a seat.


Algaia: Okay! :D


Ranmaru: Itadakimasu!


Algaia: Itadakimasu! :D



As we were eating, Ran-senpai suddenly stopped,

and started to hold the spoon filled with food in front of my face lol

he's like, "ahhh, imma spoon-feed u okay" so just to make sure.. XD



Algaia: Eh? XD


Ranmaru:  We saw you and Ai yesterday, he was spoon-feeding you right?


Algaia: Eh.. what's that have to do with this now? XD


Ranmaru: I thought you were a baby, and you needed to be spoon-fed. *laughs*



Before I could finish complaining, Ran-senpai stood up from his chair,

bent his body over to me and started to squish my cheeks again asdgask!



Algaia: !!! shen-pai!!! >o<

Ranmaru: *laughs* (LOL) You're so kawaii when you're mad!


Algaia: WHUT


Ranmaru: *laughs even harder* Hahahaha!


Algaia: =_________="

Ranmaru: *stops and grins* But if possible, I would like you to be my baby ;)

Algaia: O___O *gulp* (WHAT. I love every guy here but what? RAN-SENPAI, WHAT?)



Ranmaru-senpai slowly moved in closer, he kissed me on my forehead and whispered,


Ranmaru: I want to protect that smile of yours, but I also want to be the only one to piss you off. >:3



Ranmaru: . . . .


Algaia: . . . . Err.. I uhm I gotta go Ran-senpai~!

thanks for cooking! BYE BYE! XD *leaves*


Ranmaru: . . . *blushes* okay.



He picked up the cat and stroked it as I left.


Algaia: O___O phew.. I didn't know what to say..


Camus: What are you talking about?




Algaia: !!! KYAAA! O___O!! C-C-Camus-senpai!! You startled me!!!


Camus: Oh.. I'm sorry. I was just passing by when you suddenly

came out of Ranmaru's room.


Algaia: Oh I see.. OH! Here, senpai! I wrote a song for you as you requested!


Camus: *takes* Thank you. Do you want to walk around with me and my dog?


Algaia: Oh sure! (Oh I almost forgot Camus-senpai had a dog in the game XD)



Soooo~ we walked together, it was a little awkward though cause it was quiet.



Algaia: .......


Camus: Aijima.


Algaia: Eh? I'm Algaia..? xD


Camus: No, I wanted to ask you what do you think about Aijima Cecil.


Algaia: Why?


Camus: He abandoned his throne to become an idol. Which sounds really crazy to me.

Why would he do such a thing?


Algaia: B-Because Cecil-san loves music. He loves to sing and he wants to make people happy.


Camus: Is that so..?


Algaia: Yes :D


Camus: *smile* I envy Aijima.


Algaia: Eh? XD


Camus: Because you are so devoted in him. I don't have anyone like that.


Algaia: Umm I'm not only devoted to him though.. I'm devoted to STARISH..


As I said that, Camus-senpai's expression went back to its usual serious look.

He walked up to me, took my hand and started to speak up.



Algaia: Camus-senpai O//////////O


Camus: In that case.. will you devote yourself to me? Only me alone.

Algaia: I-I don't know about that.. :@


Camus: I'm willing to wait for you answer. *kisses Algaia's hand*

Algaia: A-Alright.. *walks away awkwardly*


Camus: . . . I'm hoping.

Okay. So I just received 2 'confessions' from my senpais.

NOW WHAT. What do I do. What do I say. I don't know.



Reiji: Ohhh~! Algaia-chan!! :DD

Algaia: KYAAA! O__O Reiji-senpai!!! (JEEZ, people keep startling me today XD)


Reiji: Oh!! Sorry if I surprised you! ehehehe :>


Algaia: It's okay.. oh yes.. by the way.. here.. *hands over the song* I finished

a song for you. I hope you'll like it.


Reiji: Ehh? 'like' it? seriously it's awesooomeeee! :"3


Algaia: Ahh I'm happy you like it!




Reiji: Hehe! So wanna hang out?


Algaia: Eh?


Reiji: Let's gooo! *drags Algaia*


Like before, he dragged me off to somewhere again. LOL.

He's so hyper and energetic. :3


Reiji: Ah let's stay here! :3


Algaia: (The rooftop eh? it's so nice here! *__*) it feels so nice here :D


Reiji: Yes haha :'3 Algaia, what do you think of Ai?


Algaia: Eh?


Reiji: Ai really resembles my old friend, in everything. Somehow I think they're the same person.

But my old friend 'vanished' long ago.


Algaia: . . . (Oh I know this story :/ since I played the game..) . . .


Reiji: And our colleagues blame me for his disappearance. Well. I also think that it's my fault,

It's the same as killing him. I ignored him when he needed my help..


Algaia: (He may appear so bright but in reality he's just hiding his agony D:) I don't believe

you killed him! Everyone makes mistakes okay? I know you're a good person! (I SWEAR I KNOW XD)


Reiji: Ah? Hahaha! You're kidding right?



As I said that I believed in him, he laughed.

He pushed me back to a wall, and is about to kiss me.

Hey, this is the scene in the game o_O

I pushed him away cause mehh, I'm done being kissed so randomly!


Algaia: Reiji-senpai, please stop.


Reiji: See? Haha you don't know really.


Algaia: (I'm getting mad -_-) No, senpai! I truly believe you are good!!



Suddenly, we didn't notice, a stalker has SNEAKED in and took photos of us. ASDASKG!!But Reiji-senpai noticed him right away and chased him, he immediately caught him though.

He only took his camera and deleted the photos, but he didn't hurt him after that.

The stalker apologized and ran away lol


Algaia: See? You're not bad. If you were, you might have done something more terrible to that man.


Reiji: . . . *eyes widen* T-Thank you.. You truly believe in me. *kisses Algaia's cheeks*


Algaia: o.o . . . . o___o . . . . O///////////////O...

Reiji: *smiles* ^_^v . . . I really like you.


Algaia: . . .o//////////o ... (I don't know what to say anymore..)


I left Reiji-senpai after that. It's night time -_-

I can't sleep and I walked around the hallway,

and ended up outside the entrance. Everyone's back though,

I'm the only one still up and awake I guess -__-



Ai: Algaia?


Algaia: A-Ai-senpai!


Ai: What are you doing here? It's past bed time.


Algaia: (it's not THAT late, Ai-senpai XD) I just can't sleep..


Ai: Oh. *sits next to Algaia* look at what I have.


Algaia: Eh? Ah! Jellies! :D

Ai: *smiles* I really like them.


Algaia: I'm glad you do ^_^ oh yes! I have something for you senpai!


Ai: Hmm?


Algaia: I wrote a song for you.. since I wrote for the other senpais,

I thought about writing for you as well. I hope you'll like it..


Ai: . . . *looks* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  The lyrics are beautiful.


Algaia: ^___^


Ai: I love how the lyrics mentions snow. I love snow. Snow is beautiful.

Algaia: (YES I KNOW!!! :DD) :D


Ai: You're like snow, Algaia. You're beautiful.

Algaia: O////////O *doki-doki* (OMG.)


As he said that, he moved closer, opened his arms and then hugged me.



Ai: Other than this jelly, you're starting to feel 'special' to me..

Algaia: (OHMYGOD! O__O) . . .

Ai: You're the only one who can teach me how to feel.


Algaia: R-Really.. O.O?


Ai: Yes. I think I like you now.



Ai: Well you don't have to answer. I just wanted to say my 'feelings'. Goodnight, Algaia.


He gently released me from his arms after that and then left.

Not knowing what to do, I went back to my room. France was still awake though.



Algaia: I don't want this anymore


France: What?




France: Why not? Isn't that what you want?


Algaia: NO, I only wanted to LIVE with them, not having them fall for me! D:

France: Well sorry Princess, you can't turn back now. Just enjoy your last days here.


Algaia: But


France: Goodnight, Princess. *vanishes*



France disappeared before I could comlpain to him anymore.

They're gonna make me choose just one guy to love before Day 100!

But I can't choose, I won't! I'd rather friendzone all of them! -__-

But I don't know.. this may be just a dream. YES, THIS MUST BE A DREAM.

I'll just enjoy my dream like he said then, after all, it's just a dream.


Algaia: Whatever, goodnight! -_-






France: *enraged*


Morpheus: I don't really care.


France: She can't turn back now, no, just no.


Morpheus: Fine then, just tell me whatever you want, I'll obey.

France: Tss.




DAY 11 - I love Quartet Night.