
Chapter 101 is too much for me

Machine Translation

She calmed herself down and ignored these people as she walked toward the art museum that was preparing for the exhibition.

She had to walk through the University parking lot to get to the museum. Suddenly, a red Audi drove past her...

In a moment, it backed up again, and the driver's window rolled down.

The face of Lin Lingyue, who was wearing sunglasses and smiling coldly, was revealed.

Ever since they'd parted at the imperial kitchen that day, Lin Lingyue had been trying to find out the identity of the man Zuo Aiai had been with.

At first, she thought that he might just be an actor hired by Zuo Aiai.

But unexpectedly, only yesterday...

The newspapers had exposed the man's identity. He was actually the president of the famous King's Group!

Jin Di!

As soon as Lin lingyue saw the news, she tore the newspaper to shreds!

In her heart, she kept cursing Zuo Aiai FOR BEING A B*TCH!

After being dumped by Chen Ziyi, she immediately went to find another financial backer, and she actually found such a good one!

God really was unfair!

But how could a man like Jin Di wholeheartedly want to date a woman like Zuo Aiai?

She used this wicked thought to comfort herself. While driving to school, she saw Zuo Aiai walking on campus, and that shabby look of hers just confirmed her feelings.

She smiled and said mockingly, "Why would our famous Miss Zuo still need to walk to school, when she's already climbed up the big tree of the supreme Jin Di?"

Zuo Aiai did not look at her and continued walking on her own path. Lin Lingyue drove slowly and followed her.

She became even more sarcastic. "Why aren't you saying anything? Could it be that Mr. Jin is only interested in you for three minutes out of his day? He won't even buy you a scooter? Zuo Aiai, as your former friend, I'm saying this for your own good. A man like Jin Di is not someone you can tie down. You're so shameless! You must know that you're the one who's going to get hurt in the end. It's not even worth it."

Zuo Aiai suddenly stopped and turned back to look at her. "Is that all you want to say?"

Lin Lingyue was stunned. When she saw Zuo Aiai's arrogant expression, her anger flared up!

"Hey!! Zuo Aiai, don't be so ungrateful! I'm trying to help you!"

Zuo Aiai smiled. "Miss Lin's face is too big, and I can't stand to look at it anymore. Please get out of my way, I have to prepare for the art exhibition."

Lin Lingyue was fuming.


Very few people were in the exhibition hall while Zuo Aiai was doing her preparations for the exhibit.

Perhaps because of yesterday's news, many new "helpers" that she had never seen before appeared in the exhibition hall today. As soon as they entered, they threw glances at her and even pointed at her behind her back.

A freshman beside her looked at the exhibition work that she had just hung up and reached out to touch it.

She hurriedly ran over to stop her.

"This is the latest work of one of Professor Hou's friends. The market price is above 300,000 yuan. The workers who hang the paintings have to wear gloves to work, so they can't touch it by mistake!"

Zuo Aiai was anxious and couldn't help but raise her voice a little as she said this. The girl shrunk away from her in fear.

"Sister, I'm sorry," said a voice behind her, "Professor Hou ordered that the real painting can only be released from the warehouse on the day of the exhibition...so...this isn't the real artwork."

Seeing that the person who spoke was Zuo Yunyun, Zuo Aiai's expression hardened as as she said coldly, "You think the only reason why you can't touch it is because it's real? I am the one in charge of this art exhibition. True, you may know that it's not real. But other people won't. What if somebody imitates them and touches the real thing on the day of the exhibition? Who will compensate for the damage done to the artwork?"

This paragraph doesn't count

creators' thoughts