
The Party Life

It was the 12th of December and Yong-Sun is off from school. It was winter break and Yong-Sun was excited about the Seoul snow

Min-Ju never takes Yong-Sun on business trips because she is never home to take care of him so she sends him to Su-Hyung's mother's house for her to take care of him. Although Min-Ju knew that his mother never liked Yong-Sun because it wasn't Su-Hyung's biological son.

Su-Hyung's mother would criticize anything Min-Ju would wear and do and almost made Su-Hyung turn on her. That's why early in the marriage Su-Hyung would vent out his anger on her even though it was never meant for her. He stopped last year when Min-Ju threatened suicide but sometimes in forgets when he is drunk and that was what happened near the river with JinHai

They left Yong-Sun behind this time and it killed Min-Ju. She missed him but Su-Hyung reassured her that he would be fine

They flew to China in a private jet that Min-Ju opted out for when she went back to China for the first time. Min-Ju was brushing up her look something she has gotten used to whenever they had something related to the press

They reached Shanghai to do business before going back to Min-Ju's hometown in Beijing. Min-Ju was already exhausted because they had 10 parties to go to in 10 days. Before they left she had to try on about a couple of hundreds of dresses so she could look nice for the events planned ahead

When Min-Ju reached the venue of the party of one of Su-Hyung's investors she wanted to text JinHai

'I'm in China. I'll be in Beijing in 10 days' but she didn't send it knowing it wouldn't make a difference anyway. She didn't choose him and he didn't choose her

Min-Ju was partying with China's high elite. To them, she was an enthusiastic entrepreneur's wife who liked the rich and fast life but to her it was hell

Drinking, talking, men that are obviously perverts that sexually assaults women and they get away with it because they have money

Min-Ju could never fit into the wealthy society she always found them snobby. She refused to wear tight dresses because once a very wealthy man sexually assaulted her. When she accused him instead of him getting ridiculed it was her but she was good at what she does. It made it up to the federal court but money silences all. She won the case but the publicity didn't exist because he paid them to do quiet

Su-Hyung was more concerned about the image of their company and discouraged her from pursuing him but she wanted justice. Even if it was a small victory it was still a victory

Day after day it was party after party. Min-Ju didn't know she could handle one more party. There was one more party in Beijing. It was the last party before doing some campaign work.

She couldn't handle the pressure and it was getting to her. The exhaustion was getting her as well. She felt she was about the collapse at any moment. She didn't know how she was gonna survive three more parties

She was getting very little sleep. Working in the day and partying at night. She needed to survive this tortured until they reached Beijing. She was looking forward to sleeping on her bed and relaxing

They had to travel to many cities in China. They went to Shanghai, then Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hong Kong, Macau, Wuxi, Tianjin, Hubei, and finally they will reach Beijing soon

When they reached Wuhan she couldn't walk and stumbled to get out of the car. Su-Hyung had to carry her back to the hotel because she could walk anymore. The doctor gave her a drug to make her survive the harsh nights. She told herself not to use these drugs again but those drugs really did its trick because she didn't feel tired and dead inside

In these ten days, Min-Ju has drunk more alcohol than she ever did her whole life and she was going to kill the next person that offers her a drink.

At every one of the parties at least one person tries to hit on her. Min-Ju looks young for her age but she was and always will be disgusted by how senseless these people can really be. They can be manipulative, vicious, and tyrannical. Min-Ju wouldn't let herself be intimidated by them because, in the end, they are money hoarding cowards

Hubei was the last location before they reached Beijing. Their house was under the care of Mr.Song and Min-Ju really just wanted a good night sleep because those drugs wouldn't last forever

When they reached Beijing Min-Ju couldn't stop thinking about JinHai. She was wearing a beautiful silver laced dress encrusted with small diamonds that went all the way down to the floor. She looked stunning and that dress was a show stopper. She wanted to wear something that would benefit their image as they were staying in Beijing and were meeting the high elites.

When they reached the venue for the party she saw it was near the river. Min-Ju decided to sneak out of the party. As she looked back she saw a place where she didn't belong but looking at Su-Hyung he looked like a natural. A person that fits into the wealthy lifestyle nothing like her

She took out a cigarette and let herself take in the drag. Looking out at the sea wondering how she got herself into this position of escaping a place where she could never expect herself to be in. Wearing a dress she thought she could never afford. What happened to her?

"You are wearing millions of dollars on you and you are smoking a cigarette. I have low expectation for you now" Someone said behind her scaring her as she was deep into her thoughts